Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 265: Replace the sun! 【not enough? Come again! 】

"Hoo, hoo, hoo-!"


A man and a woman gasped one after another. While slowly coming out of the dark alley, one could feel that they were desperately trying to keep their voices down.

The sound alone makes people unable to stop daydreaming.

But don't get me wrong, they're not doing something shady.

They are evading pursuit.

"Ha, ha... Sure enough, it is exactly as Wu said, that guy Apollo really blatantly sent people to harass us, and he has already agreed to play [war games] with him, that despicable sun god!"

Hestia leaned against the corner of the alley, panting heavily while cursing in a low voice.

"Master Shangshen, what... what should I do?"

Bell was snooping around in the corner, looking for the figure of the enemy, and at the same time asking his **** what to do next.

This is already the third day of the end of the Apollo feast.

From that day on, the news that [Hestia Familia] was going to launch a [War Game] with [Apollo Familia] had already spread throughout Orario.

Originally, we only need to wait quietly for the other gods to gather, start the **** meeting and decide on the items of the game, and then the two sides can make final preparations.

However, that fellow Apollo, for some reason, keeps sending people to harass them.

Not only in the dungeon, but even on the ground, there are always people who deliberately come to find fault.

Bearing in mind what Zhou Fangwu said, Bell tried his best to avoid disputes between them.

But they couldn't stop them from finding fault frequently, and even harassed them unabashedly in the end.

The purpose is to injure Bell and prevent him from participating in the [War Game].

Its sinister intentions are well known to everyone!

However, [Apollo Familia] has a large number of people.

Even with the help of others, Bell and the others could only run around in the alleys and could not fight back.

Today is the day for the God Meeting, that fellow Apollo jumped over the wall in a hurry, and actually sent all the members of the family to hunt them down.

Obviously there is going to be a game, but they are playing some tricks.

"Damn Apollo!"

Hestia couldn't help cursing again.

But now she has no choice but to agree to take Zhou Fangwu with her when she set off, instead of choosing to keep him in the station.

Why do you still want to hide Zhou Fangwu's existence at such a critical moment?

I am a big fool!

Hestia was very upset.

In fact, she can't be blamed for this, after all, she wants to hide her strongest combat power.

【The last moment to shine the sword】

This is very correct.

However, the cynicism and incomprehensible words of Loki and Freya before made Apollo feel alert.

Although Apollo is an idiot, he still sent someone to investigate.

But Zhou Fangwu has always lived in seclusion and rarely appeared in public.

But the time is too short, three days can only find out that he joined the [Hestia Familia] a month ago, and registered as an adventurer.

[There is only one rapidly upgraded Bell! 】

The arrogant Apollo thought so of course.

He never thought that another member of Hestia's family would rise to LV2 in just one month.

Moreover, even if it is promoted to LV2, the leader of his family is LV3!

Can play 10 LV2!

Don't panic at all!

Even so, but in accordance with the principle of the evil god, it is still possible to reduce the unknown risks as much as possible.

—Send people to harass!

Don't give Bell them a chance to breathe, use this to wear down their spirits, and let them lose in the [War Game].

It's better to let them get injured and affect their performance in the game.

The above is the little trick that Apollo came up with.

Although it is disgusting, he has already plundered many family members by relying on this low-handed method.

"Ha, ha, ha... Lord Shangshen, can you still run?"

Bell looked at Hestia, who was slumped on the ground, and asked with concern: "Is it okay, do you need me to carry you?"

"Sorry Mr. Bell, I can't run anymore."

Although Hestia is a god, her divine power has been sealed, and her physical strength is even weaker than that of ordinary humans.

After running for nearly an hour, she really didn't have any (strength) left.

"Then, forgive me for being rude, Lord Shangshen."

Hearing the sound of footsteps gradually approaching, Bell picked up Hestia who was slumped on the ground, and ran towards the stronghold of the Shenhui with big strides in the posture of a princess hugging her.

He has been promoted to LV2, Hestia's light weight will not bring him too much burden.

Not to mention that he still focuses on the agility attribute.

However, even though he was running much faster than the average person, he was still surrounded by the [Apollo Familia] with a large number of people.

"Hey, brat, where do you want to go?"

[Apollo Familia] Leader

Hyacinthus Clio appeared in front of Bell.

When enemies meet, they are extremely jealous.

Not to mention that the [Emperor of the Sun] in front of him insulted him when he was in the tavern.

The excited [Rabbit] Bell's eyes became scarlet.

"You kind of rubbish, I really don't understand why God Apollo fell in love with you, and a mere piece of trash can be favored by that lord! Damn it! You bastard! Shit!"

He who has always been calm and composed, and behaved elegantly, finally couldn't help shouting insults at this moment.

In fact, he is a man with high self-esteem.

When he learned that Apollo fell in love with Bell, he, who thought he was invincible to anyone, suddenly became impulsive.

He actually uttered obscenities loudly in front of Hestia, completely ignoring the gods!

"What do you want to do?"

Bell drew out the short dagger at his waist, while guarding against him, his eyes were still looking around for a gap to escape from here.

"What are you doing...hahaha, Mr. Apollo sent a message, saying that as long as you can participate in the game, no matter what you become...So, are you afraid?"

Hyacinthus put on the same villainous face as Apollo, staring at the weak rabbit in front of him like a wolf.

He could hardly bear to vent the cruelty in his heart.


Knowing that he couldn't dodge, Bell had no choice but to step forward bravely, aiming the short dagger at Jacintos' waist and abdomen.

It's just that his movements are extremely simple, and his flaws are easily detected.

The most important thing is that the speed he needs to survive is not worth mentioning in front of higher level powerhouses.


Hyacinthus snorted coldly, took a step back to dodge the attacking dagger, and then punched Bell's nose bridge, making Bell's nose turn red.

The gap is too big!

The gap between levels is not just combat experience, but also strength and speed.

With just this move, it can be seen that Bell is completely defeated by him.

"Damn it."

Bell wiped the blood from his nose, then rushed forward again, this time faster than before!


"Don't you have a long memory, trash."

Hyacinthus looked at him contemptuously, this time he didn't even hide, and directly grabbed Bell's wrist, making him unable to pull it out no matter how hard he tried.

"You should know, the gap between the two of us is vast."


The unabashed sarcasm made Bell a little silent.

But ever since he was inspired by Zhou Fangwu, he has become more passionate, because he met that person—[Sword Fairy] Ai Si's back!

Therefore, you must not lose!


"Okay, stop here!"

Just when Bell was agitated and was about to use [Hero Wish], Zhou Fangwu came to the rescue.

Fearing that they will be attacked, they follow at a distance and come out when the time is right.

It fell from the sky and landed in the center of the battlefield.

"You guys, are you another member, Zhou Fangwu?"

"Congratulations, you got the answer right. However, there is no reward."

Zhou Fangwu's smiling face made Jacintos very upset.

Because in the past few days, he has been investigating the news about the mysterious man in front of him, but no matter how he investigates, there are only a few useless nonsense in his report.

The existence of the unknown always makes people panic.

However, Zhou Fangwu is a novice adventurer after all, and his strength is definitely not as good as his LV3 advanced adventurer, so there is no need to be afraid.

Just right.

Together with him, let both of them be injured, so that the two of them can at least participate in the [war game].

In this way, he will not be punished, and Master Apollo will not be condemned by the gods.

It's a pity that he completely underestimated Zhou Fangwu's strength when he started his calculations.

No way, no way!

Don't you really think that Olali has an adventurer who can single out Zhou Fangwu?

Some people are gloomy and others are happy.

Hestia and Bell were both extremely happy when they saw the unexpected rescue in front of them.

"Wu, you're here!"

"Mr. Wu."

Zhou Fangwu's timely rescue made both of them heave a sigh of relief.

Zhou Fangwu, who is super powerful, can indeed bring people a great sense of peace of mind.

Even Zorf, Lily, Ming, and Yafeisi who were covering in the distance were the same.

Although they don't know how strong Zhou Fangwu is, it would be great to have one more combat power to assist them now.

"God Hestia, Mr. Bell, you two run to the stronghold of the God Council, and leave the rest to me."

In front of Yacintos, Zhou Fangwu said these words lightly.

He was completely ignored as a LV3.

This made Hyacinths very angry.

"I don't really think that you can escape the encirclement safely, do you? You are a bit self-aware, miscellaneous fish."

"I hate bad mouthed guys."

Zhou Fangwu took two steps forward and said to him with a smile:

"The last person who dared to talk to me like that, I have already swung it like a sledgehammer several times, and educated him thoroughly... Or do you want to be educated too?"

"What did you say-?!"

Jacintos' eyes widened, and he looked at Zhou Fangwu viciously, but he still pulled away a little warily.

Facing the opened encirclement, Zhou Fangwu certainly would not let go of this excellent opportunity, and shouted to Bell behind him:

"Now, Mr. Bell."

"Oh! I know!"

Under Zhou Fangwu's instruction, Bell hugged Hestia and rushed towards the negligent enemy on the side.

Bell is LV2, but with a full proficiency level of S and above, his strength is far behind the others.

In an instant, he still rushed out of the encirclement.

"Don't even think about leaving!"

"You are, where do you want to go?"

Yacintos just wanted to stop Bell, but was stopped by Zhou Fangwu.

"You bastard-!"

"Ah, are you angry?"

Seeing Bell who had already broken through the encirclement, Jacintos could no longer bear the rising anger, and punched Zhou Fangwu in the chest.

However, it was easily blocked.

That easy-going look gave Yacintos a bad feeling in his heart.

"If you can stay here honestly, I won't kill you... What do you think?"

"Do you think I'll say yes, **** bastard!"

Obviously, Zhou Fangwu's goodwill was not accepted, but received even worse bad breath.

"Oh, I obviously want to chat with you kindly for a while, but your unpleasant and rude attitude really makes people feel unable to communicate."

While speaking, Zhou Fangwu disappeared instantly.

In the gap where Jacintos could not react at all, a hand knife slashed at the back of his neck.


There was a muffled sound.

Hyacinthus simply fainted.

"Really, if it weren't for the many people here, I would have killed you long ago."

Zhou Fangwu kicked Yacintos who fell to the ground.

Under the investigation of the [Perception] skill, many people are ambushed here, and they are all the main members of the [Apollo Familia].

If it wasn't for the fear of being beaten up, he would definitely not have survived.

"Hey, is there anyone, come out to wash the floor."

"Yes Yes!"

During Zhou Fangwu's ridicule, someone really spoke up.

And it's a female member.

She shrugged her shoulders like a quail, and came in front of Zhou Fangwu with a trembling and thin body.

She looked terrified.

However, Zhou Fangwu found her familiar.

"Hey, you are..."

"Yes, yes! I'm Cassandra..."

She trembled, looking like a kitten afraid of being hurt.

"Oh! It's you, the precognitive dream!"

Zhou Fangwu finally remembered her.

If Zhou Fangwu hadn't intervened, then her precognitive dream would have been related to Bell.

[The rabbit who is pushed to the ground will jump over the moon and devour the sun]

This sentence.

"Well, you know me?"

"Ah, I heard a little bit."

Zhou Fangwu asked curiously: "Hey, I have a question to ask you."

"Yes, yes! Please tell me!"

"Ah, don't be nervous, don't be nervous. Actually, I want to know about this precognitive dream, do you have anything to say?"

"That, that..."

She looked confused, not knowing what to say or not.

Is it because of position?

Or is this sentence not friendly to Zhou Fangwu?

"Please tell me, I'm curious."

"Yes, yes...if you want to hear it."

Cassandra struggled for a while, but she still decided to tell Zhou Fangwu.

After telling Zhou Fangwu about her prophetic dream, Cassandra set up her team leader, moved around, and disappeared into the alley together with other members.

And Zhou Fangwu and other people who helped Bell joined together, and then looked at the direction Bell left in a daze.

It was the stronghold where the God's Assembly was about to be held, and it was also the meeting that decided the game they would hold next.

"You must get the game I'm looking forward to, Lord Hestia."

Zhou Fangwu silently looked into the distance~www.wuxiamtl.com~Help me, Daphne. "

"Cassandra! You idiot, why are you facing that ferocious monster?"

"Hey, is it cruel?"

"Isn't that natural? Hyacinthus was killed with just one move."

"How cruel is this?"

"Uh... Forget it, let's not talk about this. By the way, what did you just say to him?"

"About precognitive dreams."

"What is it?"

"that is…"

【The hope entrusted will shine brilliantly and will eventually replace the sun in the sky】

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