The residence of the Apollo family.

[Apollo Familia] is certainly not as good as the top [Loki Familia] and [Freya Familia].

However, the strength of its family members can also be ranked in the middle of Olali, which is similar to the strength of [Ganesha family members].

It is even more powerful than the low-end families such as [Hestia family], [Mihe family], and [Jianyulei family].

Of course, its resident area is also very broad.

Its magnificent large building, comparable in size to Roswaal's earl's mansion, brought quite a shock to Bell, a low self-esteem boy from the countryside.


These are nothing compared to what he saw and heard at the banquet.

Not only some unseen gods gathered together, but also some famous and powerful adventurers, led by their own master gods, also came to this banquet together.

Ming, Yafeisi, Nazha...

Of course, there is also Aisi who he misses.

"Sure enough...Wu didn't lie to me."

Bell lowered his head slightly with shy cheeks, but his red eyes stared straight at the charming blond half fairy girl standing in front of him—[Sword Princess] Ms. Ai Si.

The undisguised hot eyes made Ai Si feel shy.

The pure love between boys and girls is so nakedly displayed.

Make others want to laugh.

Except them.

"Well what—"


Hestia and Loki saw their own family members and the enemy's family members looking at each other.

Immediately jealous, almost fight.

Fortunately, someone around them took a step forward to pull them, otherwise there would definitely be a huge commotion at this divine feast.

Fortunately, this banquet is not the protagonist of the protagonist, so he is present.

"Hestia, Loki, good evening."

Freya, the goddess of beauty who was called "slut" by Loki, came to the venue.

The moment he saw Hestia, he gently shook Miaoman's waist and walked slowly towards the two.

As he walked, he scanned Hestia's surroundings.

When she saw Bell, her eyebrows raised slightly, but her eyes narrowed slightly.

She seemed surprised.

Things didn't seem to be going the way she expected.

"Wait for me! Don't look at her, Mr. Bell! Don't be charmed!"

Hestia jumped up in front of Bell, excitedly trying to block Bell's sight.

Alas, her diminutive height didn't help.

But she is purely superfluous, because Bell is not affected.

The effect of [One Heart Longing] is far more buggy than she imagined!

"Hestia, is this young man your family?"

With a charming smile, Freya subconsciously looked at the [rabbit] boy in front of her with [charming] eyes.

But the boy didn't lose his mind.

Even the gods watching around, or the children from the lower world, have already fallen into her own beauty.


Meishen is very satisfied with 【Rabbit】's performance.

But she wanted to know more about the other person.

"Hestia, is this child your family member, [only one person]?"

"Yes, Mr. Bell is my family."

"only one?"

"'re weird, Freya."

Hestia always felt that something was wrong, but she still replied very simply: "No, actually I still have a child, but he just came back from an expedition and was already very tired, so I didn't bring him this time."

"Is that so, what a pity."

Received a satisfactory answer, Freya smiled.

Obviously she said regretful words, but there was no regret in her smile at all.

And Ota, who was beside him, immediately sensed the meaning of his god.

But as a loyal servant, he didn't show any abnormality, but still put on an invincible posture, standing tall and straight behind his goddess.

"Hey, shorty, wait for me."

Loki suddenly grabbed Hestia's ponytails, squinted his eyes but said viciously: "Your family's [another child], isn't Zhou Fangwu who went on an expedition with us, right?"


Hestia was visibly stunned.

Zhou Fangwu used the excuse of going on an expedition to leave the station before, but he didn't say who he was going on the expedition with, so Hestia didn't know about it.

She thought that Zhou Fangwu was improving his proficiency alone on the [18th floor] just like last time.

No wonder.

When Bell encountered danger and entered the [18th floor], he didn't see Zhou Fangwu there.

It turned out to be an expedition with the [Loki Familia].

not good!

Could it be that my strong and invincible child is going to be abducted? !

"Huh...huh! So what? The strength of my child is stronger than that of your Hua Lun!"

Hestia puffed out her chest and said big words.

But no matter how you look at it, there is a strong external force.

But what Ai Si said next really shocked her.

"Indeed. Even if it's me now, I can't defeat him."

Ai Si's extremely plain words, like a heavy bomb, exploded in this small circle, and the others rubbed their ears in shock, thinking they had heard it wrong.

"Just, that's right! No matter what, Wu is my family! Hahahaha—!"

Hestia puffed out her chest and looked proud.

The tone has also changed from being strong at the beginning to being full of confidence now.

The change is very big.

Why did Zhou Fangwu go on an expedition with the [Rocky Familia] expedition team.

She was also puzzled by this.

However, in front of old opponents, you can't show any expression of doubting your family members, otherwise you will definitely be outnumbered.

So even if you have any doubts, you should wait until you go back and ask.

However, when the two of them didn't like each other and their faces were already close together, they didn't see the beauty on the side, and she also had a proud expression on her face.

"Don't be complacent, little dwarf! Even if your child can be compared with Ais, but Ais is not the only family member of mine!"

"Huh—?! I don't know who is showing off their new generation idol all day long. After being compared to my family's children, is he going to start making excuses?"

"What did you say, [Short Winter Melon]!"

"You are the Loki of [Precipice]!"

The two people who dislike each other, after a dispute, no one can dissuade them.

There is a kind of non-stop look of winning or losing.

However, when the host of the banquet appeared on the stage, the two tacitly stopped their indecent behavior of exposing each other.

Because as a god, especially a goddess, you must have basic courtesy and reserve.

—Although they are long gone.

"Welcome to you, my fellow countrymen!"

As soon as Apollo appeared on the stage, he attracted everyone's attention.

As the host of the divine banquet, he is welcoming all the guests with perfect social etiquette.

However, his gaze was fixed on a person standing in the middle of the venue.

White-haired, red-eyed bunny!

He seems to be up to something!

And Hestia stood in front of Bell again, as if trying to block Apollo's fiery and malicious sight.

"Be careful, Mr. Bell!"

With a tense tone, Hestia whispered to Bell:

"It seems that, as Wu said, this pervert Apollo has some ulterior motives."

"I know, Lord God."

Bell also nodded solemnly.

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