Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 257: desperate situation


Burt cursed on the spot, "You actually said it was a fairy? Just this stuff?!"

No wonder he was excited, it was because the monster in front of him was too ugly.

It doesn't match the fairy image in their hearts at all.


As one of the fantasy characters with a high appearance rate in the story of Heroes.

It is rumored that in ancient times, they signed a contract with a very small number of humans to help humans grow and gain great power.

Those people, without exception, all became heroes.

Left behind countless epic legends.

And the fairy spirits who serve as helpers have countless external images that attract people's daydreams.

Beautiful, elegant, pure, powerful.

As long as it is a compliment, it can almost be used on the head of the fairy, and it is even a bit too beautified.


The huge flower-like monster in front of him was supported by bloated rhizomes, and there were several fluttering flowers around it that seemed to be its tentacles.

The corolla was in full bloom, and the two halves hung on its left and right as ornaments like wings.

But from the stamen in the center, a female body about 3 meters tall... the upper body sprang out.

— Ugly!

Unlike the flower-shaped monster that was not fully evolved before, it has complete facial features and can even speak!

In front of this ugly, filthy, and disgusting huge flower-shaped monster, the appearance of a group of demons dancing wildly ruined the beautiful word [Xianjing].

【Please refer to the actual product】

It is not an exaggeration to say so.

It looks really uncomfortable.

After all, the gap is too big!

Even Diona, who is obsessed with the legend of "Argonauts", broke her defense because of this.

Shocked speechless.

He just stared blankly at the huge flower-shaped monster with teeth and claws in front of him.

It ruined the fantasy of an innocent girl.


"Ah, I know!"

Iris' shout made Finn react from a brief absence, and then quickly assumed command responsibility.

But before he could issue an order, Aisi became reckless.

He rushed forward regardless, and went straight to the giant flower monster!

For some reason, she became impulsive as soon as she encountered this kind of monster, which was completely different from her usual indifference.

"Damn it! Everyone spread out and cover Aisi!"

Finn was only able to issue even this command.


Whether it's protecting members of their own family, or fighting monsters to clear the level, the adventurers of the expedition team will certainly not let Aisi go up to give away the head.

In just a few minutes, all members entered the fighting state.

And Refia and Riveria began to chant spells in the rear.

Raul and Yu held magic swords in the back to act as the guards of the two magisters, and attacked all the insect monsters that came forward.

Zhou Fangwu is no exception.

After raising his breath, he followed Mang up.

But he didn't pull out all the stops.

Because this is reality, not a game.

There are team injuries.

If he used all his strength, it would definitely affect his companions who were besieging him.

However, they still used [Storm] to cover each other with Aisi on the left and right, and charged towards the stamen of the giant flower monster—the half-length woman.

However, it was stopped by dense tentacles.

The tentacles coming from all directions covered the entire sky, forming a thick and tough plant wall.

"Guardian of the Wind Spirit!"

"Extreme Breath, Wind, Wind Spirit Guardian!"

The movements of the two were inexplicably synchronized, both choosing to use the most penetrating move.

Zhou Fangwu even used the breathing method, whose penetrating power is better than that of Ai Si.

However, nothing works.

What Zhou Fangwu didn't expect was that the skin of the plant wall was extremely resilient, and neither of them broke through smoothly.


No way, the two who had exhausted their strength had no choice but to step on its torso and slowly land on the ground.

"Finn! Use fire! Burn it up!"

Riveria raised her wand, intending to use fire magic.

After all, plants are naturally afraid of fire, so using fire magic is a very correct choice now.

However, it is stopped by Finn.

"Wait!...The thumb can't stop twitching."

Finn rubbed subconsciously, and then shouted at everyone with a changed expression: "Quickly spread out! Something is coming!"

Right after I finished speaking, the monster in the center of the floor moved!

A huge magic circle unfolded under it, and its range even covered the entire floor!

"Come on, come on, come on.

The shell of the earth, the flash of black iron, the scourge of the stars..."

This monster is chanting impressively!

Magic is gathering, danger is brewing!

"Can you still sing?!"

"Monsters can chant... a lie, right?!"

"And it's still a super long chant?"

Huge size, countless tentacles, plus the ability to use magic!

In an instant, the expedition team was in crisis!

"Damn it! Riveria, support the enchantment!"

Finn gave an instant command.

And the others also quickly approached Riveria, and at the same time, all the monsters that were rushing to Riveria were crusaded.

In just a few breaths, everyone gathered together.

"Let's dance, earth fairy, lord of light..."

Riveria is also concentrating on preparing magic, and it is the third level of the defense system, and it is also her strongest defensive magic!

Since it is the strongest, it is of course limited.

Not to mention the super long chanting time, the magic power required to support the barrier is also huge, and it may not be able to resist the magic of the monster.

However, they had no choice.

I don't know if it's because of the monster's face, but when Riveria built a defensive barrier, the magic in the sky slowly descended.

However, the power is huge!

The fireball fell from the sky and hit the barrier with a range of less than 10 meters, causing violent vibrations and shaking the barrier to pieces.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

It hit the ground and set off smoke and dust in the sky, although everyone in the enchantment was not hurt.

However, the magic released by the monster didn't seem to stop at all, and the rain of fire kept falling!

But looking at the enchantment that kept breaking and healing, everyone was a little worried.

Riveria looked like she couldn't take it anymore!

If the hard-supported barrier breaks...

The final result is that everyone will die under the crazy (feng) violent (yu) super magic!

"Sorry, excuse me."

Zhou Fangwu came behind Riveria and gently pressed his right hand on her back.

"What are you going to do, Wu?"

Finn didn't stop, just asked aloud.

This is enough to show his trust in Zhou Fangwu.

But Zhou Fangwu did not answer.

But the next action told them the reason for doing so.


Zhou Fangwu's right hand attached to Riveria's back released a dazzling white light, wrapping Riveria's whole body in it.

"This, this is... the magic power is recovering quickly?!"

Riveria was taken aback.

But the magic power that she has been consuming rapidly since just now is indeed recovering quickly, and it is still equal to the consumption!

This had to surprise her.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The magic released by the monster did not stop, and the sky was still raining fireballs, hitting the barrier built by Riveria.

However, there is enough magic power to support it.

The fireball can no longer shake the enchantment.

In this case, until the magic of the monster ends.

At this moment, everyone was slightly relieved.


"Wait! It's not over yet!"

Finn's next words made them tense again.

"Burst, flame

burn, burn, burn

The tornado of flames, the barrier of red lotus, the roar of karmic fire..."

The magic hasn't stopped yet!

This monster is chanting again!

It's still a super long chant, and it's still a huge magic circle.

not only that!

Its singing speed is twice as fast as before!

"is that a lie…"

"Continuous chant?!"

"And, so fast!"

Don't give them any buffer time.

A huge purple fireball descended from the sky, roaring towards everyone.


It smashed neatly on the barrier.

The barrier was smashed and shattered, but it was repaired in an instant, but from the ugly face of Rivilia's pretty face, it is not difficult to guess that she actually supported it very hard.

However, it's not over yet!

"My blood, my flesh, my soul, everything I have is dedicated to you..."

The chant of monsters continues!

This is parallel chant!

Essay magic is mixed with it ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Under the blessing of high-speed chants, the rain of fire and rain fell densely from the sky, squeezing their small living space all the time.

"It's over..."

"Damn! Take a look!"


Under Bert's gesture, following his hand, everyone discovered that while the monster was releasing magic, it was actually still absorbing the magic power of the insect monster, replenishing its own consumption all the time!

Even if Zhou Fangwu and Riveria can hold on.

But such a powerful magic requires huge magic power to support them, and they can't consume the monsters that can replenish magic power at all times.

For a moment, everyone lost their energy and energy, unable to muster up the courage to resist.

Big crisis!

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