Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 28: Exhort the butterfly to endure

Walking on the back mountain path with Butterfly Shinobi.

There was a moment of silence.

Butterfly Ren took the lead and said, "Zhou Fang-jun, thank you."

"...Thank you, thank you for telling you about the news about Onimai Tsuji Mumi?"

Zhou Fangwu turned to look at her, "Don't get me wrong, this is just a deal. Let me tell you the information, you will teach me the breathing method, and each of you has what you need."

In fact, even if Yasuya Shiki did not agree to exchange with him, he would still tell them the news about Onimai Tsuji.

Because the crumb boss is angry with everyone.

If Akuya was here, she would definitely clamor to purify Kimai Tsuji.

It's just that Zhou Fangwu really needed breathing techniques and sword skills, so he followed suit.


If they don't want anything and offer help unconditionally, it will make them think that they are secretly planning something for something else.

After all, I don't have any deep hatred with ghosts.

In this case, it would be better for the lion to open his mouth to reassure them.

However, in their own eyes, this is a brazen lion's big mouth, but they don't take it seriously and think it's just a trivial matter.

This arrogance made Zhou Fangwu speechless.

Is this the background of the Ghost Slayer Squad that has been passed down for thousands of years?

Love love love!

After walking for a while, Zhou Fangwu said bluntly to her: "Rin, if you want to seek revenge from Tong Mo, I advise you not to go to die."

These words are very hurtful and straight, and there is no mercy at all.


Butterfly couldn't speak, but the pace under her feet was a little slow, and gradually stopped.

Zhou Fangwu also stopped and looked at her.

The two looked at each other.

He found that the butterfly was not smiling at this time.

"Zhou Fang-jun, am I... so obvious?"

"Ah, it's completely exposed. Even though you tried your best to hide your hatred for Tong Mo, the attentive people still noticed it. Presumably Yoya Yashiki also noticed it, so I sent you here, and the purpose should be to get you Let it go."

As a leader, Yoya Ubuyashiki did a good job.

After Zhou Fangwu told the information about the two Shangxian evil spirits, he knew that Butterfly Ninja's sister, the former flower column, Butterfly Kanae died at the hands of Shangxian Er Tongmo!

He sent Butterfly to endure, which meant nothing more than two things:

Take advantage of the opportunity to tell Butterfly Shinobi more information about Shangxian Er Tongmo, or cut Butterfly Shinobi from wanting revenge.

As for which one to choose, it depends on whether Zhou Fangwu thinks that Butterfly Ninja is strong enough.

Really, he deserves to be the leader of the big family.

Yuya Ubuyashiki is a man not to be underestimated.

It's just that Die Ninja should have asked the question first, but Zhou Fangwu pointed it out first.

"Zhou Fang-jun, are you interested in hearing about my past..."

Before Zhou Fangwu could speak, she began to ask and answer, "I am the daughter of a family of pharmacists. I used to be a happy family of four. One day, an evil spirit suddenly invaded the house, and my father and mother were murdered by the evil spirit. elder sister…"

Zhou Fangwu didn't interrupt her ignorantly, allowing her to tell her own experience.

Butterfly Ninja's past is the same as what Zhou Fangwu knows:

Her parents were killed by evil spirits and rescued by a passing rock pillar. After hard training, she joined the ghost killing team with her sister, and when her sister Chengzhu was killed by Tong Mo, she inherited her sister's post.

The past she experienced made her feel distressed, but for some reason she smiled softly again.

But there was no warmth in her smile, even though she was smiling all the time.

The words are also very soft, but full of hatred for evil spirits.

Especially when it comes to her sister being killed, she can't hide her own hatred and anger, and her words full of hatred show that she must kill Shang Xianer Tong Mo!

"Is that so..."

Zhou Fangwu didn't tell her to let go of her hatred, nor did she taunt her for being overconfident.

Don't persuade others to be kind without others suffering.

"But you know, now you have absolutely no chance of surviving Shang Tongmo."

Zhou Fangwu sought truth from facts, "That Tong Mo, even if all the column-level players are besieging him now, it is estimated that more than half of them will be killed or injured before it is possible to eliminate him.

No, it is very likely that the group will be destroyed. "


Without the markings turned on, without the transparent world, and without the blessings of He Dao and others, these people really couldn't beat Tong Mo.

In particular, Tong Mo's blood ghost technique is extremely terrifying. The method of frostbiting and destroying other people's alveoli in a silent manner is really hard to guard against. If he is not careful, he will capsize the gutter, not to mention that he can create 5 monsters equal to his own strength. The BUG vampire technique of the ice puppet.

If it weren't for the 70 times the toxin of Butterfly Ninja that broke out in his body, causing him to show his flaws for a moment and be hacked to death, it is estimated that he would replace a few more pillars.


Butterfly couldn't bear to say anything, her mood became more and more depressed.

If Die Die couldn't bear it, he had to become a straight man and cut off her hope unceremoniously.

Seeing her devastated look, Zhou Fangwu sighed.

"Shinobu, sooner or later the Demon Slayer Squad will meet Tong Mo, and then I will help you.

I will definitely help you, kill Tong Mo!

Therefore, it is better to accumulate strength first and make yourself stronger. "

Butterfly Shinobi didn't expect Zhou Fangwu to say this, "Why, why..."

"Because I...forget it, it's nothing."

Zhou Fangwu almost blurted out what he wanted to say, but realized that what he was about to say was too aggressive, so he immediately changed his words.

"Helping you is just asking for something else."

"Don't ask for anything? ... But the only breathing method I can get has already been exchanged, and there is nothing else worthy of Zhou Fangjun's attention."

"Have you forgotten, you are a pharmacist with rich pharmacology."

"That's right... If Zhou Fang-kun doesn't understand anything about pharmacology, you can come and ask me anytime."

Butterfly smiled softly, Zhou Fangwu was taken aback by that smile.

"Ah...! I'm sorry, Zhou Fang-kun."

Die Die Ren exclaimed in a low voice again: "I'm just complaining to you, which makes you unhappy. I'm really sorry."

"It's nothing, I'm used to it, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com After all, there have always been people who often complained by my side."

Zhou Fangwu thought of Akuya, the goddess who always complained about the hard life and troublesome work.

"Ah~! I guess, it must be a girl!"

"Girl? Well, if you have to say it, you should say it is a goddess."


"What's the matter, don't talk."

Die Die smiled and said: "No, I just didn't expect Mr. Zhou Fang to value her so much that she would rise to the height of a goddess..."

"Uh, I..." Zhou Fangwu couldn't argue.

This misunderstanding is a bit big.

However, he has no intention of correcting it, because the more he speaks, the more chaotic the explanation becomes, so it is better not to explain.

"Zhou Fang-jun, we will be there soon."

Butterfly pointed to the three-story ancient building not far away.

"That's Choya. My wife Zenitsu and Zuihei Inosuke are both there. After a while, Kamado Tanjiro will also be sent here."

"Well. By the way, how are their injuries? Do you need my help?"

"It's recovering and it's doing well.

However, if Zhou Fang-kun can help, I would very much welcome it. "

Butterfly Ninja also wants to study the [Healing] skill.

Afterwards, Butterfly endured and took Zhou Fangwu into the Butterfly House.

"Before that, how about Zhou Fang-jun going to change clothes, the style of this clothes is so strange."

Die Die endured looking at Zhou Fangwu's clothes, pointing and saying.

"sorry to bother you."

Zhou Fangwu didn't refuse either, and agreed with the opportunity.

After all, the difference between the fantasy style and the realistic style is too large, and it must be very eye-catching.

PS: My head is dizzy, let's do it for now, and I will change it when I have time.

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