Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 255: [Fifty-ninth floor] Down

Zhou Fangwu flew up!

Not only that, but he was also floating steadily in mid-air, without any sign of falling.

"Fly, fly up?!"

Now it's not just Burt, even Finn, Riveria, and Iris are dumbfounded.

Zhou Fangwu's strength was already overestimated.

But this person will always refresh their cognition again.

As we all know, unless there are special circumstances, the average adventurer has only three magic bars, and there are no exceptions.

However, Zhou Fangwu is different.

Along the way, he used no less than dozens of types of magic, attacking, defending, recovering, increasing, and transferring.

It was precisely because of Zhou Fangwu that they could reach the 50th floor so quickly.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that.

Finally, Zhou Fangwu finally showed his flying magic!

"It's flying magic."


"Who knows."

The onlookers of the expedition team whispered and pointed at Zhou Fangwu, who was floating in mid-air.

Although she dismissed her with disdain, she couldn't hide the envy in her eyes.


This is flying!

Unlike other offensive, defensive, and recovery magics, this is a flying magic that is almost unseen!

Not to mention, adventurers like them who have no magic.

"Hey, don't say these useless words, quickly get the rope to save him!"

Bert, who was the first to react, had indeed been trained all the time.

He tugged on Raul's large backpack impatiently, trying to find the rope from inside, so as to use it to drag Zhou Fangwu up.

However, it was blocked.

It's Finn.

"Wait, Bert."


"I said, wait."

Ignoring Burt's furious growl, Finn pointed at Zhou Fangwu who was still floating in the air.

"Wu Ke is not a reckless person like you, you see."


Looking in the direction of Finn's finger, he found that Zhou Fangwu was not flustered at all, and he was smiling with ease from beginning to end.

His hearing, as keen as a werewolf's, heard the words.

"Then, let me deal with you with one trick."

It was Zhou Fangwu who said it!

Then, in his unbelievable expression, he saw a magnificent scene that he could not accept.

"Ice-type Forbidden Curse Resentment Curse Crystal Prison!"


From his perspective, he saw a gust of cold wind blowing from the hole to the 58th floor where the fire dragon was.

The cold wind is blowing harder and harder, and the temperature is getting lower and lower.

Even though he was about 5 floors away from Zhou Fangwu, he could still feel the biting cold wind, which made him shiver uncontrollably.

It's not over yet!

The cold wind howled in the lower floor, dyeing the originally dark red sky and the earth into a bright silvery white.


Whether it's a fire dragon, a plant, or the earth, they all turn into ice sculptures!

It's as if they were originally carved out of a piece of ice!

It was as if this layer was originally the cold current layer.

Turn into a world of ice and snow!

"What, what's going on?!"

Bert shuddered and growled.

It seems that this can expel the cold that entangles him, and it seems that it can temporarily break the shadow covering his heart.

So strong!

Really strong!

He had to admit that this man who had frozen the entire floor with his own strength was so terrifying that he could only hold him back.


It cannot be surpassed in this life.

The proud ferocious wolf was turned into a cute dog by the powerful magic of the strong.

However, after a brief absence, he burned with the belief of catching up in his heart.

Proud Mr. Wolf, you won't be hit by this!

Definitely have to catch up!

Regardless of Burt's inner drama for the time being, let's shift the perspective to the real master.

"It's terrifyingly strong."

Finn unconsciously licked his thumb.

But he didn't feel that there would be danger. After repeatedly confirming that Zhou Fangwu was harmless, he was also surprised by this man's strength.

"Riveria, what do you think?"

Iris did not express her own opinion, but asked the royal goblin with the strongest magic in the family, hoping that she could give her own evaluation.

Riveria spat out, "Over me."

All three were silent.


Zhou Fangwu wiped the sweat from his forehead.

This Curse Crystal Prison was originally the highest-level magic of the ice system, but with the blessing of Zhou Fangwu's SN and the greatest amount of magic power, it has stepped into the ranks of forbidden curses in one fell swoop.

Its strength is probably about the same as that of the full body of the Great Elf Parker using Mieshi.

After dealing with dozens of fire dragons, Zhou Fangwu did not return, but nodded to the people above, and landed directly on the frozen 58th floor.

He wanted to recover the mana he had consumed too much while waiting for the large army here.

Anyway, all the monsters on this level have been dealt with by him, so there is no need to worry about accidents.

After falling.

These frozen fire dragons began to shatter, and then turned into dust and disappeared.

Only dozens of huge magic stones were left, and some special materials fell on the ground.

He took out a bottle of energy medicine, sat cross-legged on the ground silently, and waited for the confluence of the large army.

It took 3 hours before they appeared on this floor.

"Oh oh oh!!"

"The sharp claws of the fire dragon! The teeth of the fire dragon! The magic stone of the fire dragon! Aren't these all super rare materials!"

"Ah, is this the 58th floor?"

"It's my first time here."

Unlike the expedition team members of the Loki family, the blacksmiths of the Hephaestus family were even more excited.

Because they have never been to the deep layer, and it is rare to see such a rare material.

A little too excited.

"Everyone, let's camp here for the time being tonight, and we'll attack the 59th floor tomorrow!"

"Yes!" n

Under the command of Finn ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ all staff began to divide the work.

Finding a suitable place to set up a tent, and going out together to find food, they have a clear mission.

Only Zhou Fangwu, an idler, was wandering around with nothing to do after making a big contribution.

Until he was called by Finn.

"Wu, we will go to the 59th floor tomorrow, so I want to discuss something with you, is that okay?"

Although Finn said so, he actually didn't give Zhou Fangwu a chance to refuse.


Zhou Fangwu also had no choice but to follow him into the tent in the center.

In the tent, many adventurers have already been waiting for a long time.

Riveria, Iris, Ace, Burt, Amazon sisters, Raul, Yu, etc., the first-line strategy team and support staff of the expedition team are all here, which means that the people present are automatically divided into the elite group .

And there is actually a second-rate adventurer named Lefia among them.

It seems that she is indeed one of the seeds that the family members focus on cultivating.

"Next, I will arrange for the personnel to go to the 59th floor tomorrow."

Finn didn't have any foreshadowing, and the moment he spoke was the most important event.

Of course, this is just a formality.

Everyone present here will not be left behind, every battle strength is very important, and they will definitely not be allowed to stay behind.

It's just that Finn arranged for her to be an auxiliary staff in order to protect Refia.

In other words, she doesn't need output, she just needs to protect herself from getting hurt.

Nothing to say all night.

early the next morning

"Everyone, get ready!"


"Then, let's go!"

Under the command of Finn, Zhou Fangwu followed the elite group of the expedition team to advance to the lower level.

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