Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 249: [Wolf] becomes [Cute Dog]

In the next few days, Zhou Fangwu did not venture into the dungeon, but stayed at home to recharge his batteries and maintain ample energy at all times.

The purpose is to make adequate preparations for the next expedition.

During the period, I also met with Lily and Zorf a few times, but they only talked a few words.

Of course, what Zhou Fangwu didn't expect was that Bell's guy actually boldly went up!

Specifically looking for [Sword Princess] Ai Si, and begging her to help train my skills.

What is even more surprising is that Aisi did not refuse, but agreed.

This made Hestia jealous.

But even though she was very upset, she didn't deliberately hinder the two of them, and even asked Esto to train Bell, and at the same time went to the tavern with the two of them for an extra meal.

Such days passed quickly until the day of the expedition.

In order not to be exposed, Zhou Fangwu did not explain to Hestia that he had dealt with Uranus, but just found an excuse to leave the family residence.

Go to the previously agreed meeting place.

when it arrives.

It was found that the members of the entire [Loki Familia] had already prepared, and even the blacksmiths of the [Hephaestus Familia] accompanied them.

This is enough to see how much they attach importance to this expedition.

"Yo, Wu, you're here."

After seeing Zhou Fangwu, Finn came up to say hello.

As the head of the family, he certainly knew that an adventurer from another family would join him in the next expedition.

Moreover, Loki specially ordered him to keep an eye on this man during the expedition to see if he would make any small moves.

Finn would naturally listen to God's words.

But when he knew that the person joining in was Zhou Fangwu, he couldn't help showing a wry smile.

Because Zhou Fangwu's strength is not weaker than them.

If they want to make trouble, they really can't stop them.

"What a mess, Loki."

Finn complained subconsciously.

But God had already ordered it, and as his family member, he couldn't refuse it.

I had to do my best, at least to ensure that the members of the family would not be damaged during this expedition.

"Hello, Captain Finn."

Zhou Fangwu also nodded, and said to him: "This expedition, please give me your advice."

"Ah, point a lot..."

"Teach me a lot, ah-?!"

When the two were communicating in a friendly manner, a rude and abrupt voice intervened in a very impolite tone.

Turning his head to look, he found that the speaker was a werewolf.

He has short silver-white hair, a signature lightning-shaped tattoo on his face, and wears the standard suit of an ordinary adventurer.

But the most noticeable thing is the metal boots under the feet.

Reflecting this ray of light in the sun seems to be talking about its extraordinaryness.

【Wolf】Bert Rocca

He has an arrogant personality, speaks viciously, and has a rough attitude.

He looked down on the weak novice adventurers, and always belittled them with extremely ugly words.

It has a poor reputation among novice adventurers.

"Where did this little guy come from, want to go on an expedition with us? Our family doesn't need the weak, so go back where you trash came from!"

as predicted.

Bert, a ferocious wolf, bites immediately when he comes up, and his language is extremely rough and ugly, and ordinary adventurers may be frustrated on the spot.

It's a pity that he was facing a contemporary Great Onmyoji, and Zhou Fangwu was really not afraid of anyone in terms of hurting people.

Immediately activate the skill - [Yin-Yang Strange Qi]

He asked Finn: "Captain Finn, don't bring pets for such a dangerous expedition, and it's good that such an aggressive pet can serve as a warning to the enemy, but if you accidentally get bitten back How to do?"

"You bastard-!"

Burt suddenly became angry.

He has always been the only one who swears at others. Once upon a time, he was stinked, and he was said so badly.

Belittled into a dog? !

How could he, who is so grumpy, be able to bear the bird's anger, and he was about to punch Zhou Fangwu immediately.

But before he raised his arm, he was stopped by his head.



Bert obviously wanted to say something more, but he heard what Zhou Fangwu said again.

"To be honest, I don't understand your motives."


"Look, Finn must have told you about my expedition with you before, but you still came here to provoke... Are you trying to show off?"

"So what?!"

Bert tilted his head to look at the man who made him unhappy, and said in an extremely rough tone:

"I, the one who looks down on the weak most! I'm in the way and I'm as cowardly as a mouse. I can't help you in the dungeon at all!"

"Then what is a strong man?"

"Of course it's my uncle!"

"Hehe, those who wantonly ridicule others can't be called strong."

"You bastard!"

Zhou Fangwu's taunt was like a spark, falling on Burt, the irritable gasoline barrel, and of course it exploded at one point.

Bert, whose brain was occupied by anger, rushed up regardless, and rushed towards the defenseless Zhou Fangwu with one punch.


There was a soft sound.

It's the collision of palm and fist.

A strong gust of wind blew Zhou Fangwu's cloak into the air, and the big tree behind him rustled.

This powerful punch was taken lightly.

"Sneak attack is not considered strong, Mr. [Cute Dog]."

"What did you say-?!"

Burt wanted to pump his fist.

But no matter how much force he used, he just couldn't retract his fist.


"Well, but as Mr. [Cute Dog] said, I really need to verify my strength, after all, the next expedition is very dangerous.

Not knowing the strength of your companions is a big taboo in the dungeon. "

Zhou Fangwu was talking to himself, completely oblivious to Bert's ugly expression.

Burt bared his teeth, showing the unique sharp teeth of werewolves, looking extremely ferocious.

The tail behind him swayed from side to side, UU reading www.uukanshu.com looked very irritable.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free.

And Zhou Fangwu said to Fenn who smiled wryly: "Captain Fenn, I think Mr. [Cute Dog] is the most suitable candidate for this candidate. What do you think?"

Unknowingly, Bert turned out to be a combat unit.

Shrimp and pig heart!

What is shrimp and pig heart!

If you beat me up, you have to step on it again.

But Bert was the one who found fault first, and he was just defending and counterattacking. Even if he was beaten, he would at most go back to find his mother.

Can't even be called a villain.

"Please be gentle."

Finn didn't refuse the offer either.

Firstly, he really wanted to compare Zhou Fangwu's strength, and secondly, he wanted to improve Bert's memory, who was always impulsive and thoughtless.

Kill two birds with one stone.

He is the head of the group, and there are many things to consider.


"Finn, can you?"

Both Iris and Riveria froze.

But after seeing Finn shaking his head slightly, he stopped talking and chose to wait and see what happened.

And the other side.

Burt is a rough guy, always saying some nasty and unforgivable things, but his actions are the exact opposite of his attitude.

That is the so-called honesty.

Bert, you're so tsundere.

Zhou Fangwu also knew why he deliberately came forward to provoke.

It is nothing more than verifying the strength of outsiders, and at the same time allowing them to better integrate.


The starting point is good, but this guy's mouth really stinks.

Even Zhou Fangwu, a self-proclaimed upright young man, couldn't bear his cynicism.

So I wanted to teach him a little lesson.

Well, just do Finn a favor.

He was fine in one move.

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