Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 234: Save the Fairy Girl Again

I thought this matter had nothing to do with Zhou Fangwu, but after thinking about it, how could it be possible?

Although I really don't want to get involved, but in fact, all adventurers on this floor can't stay out of it from the moment someone is attacked to death.

No one can escape.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before he was summoned.

However, Finn may have deliberately told the ins and outs of the incident because he had saved Refia, in order to prevent Zhou Fangwu from misunderstanding.

Being able to do this is enough to show his attitude towards Zhou Fangwu.

So Zhou Fangwu did not intentionally manipulate his ideas, but cooperated with him to go to the square, and at the same time asked about the whole process of the case.

It's very simple.

There was a second-rate adventurer at LV4 who was killed by a woman, and the man who was killed did not make any resistance, and was killed so quietly.


And it's even more embarrassing if it's a woman!

Other adventurers who may not know the truth will have this idea.

But please think about it carefully, how strong would the murderer be if no one at level 4 can resist? !

But even if they were forcibly called together, they couldn't solve the root cause of the matter at all.

Seeing the members of the [Loki Familia] standing on the stage comforting the adventurers who were wary of each other, Zhou Fangwu felt that even if they were trying to gain fame, this approach was admirable.

No one is willing to take over this kind of mess, because if they are not careful, they will be targeted by dark hands.

In the dangerous dungeon, no one can always be on guard against the black hand who strikes from the dark.

Being able to stand up and be the backbone in difficult moments, this is the only family member in the entire Orario who has this kind of awareness.

Not even the [Freya Familia] that is on par with it.

It's a pity that they have enough prestige but not enough brains. Even after searching for a long time, they still haven't found any trace of the murderer.

In the end, I can only tell them to be careful with strangers and not to walk around at will.

Then it disbanded.

Seeing that the next thing had nothing to do with him, Zhou Fangwu stretched his waist and turned back to rest.

However, not long after he lay down, the entire [18th floor] shook violently.

"what happened?!"

Zhou Fangwu was startled, and then ran out of the hotel in a hurry.

As soon as he came out, the hotel behind him was smashed by tentacles that fell from the sky.

The collapsed hotel into ruins made him stunned on the spot.


Zhou Fangwu was shocked and angry.

How dare you carry out an attack?

who is it?

Tired of living? !

Looking around to find the murderer, I found that most of the adventurers ran out of the building in a panic at this time, and once again gathered in the spacious square.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

There were several deafening explosions on the surface, and then several long tentacles sprang out from the ground.

Then it quickly opened its flower buds, revealing its disgustingly double-layered mouth.

Swaying his body in mid-air, as if sensing something.

— This is a flower-shaped monster, like a pitcher plant but with two layers of mouth.

"what is this?"

Some low-level adventurers have never seen this kind of monster, and they are already too scared to speak.

And the [Loki Familiars] had dignified faces, staring at the flower monsters in front of them, as if they said they had seen them before.

Is it a deep monster?

Footsteps moved around in the ruins, avoiding the tentacles falling from the sky back and forth, feeling and comparing the strength of the monsters, and concluded that they were stronger than the ones he had seen on the [29th floor].

"Hey-! Wu-!"

When Diona saw Zhou Fangwu, she quickly shouted: "Their blood is corrosive, don't let it get on you!"

Kindly remind me again.

But this kind of behavior always makes people wonder if she has other intentions.

However, I got a very important piece of information.

"Is it corrosive...?"

After thinking for less than a second, Zhou Fangwu decided to use ice magic to freeze all the liquid circulating in his body.

"The highest level of ice magic—


(Grudge Crystal Prison)”


A huge magic circle unfolded under the body of this flower-shaped monster, and the icy cold air was transmitted from the ground in an instant.


Click, click, click!

The cold air condensed the water molecules in the air into ice, forcing the monsters dancing around from bottom to top to freeze stiffly, and crystal clear icicles appeared in everyone's eyes along with the clouds.

"Okay, that's amazing!"

Refiya couldn't help but exclaimed: "It's amazing how powerful it is to be able to freeze such a large monster, and activate the highest level magic in an instant!"

Just now she was still worried about the safety of her savior.

Because under the attack of the monster, Zhou Fangwu could only dodge with all his strength, but after knowing the flaw, he found a countermeasure and ended the battle in just a moment.

This powerful magic, this rich combat experience.

At this time, Zhou Fangwu's response method is the magister she yearns for.

clack, clack, clack

When everyone was dealing with the monsters, and when she was watching Zhou Fangwu's heroic figure, a figure appeared from the darkness.

He didn't hide it, but walked over generously.

"You, who are you? Please stop, or I will make a move."

Refia raised the wand in her hand, while secretly preparing the magic.

She felt a dangerous breath, and knew that the person who came was not good.

Just as she guessed, this person accelerated instantly after approaching!

As a delicate and frail magister, how could he escape the attack of a strong warrior?

In just an instant, she was strangled by the neck, thus interrupting the magic that was secretly prepared.

"Ugh! Mmmmm...uhhh..."

The hand pinching her neck was gradually exerting force, and Refiya felt that it was difficult to breathe, fluid flowed from the corners of her mouth, her brain began to lack oxygen, and her eyes gradually turned black.

It's fainting... no, it's death!

Frightening breath!

The owner of this hand didn't intend to keep it, and the force he used was 100% enough to crush his throat.

Shrouded by the threat of death, figures began to appear in Refia's mind.

Miss Ace...Wu...

Her heart was supposed to be filled with the person she yearned for, but for some reason, another man's back suddenly appeared.

Is it because of being rescued last time?

she does not know.

But she knew that she couldn't hold on anymore.

The struggling hands also hang down feebly.

She's about to be strangled~www.wuxiamtl.com~Extreme Breath · Day · Round Dance! "

Just at the moment when she was about to fade away, a cluster of bright flames suddenly lit up in the already blackened field of vision, bringing warmth and hope called "life" to her who was cold and eroded by death.

This gave her the will to live again, and drove her already weak body to struggle, squeezing the exhausted oxygen, trying to last a few more seconds.


In the dizzy and blackened eyes, green liquid was splashing around, and the hand that was pinching her neck just now was flying through the air.

After being stunned for a few seconds, he slowly realized that death had quietly retreated.

Like a newborn baby, subconsciously taking a big mouthful of air, only to find that the air that has long been ignored is so sweet and mellow.

That is the source called [Life]!

It's good to be alive!

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