Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 231: 1 person's expedition

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Hold the long knife and use the breathing method silently.

When the breathing method completely enveloped it, the blade became darker and shinier, while the [Bible text] engraved on the blade shone brilliantly.

"Oh-! Not bad!"

And subconsciously turned on [zebra] and used [transparent world].

Juli gripped the handle of the knife, making the blade red and hot.

But after confirming it, he let go of his hand again.

Don't let the onlookers, Hestia and Bell, burst into flames.

Zhou Fangwu is sure that the artifact in his hand has already integrated the characteristics of the orangutan scarlet sand mine.

And there is no gap between this long knife and him as if they were in harmony with each other.

It's like an extension of the arm, without any awkwardness or hindrance.

The long knife in his hand lived up to the name of an artifact.

"Well, it's great, this knife."

Seeing the smile on Zhou Fangwu's face, Hestia knew that he was satisfied with the artifact in his hand, and immediately suggested: "Then, give it a name."


"Yes, just like my short dagger [Hestia's Blade], Takeya should choose a name for his weapon." Bell shyly said the name Hestia gave his weapon.

"Then my long knife is also called [Hestia's Blade]... or something, it seems that it won't work."

Deliberately teasing the shy rabbit and the kitchen god, Zhou Fangwu fell into deep thought.

After thinking about it, he opened his mouth and said:

"How about the Devoreur?"

"Well, not bad!"

"It's very handsome."

Hearing Zhou Fangwu's naming, both Hestia and Bell said it was a great name.

In this way, this new weapon was named [The Devourer].

After playing with it, Zhou Fangwu took out the Sun Wheel Knife from his waist and inserted the artifact into it.

Because this artifact is a standard standard long knife like the Sun Wheel Knife, there is no need to change the scabbard around the waist.

Zhou Fangwu was very satisfied with this point.

Because whether the length of the knife is appropriate will also affect the strength of a swordsman.

"Well, with weapons and Lord Hestia returning, it seems it's about time."

Zhou Fangwu rubbed his chin, and said to Hestia and Bell: "I plan to go to the dungeon alone, not for ordinary exploration, but for an expedition. In other words, I will not come back for a long time."


Bell was shocked.

From his knowledge, he only knew that the [Loki Familia] had an expedition team.

But the [Rocky Familia] is a giant family, with many people and super strength, and there are many support staff.

Only a large and complete team can support the family to go deeper and farther in the dungeon.

These are all requirements that the current [Hestia Familia] cannot meet.

Because I have imagined it, I understand it.

He was very surprised to hear that one of the only two members of the family said that he wanted to go on an expedition alone.

"It's too dangerous to be alone!"

Bell hurriedly persuaded: "The shallow level is fine. If it's deep, you must form a team. Even if Wu is very strong, accidents may happen in the dungeon at any time. I don't recommend Wu go alone."

"That's right! Even if Wu is very powerful, I don't agree! At least, you need to find suitable teammates."

Not only Bell, Hestia also wanted to veto it.

But she knew that the superficial level could no longer meet Zhou Fangwu's need to improve his proficiency, and Bell's strength in the family couldn't keep up, so she had no choice but to say, "You need to find a suitable team."

"No, I won't look for teammates, because I can't trust them." Zhou Fangwu shook his head and rejected Hestia's request.

This world is not the so-called [royal blood], there are more [intrigues] in places that cannot be seen, and it is almost impossible to find teammates who can entrust their backs within a short period of time.

Otherwise, why would those family members only go to the dungeon to explore with members of the same family members, instead of teaming up with other family members?

There are very few purely kind people like Bell.

But Zhou Fangwu also made a perfect plan in order not to worry the two of them.

"Well, don't worry too much about my safety, I already have a corresponding plan."


"What plan?"

Facing their probing eyes, Zhou Fangwu took out the distribution map of the dungeon that he had prepared early in the morning.

"Look at this map."

Zhou Fangwu pointed to the map with the number of floors marked in long strips, and said, "From the 1st floor to the 18th floor, even if I take Bell, I can go down easily, so there is no need to worry about this distance."

"Well, sure, and then?"

"After that, it's the middle and lower classes."

Zhou Fangwu slid his fingers between the 18th and 30th floors and said:

"These floors are where I mostly wander.

The 18th floor is the [Safety Zone]. Although the price may be more expensive, it is a good place to rest because it can provide supplies and rest.

And for the sake of safety, I will not go to the lower floors after the 30th floor, I guarantee this.

In fact, it's an expedition, it's better to say it's leveling to improve proficiency.

God knows my strength, Hestia, so you don't need to worry too much. "


Hestia hesitated.

She had said before that taking Bell would drag Zhou Fangwu down, so she asked Zhou Fangwu not to teach Bell.

After seeing Zhou Fangwu's detailed plan, she has no reason to force Zhou Fangwu not to go down alone.

But Bell was a little confused, and asked, "Well, why are you in such a hurry? Even if it takes a long time to find a companion, as long as you are willing to look for it, you will definitely be able to find it."

"Well, this is also a way to be on the safe side...but how should I put it?"

Zhou Fangwu thought for a while, and then asked: "Mr. Bell, the adventurer's proficiency can be upgraded after reaching d, do you know about this?"

"I've heard of it."

"Then, why didn't I choose to upgrade?"

Before Bell could answer, Zhou Fangwu solved the mystery, "Proficiency can be further improved. The most important thing is that I don't have enough [great achievements] to be recognized."

"[Great Contributions]...is the most important thing to elevate the class, isn't it?"

"Well, this is also the reason why I went deep."

"Then there is no need to be so anxious, if you find a companion..."

"Mr. Bell, do you know how long it took [Sword Princess] Ai Si to upgrade from LV1 to LV2?"

"…1 year."

As a little fan who longs for Ace, Bell can certainly tell the glorious deeds of his idol.

"I asked Ms. Aegina before. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, she said that Ms. Aisi rose from LV1 to LV2 in just one year, and at the same time won the title of [Sword Fairy]!"

"Yes, 1 year."

Zhou Fangwu repeated himself, then asked again: "Then, what about me?"


Bell didn't understand what Zhou Fangwu meant.

"It took Aisi a year to upgrade, and the name [Sword Princess] resounded throughout Olalie. So what would happen if I took even less time?"

Added fire to the [rabbit] in the fantasy, and said with a bewitching meaning:

"It's not just me, Bell is the same, presumably [Sword Princess] Aisi will definitely want to get to know this person who surpassed her record... What do you think, Mr. Bell.


[Rabbit] was obviously tempted, and there was a strong desire in his eyes.

It is a huge temptation for him to be able to make friends with the idol of his heart.

Very good, it seems that he has successfully mobilized his desire to catch up.

So, this is the real usage of [One Heart Longing]!

Narrow-minded Lord Hestia!

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