Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 229: Good guy Zhou Fangwu

"You belong to the Loki family..."

After killing the monster in seconds, Zhou Fangwu turned around and saw the elf girl kneeling on the ground, so he knew she was Lefia from [Loki Familia].

At this time, Refiya was covering the wound on her waist and abdomen, her frowning and delicate face became a little distorted, and she was about to fall to the ground staggeringly.

She seemed to be overwhelmed.

"You are hurt?"

Quickly squatted down to support her weak body, and then used [healing] magic on her.


The fairy girl froze for a moment.

The elves are very repulsed by outsiders touching themselves, but for some reason, when Zhou Fangwu's hand touched her skin, she didn't feel disgusted.

The green light shrouded the wound on her waist and abdomen, and it didn't take a moment for her to recover, and her skin became smooth and firm again.

Even her little face, which was unusually pale before, became bloody.

"How does it feel?"

After the treatment, Zhou Fangwu asked with concern: "Are there any other discomforts? If so, tell me."

"No, I, I..."

Refiya looked at the man close at hand, stuttering and unable to speak.

But after a brief absence, she still thanked him very politely.

"Well, thank you for your healing magic!"

"There is no need to thank you, in fact, I am just repaying the kindness."

Zhou Fangwu waved his hand to signal that she needn't thank her.

"Before, when I was in the dungeon, didn't you all remind me not to go too deep into the dungeon?"

"Ah! You are from that time!"

Refia let out a soft cry.

No wonder the back figure that appeared in front of her just now is so familiar, whether it is the figure or the clothes, she has seen it before.

It seems she remembered.

Zhou Fangwu thought that her heart was always on [Sword Fairy] Ai Si, and she didn't care about herself as a passer-by when she was in the dungeon.

"Refia—! Refia—!"

At this time, the Amazon sisters who had already dealt with the monsters rushed over quickly.

Not just the two of them, there was another person following them—【Sword Princess】Ais.

It was also she who quickly and swiftly eliminated these monsters as soon as they appeared.

Tiona ran over and asked concerned: "Are you okay, Refia!"

Ais also asked aloud, "Refia, are you okay?"

It's just that these words full of concern, spoken out in her expressionless manner, make people wonder if she is really worried.

But those who are close to her know that she is just a person who is not good at expressing her feelings.

"Yes, I'm fine, Miss Ace!"

After hearing Miss Aisi, whom she was thinking of, expressed her concern for her, Refiya suddenly felt that the injury she had suffered was worth it.

Licking a dog is not a house, girl!

"I'm sorry, little brother, because I was worried about my family's Refiya, I didn't thank you at the first time."

Tiona bared her teeth grinningly, and patted Zhou Fangwu's shoulder vigorously to express her gratitude.

Zhou Fangwu shook his head and said, "It's okay, even if I repay you for warning me in the dungeon before."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

But what he didn't expect was that Tiona asked suspiciously instead: "Little brother, have we met before?"

Why did Refiya remember it, but you, the client, forgot everything? !

Zhou Fangwu was speechless.

At the same time, he expressed his helplessness to this Amazon girl who has no brain gap.

In fact, it wasn't just her, except for Lefiya, the rest of these people had already forgotten him.

"Forget it, it's very troublesome to explain, just take it as a matter of convenience."

Seeing monsters ravaging the town in the distance, Zhou Fangwu was worried that pedestrians on the street would be injured, so he said to them, "That's it, then I'll take a step first, there are other monsters to hunt down."

After finishing speaking, it turned into a thunder and shot out instantly.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared from the sight of several people.

"What, that guy."

Tione looked unhappily at the entrance of the street where the thunder light disappeared, "Obviously we wanted to thank him, why did he run away suddenly."

In her eyes, except for her own team leader, the rest of the men are out of her sight.

The same goes for Zhou Fangwu who met for the first time.

Ais looked at Refia and asked, "Does Refiya know that person?"

Although she was expressionless, Refiya still read the three words 'interested' from her eyes.

She immediately became jealous.

Anyone who feels like robbing Aisi from her is her enemy!

Even though she knew it was not good to be hostile to Zhou Fangwu, who had just saved her life, even if she knew that such a move would lose the arrogance of a goblin, but she still couldn't help feeling sour.

Why, why is this happening? Obviously it's me, obviously it's me first...

However, when her beloved Ai Si asked, she would not deliberately hide the truth, and immediately told them the information she had seen in the dungeon before.

"Oh, no wonder that little brother said it was a repayment, so I told him such a thing."

Daredevil Teona clapped her hands.

It seemed that she had finally remembered what she had kindly reminded passers-by in the dungeon before.

Then she triumphantly claimed credit for Tione, saying: "Look, you said before that I was not allowed to talk to strangers casually in the dungeon, isn't it all thanks to me that Refia was rescued this time! "

"This time is a special case! It is impossible to meet such a good person every time, and it is impossible to happen to appear every time!"

Tione patted her sister on the head angrily, and taught her a lesson: "In a dangerous place like the dungeon, be vigilant at all times, you idiot sister!"

"why is it like this!"

Ignoring her sister's yelling, Tione asked Ais: "Ais, you asked that little brother, did you find anything?"

"No, just purely interested in him."


Hearing Aisi's words, Refia suddenly yelled, "I'm interested, what do you mean, Miss Aisi!"

Knowing that she was misunderstood, Ai Si still explained with a normal face: "It's nothing, I'm just interested in his strength."

"Huh, that's right."

Refiya patted her chest reassuringly.

"But again, Lefiya, you fell in love with that little brother just now, right? A hero saves a beauty or something, isn't this the kingly story in the Argonaut tale!"

【Argonauts】is her favorite story.

[The hero who descended from the sky to save the beauty], combined with the fact that she didn't resist being hugged and treated just now, she has reason to believe that Refiya has fallen in love with the little brother just now.

"How, how is it possible!"

Refiya quickly refuted loudly, and at the same time peeked at Aisi beside her, for fear that she might misunderstand.

"Actually, that person is a [pure] person, and I only discovered this after I touched it."

"Really?!" X3

All three were surprised.

"Yes, it's true. The moment that person touched me, I felt a sense of purity enveloping my body and mind, making me subconsciously want to get close to him."

Refia said something like a confession.

But all three knew that Refia didn't mean that.

Afterwards, the four were divided into two groups, and Aisi continued to carry out the task issued by God Loki to destroy the monsters, while the Amazon sisters took the injured Lefia back to [Loki Familia].

Even though she looks healthy now, they still forcibly brought Refia back to the station.

"Be careful, Ace."

"Well, I will."

Ais responded, then jumped onto the roof and rushed to the location of the monster closest to her.


After parting with the 4 girls from the [Loki Family], Zhou Fangwu still wandered around the town, one by one eliminating the monsters that ravaged the town.

Until all the monsters are wiped out.

At this time, the sun had already set in the west and met the distant horizon.

"Huh, it's finally over."

Zhou Fangwu wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then fell from the sky.

It's just that he just fell when he heard someone calling his name.



Hearing the prestige and looking around, the one who appeared in the field of vision was the charming maid with short gray hair—— Hill.

It's just that she looks a little miserable now.

The small face was smeared black and black, the maid outfit on her body was already tattered, and there were small wounds, which seemed to be scratched by falling sawdust.

"Hill, why are you here?"

Zhou Fangwu stepped forward quickly, and subconsciously released [healing] magic on her.

"Because a monster suddenly appeared in the town, I didn't have time to run back to the tavern, and I had nowhere to hide, so I had to hide here."

Hill pointed to the collapsed house behind him, as if to say that he had been hiding here.

"Thank you, Wu."

The healing magic restored her body, and Hill thanked him with a bright smile.

"It's a good thing you weren't seriously injured."

Chief Zhou Fang let out a sigh of relief, and said, "Okay, I'll take you back."

"Well, sorry to trouble you, Wu."

Hill obediently followed behind Zhou Fangwu, walking towards the tavern step by step.

"By the way, this is for you."

Zhou Fangwu took out his purse from his pocket, and handed it to Hill, "Aniya asked me to deliver your purse, but I never found you."

"Ah, I didn't even notice. Thank you, Wu."

Hill took the purse and thanked in a low voice.

"By the way, in order to repay your kindness, let me treat you to dinner... I made it myself~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Please forgive me for refusing!"

Zhou Fangwu refused without thinking.

"Eh-! Why?!"

"I said, this is not a reward, but a punishment!"

"How come, I have worked so hard to practice my cooking skills for Wu Neng's sake!"

"But...you haven't improved at all, have you?"

As if he could no longer bear being devastated by the dark cuisine, Zhou Fangwu yelled at Hill regardless:

"Since you want me to eat it, at least make it within the acceptable range of human beings, you poor cooking maid!"

But even though he said so, Zhou Fangwu was rewarded by having a big meal in the tavern.

Of course, it wasn't Hill who did it.

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