Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 224: Dance of the Bugs

If it is said that among the abilities that Zhou Fangwu knows, he can choose a suitable one to pass on to Bell.

There is no doubt that it is the [breathing method] necessary for the weak.

But no.

Unlike Natsuki Subaru and Sato Kazuma, two weak chickens without talent, Bell, who has "one-hearted longing", has a wide range of growth and is too unexpected.

Zhou Fangwu is very worried that Bell will activate the [stripe] state.

The price of turning on the [stripes] is too high, if you teach Bell the [breathing method], it is not helping him, but harming him.

Zhou Fangwu predicted that if you want to open the [stripe] state without hidden dangers, you need at least lv5, and maybe even lv6 to do it!

But even though he couldn't teach him [breathing method], there were still things that Bell could learn.

That is the [Movement] of [Breath of Insects].

[Insect Breath] is the breathing method of Insect Pillar Butterfly Shinobi.

As the shortest and the weakest of the pillars, the only thing that makes her different is [poison].

And what supported her to successfully inject the toxin into the evil spirit's body was her gorgeous steps that could scramble left and right at high speed to confuse the enemy's sight and at the same time cover a short distance.

— [Insect Dance]!

Although the moves are named after [Insects], but the forms are all called by [Dance].

This technique is very suitable for [Rabbit] Bell who has an abnormally high agility attribute.

It is not required that he learn sword moves, but only that he can learn one or two tenths of the essence of [Dance of Insects].

This is enough for him to roam around the upper floors casually.

Even if you are surrounded by a large number of monsters, you can easily escape with this flexible body technique.

Then he passed on this body method to Bell.

As Zhou Fangwu thought, this set of [Insect Dance] fits very well with Bell, who is thin and light. After watching Zhou Fangwu demonstrate it two or three times, he can 'walk' out of complete steps.

This guy is so talented!


Just when Zhou Fangwu was sighing, he heard Bell's stomach let out a pitiful moan, and he, who was already very hungry, scratched his cheek in embarrassment.

That's right, the two of them haven't eaten for a day.

When they went down to the 18th floor, because the two were too excited, they ran back and forth several times without thinking about eating.

After returning, Bell huddled in a corner and gave up on himself. After being persuaded, he practiced again.

It is natural to feel hungry.

"Mr. Bell, I happen to be hungry too, let's go eat something."

Zhou Fangwu shook the cloak behind him, and said to Bell who was still shy: "After practicing, we should have a big meal. Anyway, we have gained a lot today, so it is okay to spend a little bit."

The two of them explored the dungeon all day today, and they also hunted down a lot of monsters, and the magic stones they got were too many to hold down.

After all the money was exchanged, there was a harvest of up to 40W Wallis.

I thought Bell would agree, but he said, "No, forget it."

"Huh? Why?"

"Look, didn't we buy bento from the tavern this morning? If we don't eat it, it will be broken tomorrow morning. What a waste."

"You... are really a good boy who is diligent and thrifty. "

It may be that he has been with Hestia for too long, and he is used to the hard life, and he doesn't want to waste the bento he received from Hill.

In this regard, Zhou Fangwu had no choice but to eat the bento, which was worth 500 Wallis.

Bell lit a fire and heated up the cold bento.

After a while, the heating is completed.

Opening the bento box in front of him, white water vapor rushed straight into his face.

"Oh, that looks great!"

The bento in Zhou Fangwu’s hands is similar to Bell’s, but it is simple and ordinary, but it reveals a sense of warmth. Whether it is the presentation of the dishes or the little green seaweed in the rice as an embellishment, it can be said that it is quite careful.

The value of the 500 Wallis.

"I'm moving!" Bell closed his eyes.

"Uh... I started."

Some people who were not used to shouted, then impatiently picked up a piece of sausage, and then stuffed it into his mouth.

But when the taste buds just received the taste signal from the food, Zhou Fangwu reacted instantly.


what is this? !


To die for!

Is this... a sausage? !

This strange and indescribable taste is even more unpalatable than the extremely smelly barbecue that I ate with the [silver-haired old man] before.


The corner of the mouth involuntarily dripped black liquid, and the brain began to drowsy, gradually becoming unconscious.

Is it poisonous? !

That beauty god, did you poison me? !


Is she trying to get rid of me?

But, I didn't do anything out of the ordinary!

not good!

Saw the carousel!

Father, mother, younger sister, his family and the past, one by one emerges before his eyes.

Not only that, but also his teammates in Suqing.

Kazuma Sato, Aqua, Darkness, Megumin... wait, Aqua? !

"Purification! Purification! Purification!"

Thinking of Akua, I suddenly felt that my mind was purified, and I couldn't help but use the [Purification] skill on myself.

In an instant, the light enveloped the whole body.

"Hoo, hoo, hoo~ alive, alive!"

Zhou Fangwu panted heavily, watching Bendang's hands trembling uncontrollably.

that beauty...

Is it because I lied to her that she wants to poison me to death?

Or is it that my existence hinders her, so you want to get rid of me?

I felt dangerous for a moment before, but in fact, it was not an illusion, but really releasing malice towards me?

No, no way.

Looking at the bento in his hand, Zhou Fangwu didn't dare to eat it anyway.

If he had another sip, he would definitely go to see Aqua... No, it would be Eris.

Fortunately, I didn't eat it in the dungeon, otherwise I would definitely die.

Suddenly, Zhou Fangwu felt something was wrong.

Turning his head to look at Bell who hadn't started, Zhou Fangwu wanted to do an experiment.

He said to Bell: "Mr. Bell, can I ask you something?"

"Yes, what's the matter?"

Bell, who just wanted to eat a bento, still had a puzzled expression on his face.

"Actually, I think Mr. Beier's bento looks very good. If possible, can you exchange some with me for a taste?"

"Okay, I just want to try Wu's bento too."

Hearing Zhou Fangwu's words, Bell chose to exchange without hesitation.

"That would be really nice."

Zhou Fangwu said, while UU was reading www.uukanshu.com, he handed over his lunch box, and at the same time picked up a piece of beef from his lunch.

"Then, let me verify whether it is what I think it is."

After speaking, he stuffed the beef into his mouth.


An unknown black liquid dripped from the corner of his mouth again, and it came to mind again in less than 3 minutes.

He was wrong.

He was really wrong.

The bento in his hand was not poisoned, but simply unpalatable to death!


Are you not a god?

You who have lived for hundreds of millions of years, why are your cooking skills so weak!

What is wrong!

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