Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 219: The family was established and the position of head was finalized

"Unexpectedly, I traveled through the new () again" Find the latest chapter!

As I said before, not only proficiency is required to increase the rank, but also certain [great achievements] are required.

This is the most difficult!

Judging from Zhou Fangwu's current strength, the little Minotaurus probably won't be able to go from LV1 to LV2.

There must be a group of people anyway.

That's it for LV1, what about LV5?

Do you have to go to the 58th floor alone and defeat the fallen fairy? !

"Wu, what's wrong?"

Looking at Zhou Fangwu who raised his hands in a daze, Hestia didn't know what was wrong with him, so he asked aloud, "Are you all right, is the magic wrong?"

She is a [God], and although she has been sealed with divine power, she still has a certain ability to judge whether the magic is successfully activated.

Rather, even Bell knew that Zhou Fangwu's magic had failed.


Zhou Fangwu did not make excuses, but said bluntly: "Because of insufficient magic power, the summoning magic failed."


Hestia wasn't disappointed, it might be better to say that she had been disappointed so many times that she no longer had any negative emotions.

"It doesn't matter, Wu, if you fail, you fail. Sooner or later, you will succeed."

Hearing the comforting words, Zhou Fangwu looked at her with strange eyes.

Why does this sentence always feel like Aqua said it?

【It’s not us who are wrong, it’s all the fault of the world】, 【As long as we believe, we are the ones who can do it】

some type of.

As expected of [Three Goddesses under the Sun], the sense of sight is really strong.

"Wu, it's okay, it's just a failure... No, I mean just this one failure... No, it's not..."

Bell also wanted to comfort Zhou Fangwu, but he was too nervous, and what he said had no comforting effect.

"Okay, I already know why, so you don't have to comfort me."

"Do you know the reason?"


"It's magic."

During the questioning between the two, Zhou Fangwu said: "The magic power of the companion I want to summon is higher than mine, and the limitation of my magic requires the same magic power as a price... On this point, come on Hestia God knows it too."

"Well, indeed."

As an insider, Hestia certainly knew that what Zhou Fangwu said was true.

"Then, Wu was not disappointed...?"

"Ah, no no no."

Zhou Fangwu waved his hands, signaling to the two of them not to be too nervous, "So you two don't need to use such lame words to comfort me... However, I am also very grateful that you can do this."

"We are family members, family members, so it doesn't matter."

"Yes! We are family members, so it doesn't matter!"

The two said so.

Looking at the two of them, Zhou Fangwu couldn't help feeling warm in his heart.

But when he was about to say something, Hestia's stomach let out a pitiful moan.


"Master God?"

"No! I, I just..."

Hestia blushed. She lost her composure in front of her child, and immediately felt a little ashamed.

But she just wanted to quibble, but was interrupted by Zhou Fangwu.

"By the way, I haven't eaten anything this morning, and my stomach is growling with hunger."

While talking, he rubbed his stomach to look hungry, and at the same time gave Bell a wink.

Bell is simple, but he is not stupid.

Immediately realized that Zhou Fangwu was looking for a step for Hestia.

So he also hurriedly said: "Lord Shangshen, I'm actually hungry too, because I was fighting in the dungeon all night yesterday, so I'm too hungry to stand upright."

"You two... are such good boys."

Hestia was moved and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and then she said loudly: "Okay! If this is the case, let's go have a good meal, and treat it as a welcome to join Wu!"

"No, it still doesn't cost that much, the family still needs to develop..."

"It's okay, Wu."

Bell patted Zhou Fangwu's arm, "I got a lot of loot in the dungeon last night, enough for us to have a big meal."

"Mr. Bell..."

"Well said, Mr. Bell!"

Hestia flicked her ponytails excitedly, "Then there is no need to delay, let's set off now!"

"Yes!" X2

The kindness is hard to turn down, Zhou Fangwu is not good at refusing forcefully, so he agreed.

The three of them packed up and set off together.

Walking on the busy street, Hestia asked Bell, "Mr. Bell, which store should we go to?"

"That... Lord Shangshen has made a decision."

Bell's mouth moved slightly, wanting to say a certain name, but he retracted it in the next second, and at the same time let Hestia make a decision.

Seeing him hesitating, Zhou Fangwu was a little surprised, thinking that he would say the name of the shop [Fabulous Mistress].

It seemed that those things last night had hit him hard, and he hadn't completely lifted himself up, and he still didn't dare to face his weak self. Of course, he wouldn't go to the tavern that frustrated him again.

"Then let's go to Baiyan Pavilion! That store is opened by my **** friend, and it should give us a special price!"

Hestia took the hands of Bell and Zhou Fangwu, and rushed to another path.

【Baiyan Pavilion】

This store is one of the properties of [Goddess of Fertility] Demeter. In a sense, it is indeed a store opened by [God], but that God is not here.

Demeter, the goddess is famous in Orario.

For her who is in charge of business, even Freya and Loki will give her a little favor.

But she doesn't have the heart to fight for hegemony, so she is the best one in Olalie's popularity.

Hestia got a great deal just by giving her name.

"Come on, let's toast!"

"Oh!" X3

The three raised their cups.

The glass is not wine, but beverage.

Because they have to go to the Adventurer's Guild later, and Zhou Fangwu has to make preparations, so it's not suitable to drink now.

"Although there are only two people, our family is officially established at this moment!"

"Oh!... Hey, Lord Shangshen, when you granted me the favor, didn't you say that the family has already been established?"

Bell just cheered, but immediately realized the loopholes in Hestia's words.

"No, it's different now than before."


"After Bell joined the Familia, the Familia was indeed established, but now that Wu joins, a new position will be created—regiment leader!"


Hestia spoke professional terminology, and Bell looked at her stupidly, listening in a cloud.

"The so-called head is the leader of a family, and at the same time, the person who conveys the will of [God], and is a very important existence in the family."

"Oh I see."

Bell nodded, and said with doubts: "But Lord Shangshen, there are only two members of our family, so it's too early to talk about the head of the group."

"It's not early at all, Mr. Bell!"

Hestia patted the table, "The sooner the position of head of the family is determined, the better, whether it is for the development of the family or for me."



Hestia flicked her ponytails, feeling a little excited.

Bell was a little puzzled, but after seeing Hestia's excitement, he thought for a while and said, "Then, the leader will let Wu come..."

"Leader, let Bell take charge."


When Zhou Fangwu answered first, Bell was a little dazed and didn't react.

"Well, it's better to come from Wu. Wu is older than me, and his talent is stronger. The most important thing is..."

"No, I'm not suitable."

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Fangwu interrupted him, "Mr. Beier, for some reason, I am not suitable to be the head of the family, so you can only come."

"Yes, Mr. Bell!"

Hestia also said: "Besides you, there is no suitable candidate, so this position must belong to you!"

Bell: "..."

He was silent.

Is it really okay to take on such an important position by yourself?

He developed self-doubt.

He was ridiculed and belittled by others last night for being weak, but today he was entrusted with a heavy responsibility.

Anyone will feel retreat.

"Mr. Bell, are you feeling the pressure?"

"Yes Yes…"

"However, only pressure can make people motivated, and motivation is the root of a person's strength."

Zhou Fangwu looked at him ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ looking straight into his eyes.

"You, haven't you always wanted to become stronger?"


These words woke up Bell like a thunderbolt.

"I... even a weak me can do it?"

"Mr. Bell, no one is born strong, you, me, and they are all the same, so there is nothing wrong with being weak, as long as you become strong."

"That's right."

Bell's drooping head was raised at this moment, and he had already walked out of the haze.

"I, will be the leader!"

For the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this (Chapter 224, the establishment of the family, the position of the leader is finalized), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf!

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