Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 217: Wish_One! 【2 in 1】

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"Wu, Wu..."

Hestia talked about Zhou Fangwu's face several times, and then gave a thumbs up and praised: "It's a good name! But it's not as good as Bell."

"...Thank you for the compliment."

Zhou Fangwu still thanked him dryly.

But he still couldn't help complaining in his heart, 'Goddesses in love really have to make comparisons everywhere. '

Afterwards, Zhou Fangwu said to Hestia: "Then, God Hestia, don't delay, grant me favor now."

Every adventurer will open his own attribute bar after being blessed by [God].

Among them, the most interesting ones are the skill (talent) column and the magic (skill) column.

Zhou Fangwu is the same, he is very curious about what will become of his [Traveling the World] and [Analysis and Imitation].

At the same time, he was quite curious about what his talent was...or in other words, he was a person without talent, just like most adventurers.

"No, forget it today."

To Zhou Fangwu's surprise, Hestia rejected his request.

"Huh? Why, Lord Hestia?"

Zhou Fangwu asked: "Giving favor is not a troublesome thing, why not take advantage of it now?"

"Because I want Wu to have a sense of ritual!"

Hestia said with tender feelings: "I have decided since the lower world that every child who joins my family must be very formal. Only those of you who have a sense of ritual will truly treat other members of the family as family members."


Zhou Fangwu was silent for a while.

This kind of statement may make other dark-minded people think that this is buying people's hearts, but he knows that Hestia does not have such thoughts, but really wants to give the family members a kind of [home] warmth.

As expected of [Kitchen God], what a gentle way.

"Aren't you afraid that I will temporarily change my mind and choose another family?"

"Don't be afraid!"

Hestia shook his head, "Wu believed in me, so I chose my family, so I also choose to believe in Wu, I believe that Wu will not change my mind."


Zhou Fangwu was silent again.

"And... You see, even if I want to grant you favors now, God will not allow me to be so perfunctory."

Hestia stretched out his hands, palms up, as if holding something.


It's raining.

The raindrops fell on her white and tender palms, and the raindrops were scattered and splashed on the arms, sleeves, and the ground.

"Huh, it's a pity, it seems that I won't be able to get your favor tonight."

Zhou Fangwu also felt the warm and cool touch of the raindrops falling on his face, and immediately said to Hestia: "God Hestia, it's already raining, let me take you back."

"No, no need!"

Hestia rebuffed straight away, "Looking at the rain, I guess it will get bigger and bigger after a while, so you should go home quickly."

In fact, if it wasn't because her dilapidated library was too small, she really wanted to go back with Zhou Fangwu.

But she thought that after Bell came back at night, the three of them would not be able to squeeze into one bed, so she could only dismiss this idea.


"Oh, don't use it if I say no, I'm your god, listen to me!"

Hestia's tough attitude seemed to be making trouble for no reason, but she did it completely to show consideration for her family members.

"But I am your family member, I should still..."

"No! Since you are my family member, you should listen to me, right?"

"...Well, since you said so."

"Well, you're so good! Although it's a little worse than Bell."


Why do you have to compare with [Rabbit] Belle?

While Zhou Fangwu's brain was shaking, Hestia waved his hand and said goodbye, then turned and ran away.

But just after running a few steps, she turned around and shouted to Zhou Fangwu as if she remembered something, "Tomorrow! Wait for me here tomorrow morning, you must wait for me!"

"Yes! God Hestia, let's meet here tomorrow morning!" Zhou Fangwu also replied loudly, then turned and left.

The rain is getting heavy, and there is no time to continue leisurely.

Back at the inn, he hung the [Cognitive Impairment Cloak] on the fireplace to dry. At the same time, he thought that if he had the opportunity, he must enchant this cloak and add a water-repelling magic.

No, not just avoiding water, but also avoiding fire, lightning, wind and other magic, if you have the opportunity, you can enchant it.

Zhou Fangwu lay on the bed, fell asleep after thinking about it.

【the next day】

When I opened my eyes, I found that the sky was bright.

After the rainy night, the air was unusually fresh, which refreshed Zhou Fangwu.

"Well, it seems that something good will happen today."

Of course good things will happen... if receiving favors is considered a good deed.

I thought silently in my heart.

After waking up, he tidied up his appearance, then left the room and headed for the small river that he had agreed with Hestia last night.

However, when he got there, he didn't see Hestia.

"Is it early?"

Zhou Fangwu looked at the sun that was just emerging on the horizon, thinking that he had come too early.

As time goes by, the sun gradually rises, completely separated from the horizon, the sun shines on the earth, and the temperature begins to rise.

It wasn't until two hours later that Hestia appeared in the field of vision.

"Sorry, I'm late."

Hestia grinned.

But Zhou Fangwu immediately sensed that the God in front of him was hiding something.

But she didn't seem to want to say it, so she didn't ask why.

However, Zhou Fangwu guessed that it should have something to do with [Rabbit] Bell.

Combined with the fact that he was ridiculed by those people last night, he should have struggled all night, and said the words "I want to become stronger" to Hestia when he was covered in injuries.

Because there is only one member of his family, and he doesn't know how to help [Rabbit] Bell who wants to become stronger, so Hestia must be a little embarrassed.

"God Hestia, are you alright?"

"No, I'm fine."

Hestia is not the kind of **** who can hide things, but she still said that she is fine.

"Alright, Wu, let's go back to the station."


"Yes, our base camp is also the place where I will grant you favors later."


It should be the dilapidated basement.

and many more!

Is this what you call a sense of ritual?

Is there any difference between being in the field and being in the basement?

Zhou Fangwu really couldn't figure out the brain circuit of the loli **** in front of him, it was really helpless.

Is it because you have lived for a long time, so you have feelings?

But he didn't say much, but silently followed the footsteps of God Lolita, and came to a dilapidated basement.

Standing outside, you can feel its age, as if it will collapse when a strong wind blows.

"Ahem, it's not what you think."

Before Zhou Fangwu asked, Hestia wanted to quibble, "Wu also knows that I am the most useless **** in Olalie, so I can only live here."

most useless god...

That's right.

There is no eye that can discover human souls like Freya; there is no knowledge that can make potions like Mihe; there is no magic wine that can make gods like Somo; or Ishtar wins the wrist of the Amazon girl.

He was late in the Lower Realm, and after he came down, he continued to be a rice bug in the family of Hephaestus, and was thrown out when he couldn't stand being a friend of the gods.

Such a **** is indeed useless.

However, only a **** like Hestia would agree to Zhou Fangwu's willful request.

So, only she is the best choice.

"Okay, let's go in quickly."

Hestia opened the door and invited Zhou Fangwu into the house.

"excuse me."

Saying this very politely, Zhou Fangwu walked slowly into the basement.


The first impression is that it is small, and the second is dim.

In the small basement, there are beds that occupy two-thirds of the area, and there is almost no other space for footfall.

However, none of this matters.

Because someone he cared more about appeared in front of him.

A boy with short white hair and red eyes.

— Bell!

"You, hello!"

Bell straightened his back, his body gave a very stiff feeling, and he seemed to be very nervous.


It should be because I learned that the family will join a new member, and I don't know if I can get along with him happily, so I am a little nervous.

No, usually it should be the other way around.

Newcomers are afraid that they won't be able to get along with the elders of the family members happily, so they will be nervous and speechless when they meet for the first time, shouldn't it be like this?

It can only be said that Bell has little life experience and has never experienced these things, so he is a little strange and nervous.

"Hello, Mr. Bell...isn't it?"

Zhou Fangwu smiled kindly at him, and at the same time took off his hood to reveal his appearance, "I've been hearing Hestia God talking about you before, I'm Zhou Fangwu, just call me Wu."

"Yes, yes! Mr. Wu!"

Bell took the honorifics without hesitation.

"I'm too nervous, Mr. Bell, take it easy, just call me Wu."

Even though he was a newcomer, for some reason, in the end it was him who comforted his nervous mood, with a unique and novel feeling.

"Yes Yes."

Bell let out a breath, and asked curiously: "Well, Wu...Wu said God mentioned me, I don't know what it is?"

"Oh? Are you curious?"

"Yes, I'm curious!"

"Really, are you curious... Well, where should I start?"

Ignoring Hestia's warning eyes, Zhou Fangwu thought for a second and said, "For example, he looks handsome, has a nice name, is obedient and self-motivated, and..."

"Cough cough, cough cough cough!"

Before Zhou Fangwu finished speaking, Hestia hurriedly coughed loudly, signaling to the two that he was still here.

"My lord..."

Bell blushed and looked at Hestia, obviously because of what Zhou Fangwu said.

Seeing the shy Bell, Hestia almost couldn't bear to hug him.

But when he thought that Zhou Fangwu was still there, he endured it.

At the same time, he said to Zhou Fangwu: "Wu, since you choose to join my family, I will grant you a favor. But please don't get me wrong, a favor will not instantly increase your strength, and a favor is something that any **** can bestow... I think Wu should be very clear about this point."

"Yes, I know very well."

After hearing Zhou Fangwu's words, Hestia nodded in satisfaction.

"Then, I will grant you the favor now."

"Yes, please, God Hestia."

"Take off your shirt and lie down here."

Under Hestia's instructions, Zhou Fangwu took off his shirt and lay down on the sofa.

"Well, here I go."

Under Bell's curious gaze, Hestia pricked his finger with a needle, and the blood of God was smeared on Zhou Fangwu's back.

This approach is the same as when he was bestowed with grace.

After the blood of God was applied, Zhou Fangwu's back shone with dazzling light!

All of a sudden!

Light shines in this dark basement!

But it only lasted for 3 seconds before disappearing, and the basement returned to the dimness just now.

"Eh?" X2

Not only Bell, but Hestia was also stunned.

Zhou Fangwu asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

Because he was lying on his stomach, he didn't know what happened. He only felt a strong light flashed just now. When he noticed that the two of them stopped talking suddenly, he felt something was wrong.

"Master Shangshen, when I received favors before, it seemed that I didn't have such a strong light."

Bell asked Hestia blankly, but got this answer.

"How is this going?"

It seemed Hestia didn't know what was going on either.

But she knew that all this would be shown on Zhou Fangwu's back!

At this time, there was a pattern of flames engraved on Zhou Fangwu's back, which was the proof of Hestia's family, and there were [Holy Books] on it that ordinary people could not understand.

"Cheat, lie! What is this!"

Hestia's voice was full of disbelief.

She looked like this, as if she saw some information that she couldn't accept.

"God... my lord?"

"God Hestia?"

Under Bell and Zhou Fangwu's soft inquiries, Hestia was relieved after a long time.

But she didn't speak, but silently picked up a piece of parchment and pasted it on Zhou Fangwu's back.

After the [Holy Book] on the back was engraved on the parchment, it was handed over to Zhou Fangwu.

At the same time, he solemnly said to him: "Wu, absolutely, absolutely—don't expose your back to others!"

"Yes, yes, I see."

I don't know why Hestia is so serious, but I still understand that this is the most secret thing for him, and it cannot be easily exposed to others.

Bell pointed at himself and asked, "That... Lord Shangshen, can't even me see it?"

"No! Mr. Bell, you must not watch it!"

Hestia spoke decisively, but fearing that Bell would misunderstand, he quickly explained: "Mr. Bell, Wu's ability is very powerful, and the more people who know about it, the greater the threat to Wu, so..."

"I see, Lord Shangshen, I won't ask more questions."

Bell knew that Hestia was treating him well, so he didn't ask any more questions.

However, Hestia's nervous appearance made Zhou Fangwu even more curious.

What exactly does your property bar show?

【Zhou Fangwu】


Power: i0

Durability: i0

Dexterity: i0

Dexterity: i0

Magic: i0

Skill: 【Last Hope (Wish_One)】【】【】

Magic: [Travel World] [Analysis and Imitation] [Synchronous Summoning]

【The Last Hope (Wish_One)】: Pandora released all the evils in the world—greed, emptiness, slander, jealousy, pain, etc.~www.wuxiamtl.com~ but left only hope.

You are not only the remaining hope in a desperate situation, but also a person blessed by God.


1. When you are in a desperate situation, improve your own strength, which is directly proportional to the desperate situation!

2. Being relied on by everyone, improving strength is directly proportional to missing!

3. God's favor! (water, thunder, fire)

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