Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 207: Arrive at [the center of the world]

"Oh, is this the Tower of Babel!"

On the fifth day after parting from the silver-haired old man, he finally came to Olalie.

Seeing the towering white pagoda piercing into the clouds not far away, Zhou Fangwu couldn't help feeling a little strange.

This is the first time he has seen a very mythical building, famous and the real [Center of the World], it is impossible not to be excited.

He is looking forward to the next adventure.

"Yes, that is the Tower of Babel."

The middle-aged uncle who was driving a carriage in front pointed to the Tower of Babel and said to Zhou Fangwu: "And the city built around it is the labyrinth city known as [the center of the world]—Olalie!"

The city is surrounded by huge walls, stretched horizontally without knowing the boundaries, it is huge.

The uncle who explained to Zhou Fangwu was about 40 years old, with stubble on his chin, and the vicissitudes of a mature man.

He is not an adventurer, just an ordinary person.

So his tone contained envy that could be easily heard, but also strong desire.

Two days ago, Zhou Fangwu met him.

After asking the uncle for directions, he was told that he was going to Olalie himself, and then warmly took the young man who came to ask for directions.

Unfortunately, there were no thieves or beasts encountered along the way.

Failure to repay the kindness made Zhou Fangwu, an upright young man, a little uncomfortable.

its not right!

The story is not like this!

It shouldn't be [The enthusiastic uncle unintentionally brought along a young man who asked for directions, and his life was hanging by a thread when he encountered hardships on the road, but he never thought that the young man was actually a hidden boss! 】Is this a routine?

"Little brother, do you really want to be an adventurer when you go to Orario?"

The uncle looked at Zhou Fangwu's white cloak.

Although he couldn't see his face clearly, the simple solar saber was exposed from time to time around his waist, just to tell others that he was not to be messed with.

That's why he made this judgment.

"Yes, that's it, I want to be an adventurer."

Zhou Fangwu didn't hide anything, but told him his plan honestly.


The uncle nodded, was silent for a while, and then said: "But, brother, you are not too young, isn't it too late to be an adventurer?"


Joining the family and becoming an adventurer, of course, the sooner the better.

For example, [Sword Princess] Ais of the Loki family, she became an adventurer at the age of 7, and became a senior adventurer at level 6 at the age of 16.

You know, 14-year-old Bell is considered an adult in this world, and Zhou Fangwu, who is already 20 years old, has not yet joined the family, which can be said to be very late.

"Well, Uncle, you are right, but I am very confident in my own strength, those family members will definitely take me in."

Zhou Fangwu said something that would be big talk to the uncle, but he didn't deliberately pour cold water on the young man's enthusiasm.

Instead, he said sullenly, "When I was young, I was also the strongest man in the village, but... none of Olali's family members took a fancy to me."

The meaning of the uncle is nothing more than expressing: [Who was not a genius boy when he was young].

It's just uncle, my strength may be far beyond your imagination.

After that, the two didn't talk anymore, the uncle was immersed in the past, while Zhou Fangwu was looking forward to the future.

The carriage gradually stopped at the city gate of Orario.

Thanks to the fact that the uncle and the guard are acquaintances, they didn't check carefully, but only paid a small entrance fee, and the two entered the [Maze City] smoothly.

A straight bustling street that runs through the square. The white-paved street is not congested with four carriages driving side by side. On both sides of the road are vendors selling various commodities.

The cries continued and they were very enthusiastic, so Zhou Fangwu couldn't help but look around.

Because most of the products here are things he couldn't see in "Su Qing".

"Little brother, do you have any money?"

The uncle took out some coins and said to Zhou Fangwu: "If you don't have any, I can lend you some for a while. You can't live without money in Olalie."

"Eh? Why do you help me like this? Isn't uncle afraid that I'm a bad person?"

"How can someone who wants to be an adventurer become a bad guy?"

The uncle is like a [God] that is sacred and majestic, but he doesn't know that there are unreliable [Gods] like Aqua in the world.

The persistent attitude of wishful thinking and faith in his heart is so cute that people can't bear to hurt his pure and kind heart.

"Actually, it's because I was helped by others when I was young, so I also want to pass on this kindness."

"Really, I will keep this kindness in my heart!...Although I have no money, I have something that can be exchanged for money. So, thank you very much, uncle."

"Since you've said that..."

"Then we parted ways!"

Rejecting his help, Zhou Wu waved his hand to bid farewell to the uncle, and said loudly: "These days, thank you very much, uncle—!"

"Ah, I have received your thanks!"

The uncle also waved goodbye.

However, after he paused for a moment, he ignored the surprised eyes of the pedestrians around him and shouted loudly: "Absolutely, absolutely must become a powerful adventurer!"

With his blessings to Zhou Fangwu, he seemed to be asking Zhou Fangwu to fulfill his long-cherished wish.

Zhou Fangwu, who was walking in front, raised his right fist high, without looking back, but shouted loudly: "You can always trust Zhou Fangwu, I said so!"

"Absolutely, absolutely... Do it for me."

Watching Zhou Fangwu disappear into the crowd, the uncle offered his blessing again.

What to do next.

After successfully entering Olali, Zhou Fangwu began to think about what he should do.

"Sure enough, I should go to the dungeon first to verify the conjecture in my heart."

As early as when he knew that he had traveled to this world, he had a conjecture in his heart that he wanted to verify.

— Can you upgrade in this world.

There are two ways to upgrade the world of Su Qing.

One is the traditional method of defeating monsters, getting their soul fragments to gain experience points, and automatically leveling up when the experience points are full.

And the other is to take a shortcut to eat all kinds of rare ingredients to gain experience points, and the same is to level up when the experience points are full.

Zhou Fangwu was going to try both of these. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"In this case, we have to go to the Adventurer's Guild first, because there is no money."

To venture into the dungeon, of course, be prepared.

Although Zhou Fangwu is very confident in his own strength, this does not prevent him from being fully prepared to take risks.

At least some necessary supplies still need to be prepared.

It's just that he doesn't have the money in this world, so he can only go to the Adventurer's Union to exchange some.

Almost 90% of the residents in Orario are adventurers.

There is a constant stream of coming and going.

Their destinations are very clear, either the dungeon or the Adventurer's Guild.

And the underground city has an obvious landmark building like the Tower of Babel, so just follow the flow of people in the opposite direction.

Just as Zhou Fangwu thought, he came to the Adventurer's Guild smoothly with Daliu.

With the sign of the Adventurer's Union hanging, the adventurers walked in and out, with happy or frustrated expressions on their faces.

After entering, I found that the reception here is separate.

[People from foreign cities] and [Adventurer of Orario] are two windows.

It's a pity, I thought I could see that very popular half-elf young (mature) girl.

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