Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 204: Time travel and rescue


Without the slightest precaution, without the slightest worry, it just appeared.

It came too suddenly.

It's like when you were in adolescence and you didn't want to welcome it, it came quietly and brought you a little bit of trouble.

You have to hide in the bathroom behind your parents' backs, and wash your underwear by yourself for the first time.

Zhou Fangwu felt the same way.

Just ready to stop taking risks and spend this winter honestly.

But he never thought that in less than half a day, he was severely slapped in the face.

And the slap in the face came so fast that there was a crackling sound from the slap.

Because of his cheat - [Crossing the World], he found a new coordinate leading to other worlds!

To go, or not to go, that is the question.

It's just that after he thought for a full 3 seconds, he made a decision.

— go!

How could Zhou Fangwu so easily miss and postpone this opportunity to go to other worlds to strengthen his strength and increase his knowledge?

If you don't go, [External Plug] will cry!

Now that I have decided to go to other worlds, of course the sooner the better!

This kind of thing should be done sooner rather than later.

If he doesn't leave now when there are no chores, then he probably won't be able to leave.

Because there is no telling when these problem children will cause him any trouble.

After half a day of busy work, Zhou Fangwu was ready.

Equipped Bring the Sunknife and Cloak of Cognitive Impairment.

Consumables include 3 bottles of high-grade holy water made by Aqua, plus 20 magic crystals bought from Wiz.

If it weren't for the inconvenient carrying of the holy water, he wished Akuya could prepare a few more bottles.

There are also magic crystals, because Wiz only has 20, otherwise he must bring more.

For the first time, I brought so many things and prepared so well.

In fact, he prepared so much because he was afraid.

In order to prevent encountering an unconventional enemy like Pandora in "From Zero", who was too strong to resist, Zhou Fangwu decided to bring more life-saving things.

It's a pity that there are no portable props such as space rings, otherwise they can bring more.


The team members all gathered together.

After saying that he was going out to practice for a period of time, Sato Kazuma and Akuya immediately realized that Zhou Fangwu could travel across the world again.

However, Megumin and Darkness, who didn't know it, had a quarrel for a while.

Fortunately, the two of them didn't have enough IQ to recharge, so they were fooled away with a little bit of talking.

back to the room

Zhou Fangwu routinely asked Akua to add blessing magic to him.

"Aqua, please."

"give it to me!"

Akuya, who had a place to use, immediately regained her spirits, and added enhanced blessing magic to her followers.

"[Blessings! Attributes are improved!], [Blessings! Luck is improved!], [Blessings! Art is improved!]"

"So, what is the use of [Art Enhancement]?"

Sato Kazuma complained about being late but arrived.

This is the third time he has said that.

But this time Aqua didn't argue with him.

Because she had already been immune to Kazuma Sato's doubts, she subconsciously ignored the past.

After everything was properly arranged, Zhou Fangwu said to the two of them, "Then, I will set off."

"Eh, now?"

Sato Kazuma said with some doubts: "It's getting late now, why don't we leave tomorrow morning."

Akuya also asked to stay: "That's right, that's right, let's leave tomorrow morning."

"No, I won't wait."

Zhou Fangwu shook his head and refused, "Wait until tomorrow, Darkness and Huihui will probably react, what should we do if we keep clamoring to go together, so it's better to leave now."

"Well, if it's those two guys, it's really possible."

"Indeed, the words of those two people..."

Sato Kazuma and Aqua deeply agree.

Zhou Fangwu said to the two of them again: "That's it, then, I'm going."

"Bon voyage!" x2

The two also waved goodbye.

Sensing the coordinates in his mind, the familiar pulling force made him disappear in front of the two of them.

After Zhou Fangwu left, the two also returned to their respective rooms.


Opening his eyes again, he found himself in a forest.

"It's night, and then the mountains and forests?"

Frowning slightly, he also activated the [Perception] skill to explore everything around him.

Because the mountains and forests at night are the most dangerous places, of course we must always pay attention.

It is also ready to return.

If a difficult opponent appeared by accident, he would return to "Su Qing" without even thinking about it, and he would no longer be tough with those powerful beings.

Fortunately, the [Perception] skill did not detect any dangerous creatures nearby, only some weak nocturnal creatures came out to look for food.

Take a breath and relax.

"However, where is this place?"

Zhou Fangwu looked around, but did not see any special buildings nearby.

Unfortunately, there are towering trees all around, and there is nothing worth noting.

Looking up at the starry sky, I just saw the moon hanging high and the stars shining.

It just seems that the starry sky here is brighter than the starry sky in "Su Qing".

Of course, it may also be his illusion.

After all, the starry sky is good or bad is related to many factors, it may be because of the night weather, or it may be the distance from the stars and so on.

But now is not the time to be entangled in such things, the mountains and forests at night are very dangerous, so it is better to leave here first.

Although he is very confident in his own strength, it is the basic rule for adventurers to remain vigilant at all times.

[Flying] magic is not used, because flying in the sky is a target.

Determined the direction according to the growth of the trees, and then started running.

The senses of smell, sight, and hearing are stimulated to the maximum. At the same time, the [Cognitive Impairment Cloak] also wears a hood to reduce his sense of existence.

He shuttled through this mountain forest with ease.

But when he was about to leave this forest, he suddenly saw a bright light from a flame not far in front of him, which was very conspicuous in the dark forest.

"that is…"

After thinking about it, he ran towards the bright light.

A little curious, I decided to take a look.

At the same time, I also hope that the ones that appear there will be humans, not goblins, kobolds, and low-level monsters with only a little intelligence.

After a few minutes, we arrived at the campfire.

To Zhou Fangwu's delight, it was indeed a human being who lit the bonfire, and it was a silver-haired old man.

It's just that he seems to be in trouble.

The silver-haired old man was confronting a wild boar.

The physique of the wild boar is slightly larger, a circle larger than that of the wild boar in "Su Qing", and the huge fangs reflect a frightening edge under the firelight.

Although the triangular steel fork in the silver-haired old man's hand was aimed at the wild boar, Zhou Fangwu felt that the steel fork was trembling slightly, probably because the wild boar gave him a strong sense of oppression.

OK, save him!

This is Zhou Fangwu's subconscious judgment.

The upright young man just sits idly by.

This time, of course, is to help the elderly.

Step forward with your right foot and take a big lunge. The sun wheel knife is placed on the waist to adjust the angle, and the right hand is lightly resting on the handle of the knife~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The chest is agitated, and the eyes are fixed on the neck of the wild boar .

"Extreme Breath Thunder Thunderbolt Flash!"


The sudden explosion not only alarmed the old man, but also the wild boar felt the danger and wanted to escape.

But its speed was obviously not as fast as Zhou Fangwu's. In just a split second, a sun wheel knife was inserted into the wild boar's neck, and the huge boar collapsed.


There was a dull sound of heavy objects hitting the ground, and the wild boar that threatened the old man was so easily killed by a sneak attack.

Because the smell of blood would attract other wild animals, Zhou Fangwu did not cut off the wild boar's neck, but chose to stab it to death.

"Sorry, did I scare you?"

Zhou Fangwu, who appeared next to the wild boar in an instant, turned his head and said apologetically to the surprised silver-haired old man, "Please forgive me, the situation is urgent, I didn't mean to scare you."

And the old man who was rescued was only surprised, and immediately recovered.

This kind of reaction made Zhou Fangwu feel that the silver-haired old man in front of him was not simple.

"Hahaha, it's okay. I didn't expect that the old man would be saved by a young man."

He said so.

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