Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 201: I predicted you predicted my prediction (middle)

"Didn't expect that I traveled again and again (!

Hearing Sato Kazuma belittle himself so much, Barnier nodded knowingly.

"Is that so? So you were underestimated?"

Barnir was not angry at the arrogance of the adventurers in front of him, but continued to explain: "First of all, although we are said to be the cadres of the Demon King's army, in fact, we only accepted the request of the Demon King to help maintain the integrity of the castle. That’s all, to put it bluntly, he’s just a nominal cadre.”

One second he was still relying on the head of the [Devil King Army Officer] to scare people, and the next second he cleared up his relationship with the Demon King Army.

This kind of Barnier is really a scumbag demon, and it makes people feel even more afraid.

But they never thought about it, the real strong don't care about those false names.

Sometimes, [Devil King Army cadre] is an existence that belittles one's own value, and some strong people disdain to use it to pretend to be powerful.

Just like Barnier.

"My generation is a demon. Although it is a demon, it will not harm humans."

Barnier said something completely different from Sato Kazuma's impression.

"You may be strange, but in fact the negative emotions emitted by human beings are the delicacy that our generation craves! So in our view, hurting you is the most unforgivable stupid thing! On the contrary, whenever a human being is born, our generation And cheering in the courtyard!"

"This, this way..."

Barnier's unexpected and astonishing speech stunned everyone in front of him.

But after a brief absence, he immediately reacted.

Sato Kazuma said: "No, you said that you want us to emit negative emotions, which means that you will harm us, doesn't it? Living an ordinary life will not emit negative emotions, that is, it will not produce you. Food."


Barnier didn't intend to hide it, but admitted it openly.

But it went on to say: "However, there are no less than a thousand choices for such things as negative emotions. Each demon has different tastes and needs different emotions. Some demons like to spread panic and despair, and some demons like sadness and Pain, and some demons like to play tricks...like me."


"Approaching a man as a peerless beauty, trying every means to make him fall in love with him, revealing his identity at the moment he confessed, saying 'I'm so sorry, you like me' and so on."

"Hey, this is too bad!"

Sato Kazuma couldn't accept Barnier's nasty prank.

"I'm starting to think it's better to get rid of you."

In his mind, the guy in front of him who claimed to be the Demon Duke was probably a cadre sent by the Demon King to investigate the death of the Headless Horseman.

Faced with such a powerful enemy, and such a vicious demon, it should be killed both emotionally and rationally.

I just heard it say that it is only a cadre in charge of maintaining the barrier, so it is Wiz's colleague, so can we kill it so easily?

After the last crusade against the Headless Horseman, although Wiz said a lot of bad things about it, the sadness in his eyes couldn't be hidden no matter what.

From the point of view of being a team leader, Wiz's feelings must be considered.

Sato Kazuma couldn't make a choice.

However, he hadn't thought about whether he had the strength to defeat the demon in front of him.

"What madness! It's just the lowest [adventurer]!"

Barnier was very upset with Kazuma Sato who provoked him one after another, and he didn't know who gave him the courage to say such arrogant words in front of it.

And Kazuma Sato told it, who gave him such courage.

"Senior Zhou Fang, what should we do?"

Ask the team leader, hoping this reliable man can give them instructions.

However, he received no reply.

"Senior Zhou Fang, senior Zhou Fang?"

Ah, ah?

what happened?

At this moment, Kazuma Sato was frightened. Senior Zhou Fang, who had always been very reliable, suddenly lost his voice, and there was no response when calling his name.

Then he acted so rampant just now, isn't he like a clown?

I had no choice but to ask the mentally handicapped goddess who was still gnashing her teeth next to her.

"Ah, Aqua, what, what should I do!"

"Ah—?! Do you even need to ask!"

Akuya said viciously: "Of course it is to purify it and let it ascend to heaven!"

"It's too rude to attack such a polite me..."

Barnier shouted angrily: "You actually want to rely on that goddess whose mind is full of 'water', who only thinks of living in the lower realm with her reliable believers, and who has completely forgotten the mission of crusade against the devil king? Do you think we will be defeated so easily!"

"Hey, what a brainless 'water'! How dare you say that about me, I will definitely kill you!"

Hearing her mortal enemy mocking her like this, Akua immediately yelled uncomfortably, and vowed to absolutely purify it.

Akuya was originally a goddess, and she had long been accustomed to this word, so she didn't respond at all.

But Sato Kazuma is not.

He was keenly aware of the keyword in Barnier's words just now.


"You, you just said, 'Goddess' or something."

"Undoubtedly, we did say it."

Barnier raised his chest and raised his head, and introduced himself again: "I have already said that I am a big devil who can see through everything. Of course, this little thing can't be hidden from my eyes."

"If you don't believe it, let me take another look."

After finishing speaking, Barnier clasped his hands to form a circle, and made a [telescope] gesture to point at the people in front of him.

"Hmmm, the [High Priest] whose mind is full of water; the [Adventurer] whose mind is full of succubus; the [Cross Knight] whose mind is full of tremors; and the [Master of Swordsman] whose mind is empty... Hey , It’s really a shame that you were able to get here, it’s too disappointing.”

It seems that the weird personality of the [Heroes] team made Barnier doubt himself.

Could the clay dolls it made be unstoppable even for this kind of adventurer?

Barnier pointed to Kazuma Sato and said, "You man, you are really a ghost, a real ghost, stealing a man's underwear in the street, and using it to blackmail him over and over again and extract money from him, you are an extreme ghost!"

"You, what are you talking about, why can't I understand!"

Sato Kazuma looked around and refused to admit it, but this increased Barnier's credibility.

Yes, I often go to Yujian Xiangye, and I often get money from him.

But that is just compensation for my mental loss, how can it be called a threat, this is a reasonable means of obtaining money.

How can you defile people out of thin air?

Barnier pointed to Darkness again and said, "You M-shaking knight, you've just been stuck at home for 2 months, and you're thinking about the sword master in the team every day, and every time you think about it, your mind is filled with incompetence." The scene you describe, do you just want him to do some bad things so much, your strong desire is really surprising."

"What, what, what are you talking about, I still think you are a good guy!"

Darkness blushed and blushed.

She enjoyed the feeling of being XXX very much, but to be publicly executed so easily, this kind of huge stimulation was simply unacceptable to her!

Although it feels good...

Darkness' delicate body couldn't stop trembling slightly.


"Oh, thank you so much for the compliment."

Then Banir pointed to Akua and said: "Then you, you are a goddess but you don't look like a goddess at all. You are called [Goddess of mental retardation] and [Goddess of Banquet] by your companions, and you don't even want to attack the Demon King after going down to the realm. , you just want to live with your reliable believers, you are really a goddess in vain!"

Unlike teasing Sato Kazuma and Darkness, Banir's words to Aqua were full of sarcasm.

Probably because the two of them are natural enemies, it didn't show mercy at all.

Akuya, who was ridiculed, blew up as a matter of course, and she retorted loudly in displeasure: "Ah—?! So what! I am a goddess, so what's wrong with relying on my own followers! And you who only hide in the dark The demons in the damp dungeon are different, but I live under the sky enshrined by my followers!"

"What, what!"

Barnier couldn't stop taking two or three steps back.

It didn't expect this unreliable goddess to be so talkative, and it was speechless to refute in a few words.

This makes it unacceptable to it, which has always been famous for its "mouth cannon".

No, I need to find my way back!

Then he looked at the [Master of Swordsman] with a sluggish expression, activated his strongest [eye], and used his powerful pupil power to forcefully break through his inner defense, trying to see through his thoughts.

Just let me see through you!

"So it is, so it is."

Finally, Barnier pointed at Zhou Fangwu and said, "Don't hide it in front of me. This little trick can't be hidden from me, a big devil."

"Eh?" X3

The other three looked at Zhou Fangwu suspiciously.

"Huh~ Did you fail, although I have already prepared for it."

Hearing Barnier's words, Zhou Fangwu knew that his strategy had failed.

"Of course. I am a great demon who can see through the past. You can't hide anything from my eyes!"

Barnier is quite confident in his [eyes].

That's right, even Akuya's true identity can be seen through, how can he hide this little secret of his own.

"Don't you think that you can punish us by relying on that goddess? Thinking about letting us possess the [ghost animal man] and [shaking M perverted female knight], and then let the [mentally retarded goddess] purify us... Don't be too Look down on me!"

"Is it exposed?!"

Zhou Fangwu's eyes widened, with an expression of disbelief, as if he was flustered that he never thought that his plan would be seen through.

[It's not at all different from his usual calm style. 】

But Zhou Fangwu was the team leader after all, so he quickly recovered after a brief panic.

"Even if you see through my scheme, how can we lose when we face you with Akua?"

"Heh heh heh, hahahaha, is that really the case?"

Even though there was a goddess standing in front of it, Barnier was not timid at all. It laughed and said: "It is true that you who have a goddess don't need to be afraid of us. However, you made a big mistake." what!"

"What... what are you talking about?!"

"My generation is saying, you have forgotten yourself!"

Barnier suddenly took off his mask, and before everyone could react, he put the mask on Zhou Fangwu's forehead, and then its body turned into sand and blended into the ground as if it had no support. middle.


"Senior Zhou Fang!"


The other three people were startled by Barnier's sudden attack, and hurriedly shouted Zhou Fangwu's name, but the leader who stood still on the spot did not respond.

half an hour.

"Heh heh heh, hahahaha, hahahaha! It worked, this body is mine now!"

Contrary to Zhou Fangwu's usual style, it laughed loudly and shouted, "It's amazing, this body! What about my special power! How about it, if you attack, the damage will be completely reflected back To this body!"

This is its strategy!

Unlike seizing the bodies of [Adventurer] and [Cross Knight], this [Master of Swordsmanship] is the best one.

And as the leader of the team, who is loved by all the team members, they have no way to kill this body.

"How, how come!"

Darkness looked at the possessed 'Zhou Fangwu' in disbelief, while saying unacceptable words.

"If you want to possess me, then possess me! I want to experience that feeling too! It's better to say, quickly possess me!"

Barnier: "..."

Kazuma Sato: "..."

Aqua: "..."

The scene turned cold again.

"Is this the time to say something like that, you idiot!"

Sato and Zhen hated iron and steel and cursed: "Senior Zhou Fang is possessed, what should we do!"

"What are you panicking about, Kazuma! We still have Aqua, isn't its natural enemy here!"

"Yes, yes."

Only then did Sato Kazuma realize that they still have Aqua's.

It is even more unacceptable to actually forget about the goddess Akua, and let this perverted knight, who is useless both internally and externally, remind her.

The three surrounded Barnier in the middle to prevent it from escaping.

Right now.

The adventurers who scattered to explore the dungeon also gathered here.

"Hey Kazuma, what's going on here?"

Senna, who led the other teams, found that the atmosphere was not right as soon as she entered.

Seeing that they seemed to be besieging Zhou Fangwu, he became even more puzzled.

"Is it Senna...Actually, Senior Zhou Fang was controlled by Banir, a cadre of the Demon King Army who claims to be the Duke of Demons!"

After seeing the person coming, Sato Kazuma gave a brief explanation.

"What are you talking about, Demon King Army cadre?!"

Senna was startled by his words~www.wuxiamtl.com~ At the same time, the adventurers behind her dispersed silently, seeming to encircle and retreat.

"Hehe, hahahahaha, have you all gathered here?"

As if he had succeeded, Banir laughed loudly and said, "It's just in time, let us (start hunting down the cadres of the Demon King Army)... huh?"


What's the matter with this sound?

The development of the situation seems to have exceeded its expectations.

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