Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 198: Mutations in the Dungeon of Kiel

, the fastest update, I didn't expect it, I went through the latest chapter again!

A few days later, the [Hero] team still had nothing to do as usual, and would go to Wiz's magic item shop in their spare time.

I thought that the next days would pass so smoothly, but I didn't expect to be involved in big trouble.

"Sato Kazuma! Is Sato Kazuma here—!"

While they were chatting in the guild, Miss Sena, the kingdom's prosecutor who hadn't seen him for a long time, appeared in front of everyone, shouting Sato Kazuma's name loudly.

"What, what's the matter again!"

Sato Kazuma was obviously frightened by Senna's strength, he shrank his shoulders and took a few steps back, and said with a scared look: "I declare in advance that I have been staying in the guild for the past few days and have not done any tasks. What happened? None of my business!"

"How could it have nothing to do with you!"

The angry Sena didn't listen to his excuse at all, but just when she was about to yell something more, she suddenly saw Zhou Fangwu sitting in the crowd.

In an instant, Miss Sena changed from a ferocious wild lion to a docile cat.

She said softly: "Actually, there is something I want to ask you. Please don't be too nervous."

But her behavior frightened Kazuma Sato even more. He said in a low voice, "What's wrong with you? Why is it like a different person all of a sudden? This makes me even more scared."

"Oh hehe, what are you talking about, I've always been like this, haven't I?"

Sena smiled falsely, and then pretended to be surprised as if she had just seen Zhou Fangwu, and asked: "Oh, isn't this Wu, long time no see, you are back."


Too fake!

She was still furious before, but after discovering Zhou Fangwu's existence, she immediately changed her crazy appearance.

Her coy look fully revealed the girl's shyness and weakness.

However, this is extremely inconsistent with her personality.

In Zhou Fangwu's eyes, she should be the kind of very dashing girl, just like a strong woman like Crusch.

Instead, she will be respected and kept at a distance.

But for the sake of etiquette, let's say hello.

"Long time no see, Miss Sena, I haven't seen you recently, I thought you had already returned to the capital."

I thought she would talk about what she was busy with recently, but she only heard her whispering: "How is it possible, my goal has not been achieved, and it is impossible to go back easily!"

Are you still thinking about getting married? How persistent are you? !

As a last resort, Zhou Fangwu had to pretend not to hear.

"Miss Senna?"

"Ah, sorry. I've been busy with some chores recently, and I don't have much free time."

Well, that's right, that's how it should be.

Zhou Fangwu nodded in satisfaction.

This is the normal negotiation process when we meet again.

But please don't say anything in public, please marry me, if you say it, it will definitely become a big news.

Fortunately, Senna was still a little sensible and didn't make such a shameful request in front of everyone.

"Then, is Miss Sena looking for Sato-kun for something?"

Guide her on the right track, and continue talking about the topic just now, saying: "Sato-kun has been with us for the past few days, he didn't act alone, so he shouldn't have done anything wrong to affect Axel, As the lord, I can vouch for him."

"That is to say, I haven't been anywhere these days, and it has nothing to do with me!"

Before Sena could say what happened, Kazuma Sato impatiently pushed the matter out.

Senna said calmly, "It's a dungeon."


Under everyone's puzzled eyes, Senna nodded to show that it was indeed so.

"Didn't the [Hero] team explore the [Kiel's Dungeon] near the town before, and some adventurers said that a large number of mysterious monsters appeared there, so I came to ask you if you know what's going on."

"Kiel's Dungeon...?"

Zhou Fangwu thought for a while, "Is that the purified Lich Archmage Kiel?"

"Yes, it is the dungeon built by the Lich Archmage."

Sena went on to say: "Originally, the dungeon has been explored, but for some reason, monsters appeared recently, and they even ran out of the dungeon."

"No, wait a minute! That has nothing to do with us!"

Sato Kazuma yelled loudly, "It is true that we have entered that dungeon, but every time something goes wrong, I will be blamed, who can bear it!"


Hearing Sato Kazuma's miserably justified, the rest of the team nodded in agreement.


Kiel's Dungeon.

That being said, the guy who invaded the dungeon was probably Vanir.

"Having said that, I heard that you are the last batch of adventurers to enter that dungeon. And according to the usual practice, it is very likely that you will cause trouble, isn't it?"

"What kind of nonsense is this!"

Senna's behavior of forcibly pinning the fault on the team's head completely angered Sato Kazuma.

He roared loudly: "It's like this every time, every time. It's obviously not our fault but we always push this kind of thing on our head. Hey, we are also [heroes] who have saved Xinshou Village twice. , can you give us a little more trust!"

"If it's Zhou Fangwu, it really won't, but if it's [Perverted Ghost Animal Man], people have to doubt it."

Senna's merciless complaints broke Sato Kazuma's heart, and completely made him stop talking.

"Well, Miss Senna, please calm down."

Zhou Fangwu comforted Senna and said, "Sato-kun has been acting with me during this time, and there is no possibility of causing trouble."

"No, that's not what it means. The [Hero] team leader can still be trusted, but..."

Senna looked a little embarrassed, lowered her head and said softly, "Because I had a hot head and stubbornly thought it was you who caused the trouble, so I didn't think about it, but in this case, I can only hire people to go Investigated..."

While talking ~www.wuxiamtl.com~, he secretly glanced at the [Hero] team.

She blinked her eyes playfully, as if hinting at something like 'who happens to be free to help'.

"Yes, I understand."

Zhou Fangwu nodded and said, "Then our [hero] team will take over this commission, and Miss Sena can feel at ease."

"Really, that's great!"

But before Senna was happy, Zhou Fangwu said again: "It's just! The reward can't be less."

"Yes, don't worry about this. I still have some rights as a prosecutor of the kingdom. This task should be upgraded to an A-level task."

"Then thank you."

Seeing Sena being so upbeat, Zhou Fangwu nodded in satisfaction.

Coincidentally, he also has the idea of ​​investigating, so it's better to take advantage of the situation and accept this task.

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