Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 184: It's okay to be a concubine, please marry her

, the fastest update, I didn't expect it, I went through the latest chapter again!

Just when everyone was full of doubts, another person walked in from the door.

Darkness has the same blond hair as him, combed neatly behind her head, wearing a decent western dress that fits a nobleman, and has a straight body.

He didn't feel oppressed by being in a high position, but looked at the people in the reception room with kind and tolerant eyes.

No, to be precise, he was looking at Zhou Fangwu.

He is Lord Dustinis, Darkness's father!

"Meet you for the first time, Lord Dustinis."

Zhou Fangwu stood up, bowed and said, "I am Zhou Fangwu, the leader of the [Hero] team."

"First meeting, [Hero] Zhou Fangwu, I am Lalatina's father."

Lord Dustines did not use the position of the kingdom, but introduced himself as a father.

"Please sit down."

As the host, Darkness's father called everyone to sit down, signaling them not to be too restrained.

Maybe he already knew the virtues of these people from his daughter, so he chose to pretend not to see their rude behavior just now.

In fact, the problem children in the team never cared about their external image. Even Sato Kazuma, who knew it was bad, became irrational under Akuya's targeting.

Everyone sat on the sofa.

At this time, the noble lady who was sitting across from him lowered her head and did not dare to look directly at him, as if she had done something wrong.

This made Zhou Fangwu feel bad.

Sure enough, the following conversation almost ruined his reliable image in front of the team members.

"Can I call you [Wu]?"

"Of course. It is my honor that you are Lalatina's father and my elder."

Lord Dustinis was very satisfied with Zhou Fangwu's answer, and he looked at Zhou Fangwu more kindly.

"Wu, you are here to propose marriage."


Hearing the lord's words, Zhou Fangwu was taken aback for a moment, not knowing how to continue this topic.

"Isn't it? My daughter Lalatina said that she has made a private decision with a certain man for life. Isn't that man you? Am I misunderstanding?"

It seems to be asking, and it seems to be affirming.

After speaking, he looked at his daughter again.

Maybe in his mind, Zhou Fangwu was that man.

After all, except for his daughter's name, he basically revealed everything else, and judging from his information, only Zhou Fangwu met all the conditions.

Naturally, he thought that man was Zhou Fangwu.

"Hey!" X3

Lord Dustinis' words surprised the rest of the team.


Akuya was crying, her expression was full of grievances, and her tears were about to flow from her eyes.

"Wu, you, you, you, and Darkness, is this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this relationship?!"

Hui Hui hurriedly asked, her voice full of panic.


How does this make him answer? !

Only Sato Kazuma was shocked at first, but realized in the next second that this must be an excuse made by Darkness to avoid a blind date.

The purpose is to let senior Zhou Fang use it as a shield, so as to escape the vortex of the blind date.

In fact.

Zhou Fangwu, who has the title of "Hero", is indeed an excellent candidate for marriage.

This can be seen from those women with wolf-like eyes.

When Sato Kazuma suddenly saw the triumphant smile on the corner of Darkness's mouth, his heart skipped a beat.

No, no!

Can't let Darkness, the perverted M knight's plan succeed, find a way!

Sato and Makoto turned around, and he thought of a good way.

He said loudly: "Lord Dustinis, please don't jump to conclusions! The reputation of our team leader cannot be dragged down, even if you are the great lord!"

"Who is this…"

"It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Kazuma Sato, and I'm a member of the [Hero] team. I'm also the companion of your daughter Miss Lalatina. Actually, we heard that Miss Lalatina I'm on a blind date, so I came to see her for the last time. After all, if Miss Lalatina's blind date goes well, we may not be able to see her again because of our identities and other reasons.

At this moment, Sato Kazuma's image changed drastically.

He has changed from the kind of scum who only promises to run away when things are not good, to a polite person with clear thinking and easy advance and retreat.

It seems that he is a part of [Heroes].

But from Sato Kazuma's words, it's not difficult to hear that Zhou Fangwu is not a man who has a private life with Darkness.

He vetoed this identity for the team leader.

Immediately, sharp eyes swept over [Ghost Animal Man] in the front left.

Darkness looked at Sato Kazuma with killing intent in her eyes.

She was very upset with Sato Kazuma, who was destroying her secret plan at this time, but she couldn't get angry in front of her father, so she had to stare at Sato Kazuma with the cold eyes of looking at the dead.

At this moment, [Cold Beauty] returns again.

Sato Kazuma, who thought that Darkness's plan had been destroyed, shuddered.

"Why do you say that, Kazuma...I can call you Kazuma."


Sato Kazuma responded, then pointed to the two female members of the team, and said: "Actually, the [Great Magister] and [High Priest] of our team like our team leader. They have been together for a long time. There is no room for your daughter anymore!"


Sato Kazuma's words were really exciting.

This time even Darkness couldn't hold her breath anymore, she asked loudly in a panic: "What's going on, what happened during the two months I left, please explain to me a bit!"

But Sato Kazuma was obviously not afraid of big things, he spread his hands and said lightly, "Well, it's just what you think, and you were taken by others in the two months since you left."

This guy was only thinking about expelling Darkness from the team, casually slandering the innocence of Aqua and Megumin, and he didn't even think about what would happen next.

Didn't he know that by saying that, his life would be lost?

Is he so brave?

Did he want to use an explosion spell?

Perhaps in Sato Kazuma's mind, Darkness's father would never let his daughter intervene in other people's feelings, after all, he is the great lord.

"Wu, explain to me!"


"What exactly is going on?"

The scene became a mess!

Under the control of Sato and Zhensao, Zhou Fangwu was repeatedly questioned by the three women before he could react.

Even Lord Dustinis bowed his head.

He didn't speak, but the low air pressure on his body became more and more serious, making the noisy crowd gradually subside.

dare not speak. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Only at this time did the team members realize that in front of them was the great lord known as the [Kingdom's Heart Blade]. Even though he was very friendly, he was still a majestic lord in essence!

Sato Kazuma didn't feel very good. He seemed to have done something wrong and wanted to make amends quickly.

"Ahem, actually..."

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, unexpectedly...my daughter actually..."

Darkness's father seemed very angry. He might not be able to accept that his daughter was the one who meddled in other people's feelings, and he kept repeating it.

Just when Zhou Fangwu wanted to explain, he heard him say such a sentence.

"It's fine to be a concubine, please marry her."

"Hey!" X5


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