Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 176: A wonderful man like [me]

"Didn't expect that I traveled again and again (!

[Long time no see, my disciple, I wonder if your skills are unfamiliar...]

"No, Senior Zhou Fang!"

Sato Kazuma pointed to Zhou Fangwu's initial greeting, and said very strangely: "Didn't you tell Plank before he left that he would not be allowed to declare himself as your disciple?"

"Uh...sorry, I forgot."

Forgive Zhou Fangwu for his small mistake.

This cannot be blamed on him, after all, he is not a god, nor does he have any photographic memory.

It's all because too many things happened in ZERO, which made him forget this [insignificant little thing].

But what Sato Kazuma said is also right, the matter of accepting Plant as a disciple cannot be revealed yet.

In this way, this letter cannot be written in the tone of an [elder], but in the greeting of a [friend].

[Long time no see, dear Plant, your extraordinary demeanor is still unforgettable. Since the last farewell, Axel has left behind your legend...]

The writing is very polite, and the lines between the lines are full of [false] among the nobles.

But even so, Zhou Fangwu focused on asking him whether his skills were unfamiliar and whether he had practiced hard after the long and exaggerated praise.

Of course, I didn't forget to ask him about [Dustinis Ford Lalatina].

Because it is very formal, the false name [Darkness] was not used.

Explain the purpose of coming, and attach [your friend Zhou Fangwu] at the end.

Finally, I also left my signature and seal on the envelope of this letter.

【Axel Village Viscount Zhou Fangwu】

This is very important!

As a correspondence, and letters to the Duke's family, even if Plante was the third son, he would not read all letters.

If it is not marked well, it is really possible that it will be ignored by the housekeeper, and then it will be thrown away indifferently.

Especially this [Viscount] Head Street is especially useful in the aristocratic class. To a certain extent, it is better than the title of [Hero] Zhou Fangwu!

"Okay, the letter is finished."

Chief Zhou Fangwu breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly put down the pen in his hand.

He felt that he had accomplished a huge and extremely difficult task!

You know, for them, the reincarnations of the other world, the words of the other world are all instilled through Aqua's [magic that can make people's brains go wrong if they are not careful].

Although he successfully instilled magic, he can also read and understand characters from other worlds, but sometimes, being able to read and being able to write are really two different concepts.

The difference is quite big!

Especially in the Chinese characters, this feeling is even more obvious!

"Yo Xi, without further ado, let's deliver the letter!"

Akuya grabbed the neatly folded envelope, waved her hands and shouted again: "Let's eat something good later, welcome Wu's return, how about it?"

Although it was a rhetorical question, she must have regarded this welcome back event as something she would definitely do in the future.

To be honest, Zhou Fangwu was very moved.

Really touched... if I hadn't heard her spitting out those expensive bubble wines.

Now Zhou Fangwu was moved and wanted to slap her.

I'm not as important as bubble wine?

"That's right. Senior Zhou Fang hasn't returned for two months, so it's really necessary to hold a welcome ceremony."

Sato Kazuma, who was rare, didn't bother Aqua, and agreed to the arrangement of holding a banquet.

He was really welcoming Zhou Fangwu back.

After all, when Zhou Fangwu came back, he was liberated, and he didn't have to worry about these troubled children anymore.

Megumi didn't say a word.

Ever since Zhou Fangwu extinguished her enthusiasm, she wanted to be a spoiled doll, who wouldn't express her opinions and was dragged away at random.

like now.

Akuya just tugged her lightly, and followed behind her step by step.

A look of dementia.

If it wasn't for what Akuya said in her ear to cheer her up, Zhou Fangwu doubted that she would spend the past few days in such a daze.


Whenever it was time to release [Today's Explosion Magic], the alarm clock in her body would definitely ring on time, and then wake her up from her daze, and turn into that frightening [Crimson Demon girl with brain problems].

There are many pedestrians on the street.

When they saw the conspicuous white uniforms of the [Heroes] team and Zhou Fangwu who was walking in the front, they abruptly stopped their footsteps from far away and wanted to hide. face changing.

It really opened Zhou Fangwu's eyes!

I don't know what kind of outrageous things the team members have done in the two months since he left to scare them so much.

This made him always feel that his desperately trying to manage his reputation was right or wrong, whether it was working or not.

I'm a bit confused.

Come to the Adventurer's Guild and call the waiter to order.

"What would you like to order?"

Her soft voice came slowly, as if it made a refreshing horse for the ears.

The waiter who appeared in front of everyone was an unexpected person.


It was once said that Luna is the most popular counter lady of the Adventurer's Guild, and the average number of adventurers in front of her can reach about 300 every day.

It can be said to be the busiest person.

And such a person would actually appear in front of everyone during the day, morning, and when adventurers came to pick up the mission.

what happened?

With puzzled eyes, he looked at her pretty face with a charming smile.

In just 3 seconds, I got a response.

"I'm just an ordinary counter lady, and I need to rest, don't I?"

Luna smiled and said: "Please don't worry, I'm not lazy, now is my rest time, there are other counter girls who are replacing me, if you don't believe me, you can ask them."

It didn't say who "they" were, but they could all guess that it was the other counter girls.

But, the problem is not here!

Luna was still at the counter when they walked into the Adventurer's Guild just now.

Based on the principle of proximity, they sat at the table closest to the door, but as soon as they sat down, she appeared in front of everyone.

From this point of view, there is a problem!

Akuya sensed something was wrong!

"Uh...Miss Luna?"

"Yes, what are your orders?"

"I always feel that your expression is a bit too deliberate. It doesn't make me feel like a spring breeze at all."

"...hug, sorry."

[The most popular counter lady] I couldn't hold back her smiling face, it took a lot of courage not to run away!

But she still resisted to stay, and at the same time she silently said in her heart:

Can't escape, absolutely can't escape! [The most outstanding man in the kingdom] is right in front of you, if you don't fight, you will never have the chance to marry yourself off!

She was thinking about it.


Zhou Fangwu sighed lightly.

He understands that such an excellent man like him is so easy to attract bees and butterflies, it is useless to hide anywhere.

It is exactly the famous line of Zhou Xingxing:

Do you think you can't be found if you hide here? It's useless, a man as outstanding as you is as bright and outstanding as a firefly in the dark no matter where he is...

— That’s right, it was Zhou Fangwu’s!

In fact, it's not just Luna. From the very beginning of the kingdom's prosecutor Sena's abrupt marriage application, he knew it would become like this.

He still has a definite self-cognition of becoming a wealthy son-in-law.

It's just that I thought that leaving them for 2 months would calm their feverish minds, but I didn't expect it to become more serious after returning.

Walking all the way from the mansion in the suburbs, those women who are waiting to marry look at him with blinding eager eyes, and they can see how sought-after he is now.

Even Yu Jian Xiangye, who has a personality defect and [extreme secondary disease], has a lot of fans who follow him. Zhou Fangwu's reputation spread throughout the kingdom, and he was also named a noble [hero], How can you not be missed?

"Ahem, waiter, we want to take an order. Please serve us... blah blah. Ah, that's right, another glass of water, thank you."

Mr. Akua coughed lightly, as if to explain that he was a guest, and then quickly said the sumptuous dishes of the banquet.


"Didn't you hear, Miss Waiter, do you need me to repeat it?"

"No, no need~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I remember everything."

"Then... why don't you go!"

Luna obviously wanted to say something more, but was forcefully forced away by Aqua.

Seeing 【Most Popular Counter Lady】 leave, Zhou Fangwu nodded gratefully to Akuya.

He really couldn't bear this beauty's kindness.

He already had a clear candidate in his mind, and although there were several, it was obvious that Luna was not among them.

After that, the banquet begins!

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