Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 174: She is a decent goddess

"Didn't expect that I traveled again and again (!

Returning to Axel Novice Village again, Zhou Fangwu's tense nerves were finally relaxed at this moment.

so tired!

Really too tired!

To compete with other king pickers, one must always be vigilant, and be careful of the calculations of other strong players.

Seriously, even Iron Man couldn't handle it.

Fortunately, he came back safely.

It's still sunny.

The people here are very interesting, everyone is talented and nice to speak, he likes this place very much.

Especially when he is very famous in Axel and everyone knows him, this feeling is even better.

"My lord, you are back!"

"My lord, welcome back!"

"Isn't this [Hero], I haven't seen you for two months, how are you doing recently!"

Zhou Fangwu, the lord of the Axel Novice Village, and the part-time leader of the [Hero] team, is a well-known figure in Axel, and is deeply loved by the leaders.

"Everyone, long time no see, how are you doing!"

He greeted them loudly, without the lofty airs of nobles.

Of course, Zhou Fangwu will not behave in a disgusting way just because of his status change.

They prefer Zhou Fangwu, who was born as an [adventurer], rather than a [lord] Zhou Fangwu.

"Yes, thank you for your concern!" xN

In their unanimous response, Zhou Fangwu returned to the hotel.

However, there were no team members in the hotel.

"Ah, it's Lord Lord!"

The moment the owner of the hotel saw Zhou Fangwu coming in, his fat body quickly squeezed out from behind the counter, with a flattering smile on his fat and greasy face.

This philistine man is called Harbo, and he is the owner of the biggest and best hotel in Novice Village.

At the beginning, the team lived here because he bewitched Akuya and Huihui, saying that they would live here for free until the Lord's Mansion was built.

In fact, Zhou Fangwu could also understand what he meant.

——Want to please Zhou Fangwu, who is the lord.

Originally, they didn't want to agree, but Akuya and Huihui saw that they didn't want money, so they came in that day.

No way, Zhou Fangwu had no choice but to let them.

But insist on paying the room fee!

However, Harbaugh was also a fine individual, knowing that his intentions had been exposed, he did not try to please Zhou Fangwu too much.

But the inadvertent service still satisfied the team members.

For this, Zhou Fangwu paid him 10% more.

"Boss Harbo, where did our team members go? Why is there no one in the room?"

"Oh, about this..."

During Zhou Fangwu's questioning, Harbaugh told the whereabouts of the others.

It turned out that about half a month after he left, the lord's mansion was successfully remodeled, and the rest of the team had already moved back.

"Thank you for letting me know, Boss Harbaugh, so I'll leave now, I've been bothering you a lot lately."

"Where, it is Harbaugh's honor to be able to help the lord."

In the respectful farewell, Zhou Fangwu left the hotel.

Go to the mansion in the suburbs.

In about 15 minutes, he came to the mansion in the suburbs.

Looking at the newly remodeled mansion.

The floor area of ​​this mansion has been expanded by one floor, and although it has been repeatedly emphasized not to expand the area, it is obvious that those craftsmen did not listen to Zhou Fangwu's request, and added a circle abruptly.

The expanded mansion is more magnificent than before, and the rather dilapidated appearance has also taken on a new look.

There is no oldness and decay before.

not bad!

Forgive Zhou Fangwu for his lack of integrity, because he is really good.

Push open the door and walk in.

Before they reached the hall, they heard a loud noise.

"Hey! Akua, it's alright, I've already apologized, so there's no need to put on such a pretentious gesture!"

It's Kazuma Sato.

It sounded like he wasn't very happy with Aqua.

That's right, since the two of them came to the lower realm, they have always disliked each other. Zhou Fangwu would be surprised if the relationship between the two becomes better someday.

"That's right, Aqua. I'm not used to your appearance. Let's quickly change back to the original Aqua, please."

This is Huihui.

She was talking to Aqua with a begging tone.

Huihui's reaction surprised him, Sato Kazuma aside, how come Huihui is like this?

I just heard Akuya say solemnly: "What are you talking about, I've always been like this, haven't I?"

The ethereal voice is full of kindness and tolerance.

This is Aqua?

"Hey! Give me enough time. If you do this again, be careful that I punch you in the face!"

Sato Kazuma, a guy who implements feminism, doesn't care about Aqua's pretending.

If it **** him off, he could really do such a thing.

"Wha...! Cough, it's really disrespectful to dare to say such things to me as a goddess! ... However, I am the goddess of water, the goddess of wisdom who is loving and tolerant, so please forgive your rudeness."

uh... what happened?

Even Zhou Fangwu was shocked.

This is Aqua?

You tell me that this is the mischievous Akuya who cries when she is wronged, likes to confront people, is always out of shape, and looks like a mentally handicapped child?

"What is happening?"

Unable to suppress the doubts in his heart, Zhou Fangwu came to the hall from the door.

"Huh? It's Senior Zhou Fang, you're back!"

"Wu! Welcome back!"

Both Sato Kazuma and Hui Hui were very surprised when they saw Zhou Fangwu appearing, and shouted his name loudly to welcome his return.

However, there is one exception!

It's Aqua!

If the usual Akuya, the moment she saw Zhou Fangwu coming back, she would have rushed up to hug him.

It's like seeing a mobile wallet, she will always pounce on it like a kitten.

—Although intimacy, intimacy with intention still occupies a large part.

But this time, Akuya didn't make any moves!

Even if he saw Zhou Fangwu, he just said softly: "Wu, welcome back. Thank you for your hard work, my lovely believer. May the blessing of the goddess of water always be with you."

Now she is sitting on a chair solemnly, with a quiet smile on her face, and an elegant and dignified temperament rushing towards her face.

Solemn and steady, not as frizzy and reckless as before.

Just like a real goddess!


Why do you say 【like】?

Isn't Aqua originally a goddess?

Out of curiosity, Zhou Fangwu asked: "What's wrong with Akuya, I always feel that something is wrong with her."


Sato Kazuma explained the reason.

In short, Akua was afraid of being abandoned because of the sentence "You are a goddess but don't look like a goddess, you always look like this, be careful to be abandoned by Senior Zhou Fang", so Akua maintained the posture that a goddess should have.

Sato Kazuma looked at Aqua with a displeased expression, and said, "...That's how it happened, because of my inadvertent words, Akua, an idiot, became like this."

"I see."

Zhou Fangwu nodded, expressing his understanding.

Then he said to the Goddess of Wisdom who was sitting on the chair: "Akuya, there is something wrong with you."

"What are you talking about, Wu, she is a goddess of integrity. My lovely believer, I have always been like this, haven't I? I am the goddess of water and wisdom, Aqua!"

It seems to be self-defining, and it seems to be telling the original face of oneself.

It was as if she had completely forgotten all the things she had done before, without the slightest bit of a goddess appearance.

But in the next second, Zhou Fangwu's words stimulated her sore feet again.

"Are you really ashamed to say that, Akua... the goddess of working, the goddess of banquets, the goddess of drunkenness, the goddess of arrogance, the goddess of doormats, the goddess of fools? Just like that, you have the nerve to call yourself a goddess of integrity?"

"Uh... what...!"

It may be that Zhou Fangwu's words were too sharp, and Akuya couldn't accept it, and she immediately looked pitiful with tears in her eyes.

She also never thought that she would have such an image in Wu's heart, and Wu, who has always been close to her, would belittle herself so much.

It is estimated that if she said a few more words, she would definitely cry out loud.

"...But, that's how you are Aqua, the one I like, isn't it?"

Zhou Fangwu changed the subject, and said in a comforting tone, "No matter how unbearable you are in the eyes of others, you are you, Akuya."


Hearing Zhou Fangwu's words, Akuya sobbed softly, "Won't Wu despise me, even if I do."

"Of course! How could I despise you, Aqua, I really like you."

Zhou Fangwu replied without thinking.

He discovered it when he was from zero, if it wasn't for Akuya's blessing, he might have been planted there.

And the effect of Aqua's blessing is very powerful!

So for him, Akuya is an indispensable existence, no one can take her away!


Aqua sucked the running snot, and then showed a smile that was pure enough to make anyone feel purified.


She jumped up from the chair, ran towards Zhou Fangwu and jumped over.

"Wu! Welcome back, I miss you so much!"

With a belated greeting, Aqua embraced him with open arms.

"Wait, wait a minute, Aqua!"

Seeing the angle at which Akuya took off~www.wuxiamtl.com~Zhou Fangwu always had a sense of sight.


The two heads collided again.

"Um... well-pain-ah!"

Aqua covered her head and cried with tears in her eyes.

It seems that she has changed back to a detached character.

It's so coaxing.

Just like that, I can lie to her 10 times!

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