Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 173: Turtle [armor] tie uncle!

, the fastest update, I didn't expect it, I went through the latest chapter again!


Die! Die! Die!

Sato Kazuma turned around and ran away if he failed in one blow!

He knows how to choose after the assassin fails, and how can he fight with the goblin priest?

In a place deep into the enemy's base camp, if you stay for a second longer, you will make yourself more dangerous!



"What's going on, why is the sleeping potion not working all of a sudden!"

Sato Kazuma couldn't figure out what went wrong.

It was really smooth at the beginning, why did it fail at the last step?

This is different than imagined!


The goblin priest behind him yelled something incomprehensible, but the angry tone in the words could still be heard.

There must have been a lot of cursing mixed in.

Under his order, the goblins in the tribe swarmed out of their respective tents, and chased after Sato Kazuma in the direction where Kazuma fled.

"Damn it, are these goblins so disciplined?"

Sato Kazuma cursed under his breath.

But in the next second, there was an extremely sinister smile on his face.

"Hey hey, come after me, come after me, let's see how I deal with you goblins."

As an experienced adventurer, especially an old fritter like Sato Kazuma who is full of (yin) wisdom (xian) and more (jiao) strategy (zha).

It's not too much to have a backup plan.

He set up layers of traps on the outskirts of the Goblin tribe, on a path leading to Axel Novice Village.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if all the goblins catch up, they may not be able to leave alive!

Through the trap, the group of goblins will definitely be wiped out.

As long as he gets there he's safe.

However, now there is a problem in front of him.

—How to escape?

Sato Kazuma is like a slippery fish, escaping from the tents of the tribe, avoiding the capture of the goblins.

Thanks to the irregular position of the tents built by these goblins, he was able to hide smoothly.

"Really, what should I do?"

Sato Kazuma understood that he had to come up with a way to escape from here as soon as possible.

If he dawdled for a while longer and the goblins surrounded the exit, then there was really no possibility for him to escape!


"What should I do, just run away like this? With the assistance of [Latent], [Aura Elimination] and [Enemy Perception] skills, it shouldn't be a problem."

"Hello, boy."

"...there is also the life-saving [Varn] skill, which can cause chaos at critical moments, so you can take the opportunity to escape."

"Hey, boy!"

"It's so annoying! Who is the boy who keeps yelling, don't you know I'm thinking?!...Ah?"

After reacting, Sato Kazuma realized that there was actually another person in this tent!

With flustered eyes, he turned his head and looked at the person sitting cross-legged inside.

For a moment, big eyes meet small eyes.

After the silent silence, Sato Kazuma turned around and was about to leave without saying a word.

"Hey, boy! Wait, wait!"

"No, I won't wait."

"Wait! Why do you turn around and leave, and help ordinary people who are in danger? Isn't that what you, an adventurer, should do?"

"But! I didn't say that I have to save a pervert!"

Sato Kazuma looked at the middle-aged uncle sitting cross-legged inside with a disgusted expression, just like looking at Darkness who was ill.

This uncle, with messy black shawl and long hair like a bird's nest, has a rough face full of stubble.

The clothes on his body were also tattered, and they were covered with various colors, and it was impossible to see what was stuck on them.

With a strong breath of decadence, like those middle-aged greasy uncles in island countries who have no ambitions in life!

If so, forget it!

But this uncle, he was tied here.

— How to bind with a tortoise!

The uncle was bound by a turtle [armor] or something...

Really, too impactful!

Ah, my eyes!


Kazuma Sato has already put that label on him.

As a man, you are dead.

No need to quibble, even if you say this is performance art!

The binding method of an uncle being bound by a tortoise is thrown here. If there is no problem, even that idiot Akua would not believe it.


Now that I can't protect myself, if I bring another perverted uncle who is holding back, then the two of them will definitely not be able to escape here!

Regardless of him, go on your own.

"Wait, wait! Listen to me, listen to me!"

Seeing that Sato Kazuma disliked him, the middle-aged uncle hurriedly explained, hoping to let him take him away.

"Actually, I'm a magic item master."


"Three days ago, I was making props in my own home, but an unknown error occurred due to excessive dosage."

"Oh hoo~"

"Then, there was an explosion."

"oh oh…"

"But when I woke up, I realized that I was arrested and **** by these goblins."


"So, I'm really not a pervert! I didn't help this tortoise [armor] bondage!"

The uncle blushed and defended.

He was proving that he was not interested in this aspect, but the facts in front of him would never be believed.

"Okay, okay, I believe it, I believe it."

Sato Kazuma said that everyone has their own way of living, so you don't have to worry about others, just follow your own preferences.

But this kind of warm and considerate feeling is the most unacceptable method of comfort for this middle-aged uncle.

"feed me…!"

"But uncle, I'm actually just a low-level [adventurer]. Now that I'm in danger, I can't take you away with me."

Sato Kazuma spoke the desperate truth.


Even he himself didn't know if he could escape smoothly, so how could he talk big and bring another person to escape?

Forcibly taking him away is not a wise choice.

It's better to leave first, and then find someone to rescue him.

"Ah, please don't worry about this, in fact, I'm still a [Great Magister]."

"Eh? Eh—?!"

Forgive Sato Kazuma for screaming at such a critical moment regardless of being discovered, it is because he heard an answer that made him feel incredible.

"Are you [Magic Item Master]?"


"Or [Grand Magister]?"


"Then why are you still trapped here? By the way, as a magic item master, uncle, doesn't he have a small item to save himself?"

"...I'm sorry. The explosion was too sudden at the time, and I was knocked unconscious before I could react. So..."

The uncle didn't go on, but Sato Kazuma still understood.

There must have been an accident without any precautions, and then he was blown into a coma, and then trapped by the tortoise [shell].


A big word [miserable] appeared on your head, uncle!

"But, even if you let go, uncle, there is no way to escape from here."

Even so, Kazuma Sato untied the uncle.

At this time, every point of help increases the chance of escaping.

Why doesn't Sato Kazuma understand this truth?

"Ah, about this, I can use [Teleportation] magic!"


Kazuma Sato wondered if he had heard wrong.

Knowing [Teleportation] magic, but still willing to be tied here, what is the situation? !

Could it be...

Sato Kazuma suddenly remembered how he was bound by a turtle when he saw him.

Sure enough, you are a pervert!

"Young man, although you seem to have misunderstood something, there is actually a reason for not using [Teleportation] magic."

"what reason."

"Due to some special reasons, if I don't have a wand in my hand when I release the magic, the magic I release will most likely fail."

"Oh~ By the way, what will happen if the [Teleportation] magic fails?"

"...It's better that you don't know."


"Where, at most, it is divided into two halves, one half is at the destination, and the other half is left here."

"Wait, wait! When you say that, I'm even more afraid!"

Sato Kazuma wanted to stay away from the uncle, but he hugged him in his arms, blushing and exerting all his strength, but he couldn't break free from his embrace.

[Strong man locks men], [Men plus men]!

No, the breath of philosophy is coming!

"Uncle, didn't you say that you are the [Great Magister], why are you so strong?"

"Ahaha, have you forgotten that I am still a [Magic Item Master]? As a [Magic Item Master], how can I create excellent magic items without physical strength?"


Sato Kazuma's legs were shaking.

He had already anticipated the scene where he would be torn apart.


Die! Die! Die!

But Sato Kazuma was not reconciled to this, and chose to struggle again.

Just rely on words to convince!

"Hey, uncle. Since the magic may fail, why don't we use it. In fact, I still have a cheating skill, which can easily escape from here."

"Don't lie to me, boy. If you had such a powerful skill, then you wouldn't be reluctant to save me from the beginning."

Uncle is worthy of being an uncle.

Not only age is increasing, experience and experience are also increasing.

He immediately exposed Sato Kazuma's lies, did not give him a chance to speak, and directly activated the magic.

The magic circle burst out a strong light in this tent.

"Actually, I dare not use [Teleportation] magic because of the possibility of failure of this magic~www.wuxiamtl.com~ But, when I saw a boy in need of help, for some reason, I mustered up my courage!"

"Actually, uncle, you want to find a companion! If the magic fails, the kind who won't be alone after leaving the world!"

"Young man, I still have a secret I haven't told you."

"What is it?"

"I am the strongest when I work hard for others!"

"This is your new setting, uncle!"

The light is getting stronger and stronger, and the magic is about to start.

"Ah! Ah-! Ah-! Don't-!"

While Sato Kazuma screamed in fear, they turned into light!

Disappeared among the goblin tribe.

PS: To meet the requirements of the group friends, the [Uncle] set by the group friends is online!

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