Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 171: (End from 0) On the Sustainable Development of Sanctuary

, the fastest update, I didn't expect it, I went through the latest chapter again!

Seven days after the sanctuary was liberated.

After the snow melted, it was the same as usual, without any changes.

Although the sanctuary as a whole is dilapidated now, the auditorium here is not bad.

Roswaal refurbished the place, and after simple decoration, it immediately had the noble style of holding banquets among nobles.

This is a celebration banquet, a celebration banquet to celebrate their crusade against the white whale, the lazy bishop, and the big rabbit.

It is also an honor ceremony.

—Emilia's Guard Knight Award Ceremony.

"Hey, hey, what's going on?! Isn't this Wu's award ceremony? Why am I wearing a knight uniform? It's strange, isn't it?!"

While Natsuki Subaru was puzzled, he kept pulling at the white clothes that made him uncomfortable.

It was different from his usual butler uniform, it was a knight uniform that could only be worn by a person who had status and had to be recognized by the kingdom.

"What are you talking about, Mr. Caiyue! Do you still want to be a housekeeper for the rest of your life?"

It was Zhou Fangwu who was standing beside him who spoke.

Wearing the same knight uniform as Subaru Natsuki, except that he has an extra purple coat with the kingdom's national emblem.

This is the only difference between the two outfits.

Zhou Fangwu patted him on the shoulder, "Mr. Caiyue, stand up, you are a knight now, you must always abide by the knight's rules, so as not to embarrass Emilia."

"That's right, Barus."

Ram straightened Natsuki Subaru's collar, and at the same time said viciously: "Don't be like a monkey... No, it's better to say that now you are like a monkey in knight clothes."

"It's too much! It's too harsh, my sis!"

Nayue Subaru retorted loudly, extremely aggrieved, "It's also my first time wearing it, please be considerate and considerate of me!"

"Barus should thank Ram well. If you hadn't kept yelling that you are Lord Emilia's knight, Ram wouldn't have rushed to make a knight uniform for you overnight."

"...Oh, oh. Thank you very much, onee-sama."

Seeing the faint dark circles under Ram's eyes, Natsuki Subaru thanked him in a low voice, but Ram beat him on the head instead.

Just like a sister's love and blessing to her ineffective younger brother.

During this period of time, Natsuki Subaru not only captured Emilia, but also got closer to his colleagues in the workplace—the two twin maids.

Ram is very vicious and critical to him, but it is a different kind of protection and concern.

Natsuki Subaru can still tell the difference.

—After the trial in the sanctuary, after growing up.

"By the way, general, you really don't match this suit."

After Garfiel was overwhelmed by Natsuki Subaru's unyielding will, he kept calling him general. Although the two didn't fight each other, they had a verbal confrontation, and Garfiel agreed with Natsuki Subaru's idea!

"Hey, you still have the nerve to talk about me, don't you too!"

"Ahaha! But, I'm still a little bit better than the general!"

After being ridiculed by his younger brother, Natsuki Subaru suddenly couldn't save his face, and said in a low voice: "I know, I know! Anyway, I am not as powerful as Wu, I already knew this!"

Hearing what he said, Betty suddenly became unhappy.

She sneered and said, "Hey, although you are a little self-aware, you can't say that compared to Wu."

The implication is that the comparison between Natsuki Subaru's self-knowledge is too big, but it doesn't bring out his point.

In other words, she is Subaru the poisonous tongue.

The consecutive venomous tongues hit his face one after another, and even Subaru Natsuki, who called himself "thick-skinned", broke his defense immediately.

He hurriedly begged for mercy, and said quickly in a low voice:

"I was wrong, I was really wrong, please stop talking, let me go!"

"Hmph. You're just... huh, Wu?!"

Betty obviously wanted to speak harsh words to him, but was picked up by Zhou Fangwu.

The arrogant elf was immediately shy. She screamed in panic and asked her contractor, "Wu, what are you doing?!"

"It's nothing, I just wanted to hug Beatrice."


This intimate move made Betty hide her head in Zhou Fangwu's arms, ashamed to see others.

The Betty was sunk!

'saved! '

Caiyue Subaru looked at Zhou Fangwu with this grateful gaze, but received a wink in response as if teasing.

Understanding Zhou Fangwu's meaning, Nayue Subaru said with firm will: "I know that I still need to improve, but as Emilia's knight, I am serious! Even if it costs my life , I will also protect Emilia!"

"That's right, Subaru. We are both servants of Lord Emilia, so let's work hard together."

Roswaal was also freed from the welcome, and came in front of everyone.

"Roswaal, thank you for your hard work."

"Lord Roswaal." X2

"Yo, Roswaal."


Everyone greeted him in different ways.

Zhou Fangwu thought that the clown would restrain himself a lot after seeing the woman he was thinking of, but he didn't expect that he would become more paranoid after being nourished.

He wants to revive Echidna, a living teacher with flesh and blood, soul, and breath!

This is his long-cherished wish!

Although he did not use extreme tactics anymore, his attitude undoubtedly no longer showed that he just wanted to make trouble.

Zhou Fangwu suspected that Roswaal might have been instructed by Echidna to become like this.

But there are also good things.

Roswaal is now sincerely helping Subaru Natsuki, and will not refuse almost any request.

— The premise is not to hinder his determination to revive Echidna.

"Why, have you entertained those guests?"

Zhou Fangwu raised the wine glass in his hand and took a sip with him.

"Wu Zhen is really bad-. Obviously, those people are all here for you, but they use me as a shield or something-."

Roswaal complained in his weird tone, but it was impossible to sympathize.

"Well, it's also possible that it wasn't me, but came here for [Emilia's Knight]."

"Ah, it's possible—"

Saying that, the two smiled knowingly.

This aboveboard premeditation made Natsuki Subaru feel uncomfortable all over, and he had a hunch that it had a lot to do with him.

Immediately asked: "Hey, what are you two plotting? I don't feel right."

"Sarah, who knows—"


"Okay, it's almost time. We'll talk about the rest later."

Regardless of Natsuki Subaru's dissatisfaction, Roswaal looked at the guests and the time, and rushed to the stage in front of him.

He is the host of the conferring ceremony and the host of the banquet, so he should make an opening speech.

Clap clap!

"Be quiet, please be quiet!"

Roswaal suddenly made a noise to attract the attention of everyone in the venue, and at the same time lowered the noise of the venue to keep the venue quiet.

"Thank you, all guests, for coming to participate in your busy schedule..."

Roswaal used a set of very formal and courteous social expressions to entertain every noble present who came to the banquet, and made a regular opening speech.

And Zhou Fangwu was talking to Nayue Subaru below.

"Cai Yue-jun, do you still remember that I promised you before that if I can help Emilia pass the trial, I will give you a reward?"

"Ah, of course I remember! I'm looking forward to Wu Shuo's reward!"

"Hehe, then you have to look forward to it."

Seeing his shining eyes, Zhou Fangwu chuckled, and then said to him with a sense of mystery: "Perhaps for you, this reward is the best and most unexpected reward."

"Huh? What is it..."

Natsuki Subaru asked suspiciously.

But before he finished speaking, he heard Roswaal on the stage calling his name loudly.

"Then, the knight award ceremony will officially begin now! Please, Lord Emilia, and her knight... Subaru Natsuki! Please come forward!"


Natsuki Subaru was startled.

The next second, he noticed that there was a big coat on his body.

This costume is the purple suit that Zhou Fangwu has been wearing since this morning!


Natsuki Subaru was even more shocked!

He opened his mouth wide and looked at everyone in disbelief.

"Go, Natsuki-kun! Today you are the protagonist"

Zhou Fangwu said to him: "Congratulations, you have taken the position of [Emilia's Knight] from me!"

It was only then that Nayuki Subaru realized that everyone had expressions that should be taken for granted, but he was the only one who didn't know.

"What... am I the only one kept in the dark?"

"Caiyue-kun, come on!"

"Just work hard, kid."

"General, you are handsome now!"

"Subaru, come on."

"Barus, Lady Emilia is waiting for you, don't lose face of Lady Emilia."

Everyone's blessings also followed, and Nayue Subaru calmed down from his shock, and shook off the big helmet on his body.

His voice was firm and decisive, "Oh! Just watch carefully!"

In the anticipation of everyone, Natsuki Subaru strode to the center of the stage.

Looking at the candidate for the heir to the throne who wanted to help her even at the expense of her life, looking at the silver-haired half-elf who had connected with her and expressed her love for each other.

Natsuki Subaru had a satisfied smile on his face.

Nayue Subaru, who has watched Zhou Fangwu's simulated award ceremony dozens of times, is not a problem to imitate this simple process.

Nayue Subaru knelt down on one knee, then pulled out the knight's long sword, and held it up with both hands.

Emilia raised the knight's long sword high and declared loudly:

"To the sun that looks down upon the splendid world;

To the stars who watch over the sleeping world;

To wind, water, earth, light, and spirits that fill all things;

To the vast world that accepts you, nurtures you, and sends you on your journey;

To support you, protect you, and achieve your glory;

To protect your everything, to nurture your world, to support your glory;

May your way of survival not humiliate you!

May you be free from fear, fear, and confusion!

May you always follow your heart!

You will be there until death.

From now on, protect me like everything you have, are you willing to swear? "

This is the oath that Emilia racked her brains to come up with.

For this oath, she locked herself in the room, thought for three days, and then ran to ask Roswaal and Zhou Fangwu about the oath.

This is enough to see how much she attaches importance to this kind of thing.

Do not!

It's better to say how much she attaches importance to Natsuki Subaru.

Facing Emilia's question, Natsuki Subaru replied:

"I swear to the sun, to the stars, to the protoss, to the world, to the glory... and to my parents, I will protect you and I will grant your wishes!

My name is Natsuki Subaru!

Emilia, I am a knight who belongs only to you! "

The two poured out their love for each other at this moment.

But obviously the occasion is wrong.

Emilia still finished the next process, put the long sword lightly on Natsuki Subaru's shoulder, tapped it twice and returned the knight's long sword.

This is the process of the ceremony, and it is also a manifestation of mutual trust and obedience between the two parties.

At this moment, Natsuki Subaru changed from a butler to a knight!

A knight who belongs exclusively to Emilia!

"Wu, do you really want to leave? Witch or something... As long as we think of a way, we can always handle it."

Emilia cared as always like an old lady, which made Zhou Fangwu's head ache.

Since the end of the banquet last night, he proposed to leave, and Emilia kept trying to keep him.


She thought that she had already matured after passing the customs trial, but she didn't expect to need to hone it again.

"Emilia, we are now in the sanctuary, but this does not mean that the Witch of Disguise is afraid to come. I don't know what impact my staying here will have, but I know that I can't stay here forever .”

Zhou Fangwu was suspicious.

He has not received the witch's invitation, is it sending him a signal.

— A signal named 【Rejection】.

Although the witches didn't say it explicitly, he had this feeling.

While hating the Pretentious Witch, she also hates Zhou Fangwu, her bishop.

This is also the reason why Natsuki Subaru gave up the post of "Emilia's Knight".

If the Pretentious Witch reaches a consensus with the other Witches and ignores their group, everyone will be in danger.

That being the case, he might as well leave here.

It also allows others to gain security while also being able to continue to grow here.

He has already ordered Elsa to protect the safety of Natsuki Subaru and Emilia.

"Then do as I say:

Take root in Sanctuary and develop steadily.

First spread the news of the crusade against the white whale to every corner of the kingdom, and then lied that there was a riot in the sanctuary where the witch was buried. During the suppression of the witch, the lazy bishop and the big rabbit were eliminated again...

By the way, let's also report the news that the priest of **** was also eliminated.


These news must be reported after a while!

If it is reported together, it will be easy to be suspected, and it will also be hostile by other king candidates!

So be sure to wait a while!

understand! "

"Yes, I understand!"

Emilia answered quickly.

This is the strategy left by Zhou Fangwu.

【Suppressing the Witch's Grave where the chaos occurred】is Emilia's superficial rhetoric, but in fact it is to avoid the chasing and killing of the pretending witch.

But Sanctuary is indeed a good place for sustainable development.

With a large reserve of half-orc talents, a wide range of territory and abundant supplies, it is very suitable for the base of future development.

Most importantly, Emilia can gain another wave of prestige with this!

[Suppressing the Witch], how great it sounds!

Just release the news that laziness, big rabbits, and **** have been eliminated after a certain period of time. I believe that under Roswaal's management, Emilia's reputation is definitely far higher than other candidates for the heir to the throne! ?

Kill three birds with one stone!

Very perfect plan!

But Zhou Fangwu's departure made one person feel dissatisfied.

It's our Tsundere Elf, Betty.

Less than a month after she made a contract with Zhou Fangwu, she said she would leave her alone.

What is [You are the most important one, Emilia still needs you]!

Who cares about the life and death of that little half-elf girl!

She really wanted to leave with Zhou Fangwu, but Zhou Fangwu told her that it was impossible.

In order to leave this world with Betty, he is going to find a way in other worlds.

Although Betty didn't want Zhou Fangwu to leave very much, she also knew that Zhou Fangwu who was being targeted by the witch was very dangerous, and even if the two of them worked together, they couldn't deal with the witch.

She had no choice but to nod in agreement.


You know what you know, but you are sure to be angry!

Although Zhou Fangwu agreed to visit her every month, she was still dissatisfied.

"Okay, Betty. Didn't I promise you that I will visit you every month."

"Yeah~www.wuxiamtl.com~ It's agreed, we must come back! Elves are very concerned about contracts!"

"Of course, my [only]."

As he spoke, Zhou Fangwu gently kissed her cheek full of collagen, looked at her shy look, and whispered: "I will definitely take you away! Wait for me to come back, Betty."

The two pulled the hook and made an agreement.

"Well! Betty is here waiting for you!"

"Don't worry, I still value my life very much. I will run away if I encounter danger."

Afterwards, Zhou Fangwu said to everyone: "Then, I will leave."

"Bon voyage please." xN

"I'm leaving!"

During the farewell, Zhou Fangwu left the sanctuary.

PS: End from scratch, the next chapter is Suqing. (Great!)

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