Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 169: customs clearance trial

"Didn't expect that I traveled again and again (!

"The condition for negotiating with Roswaal is that none of us can help Emilia pass the trial. This time, she can only rely on herself... So, do you understand?"

"Oh! In general, I have understood it. In order for Emilia to pass the trial alone, that guy Roswaal actually used the people as a threat..."

Nayue Subaru said with a stern face, "Really, I really want to punch that clown in the face to relieve my anger."

"Ah, about that, I've done it for you."

Zhou Fangwu said with a smile: "I have already punched him so hard that the corner of his mouth is bleeding."

"Nice_Punch! Well done, Wu!"

Nayue Subaru gave Zhou Fangwu a thumbs up.

After Natsuki Subaru woke up, Zhou Fangwu recounted what Roswaal had done and the process of negotiating with him.

It concealed that Roswaal sent people to attack and kill Emilia, intentionally left Rem and Betty behind, and attracted the attention of the Witch Cult. And transfer the problem to the people, so that Emilia and Natsuki Subaru continue to misunderstand.

Zhou Fangwu did this to excuse Roswaal.

However, it has another purpose!

Although Roswaal is a bastard, he is also the chief magister of the royal family anyway, and his strength is very powerful.

Plus, he's also a hereditary earl with a 400-year history.

For Emilia, who is currently nothing compared to other candidates for the heir to the throne, his reputation and strength all represent that he is a very good helper and tool person.

So in order not to turn against each other, the two agreed that these issues would never surface, and they would rot in their stomachs.


In order to ensure that Emilia can pass the trial smoothly, Zhou Fangwu also made a lot of arrangements.

Ask Betty to find the clones of Lutz, so that they will no longer be hostile to Natsuki Subaru; Roswaal recalled Elsa to kill Emilia again, but changed to To protect their safety; as well as Garfiel, Zhou Fangwu also asked Frankelica to communicate actively, trying to get rid of the old feud between the siblings and get back together.

Most importantly Parker!

After communicating with Parker in private, in order to allow Emilia to grow again and bravely face the past, Parker agreed to terminate the contract and decided to return Emilia's memory.

But at the same time, he also asked Zhou Fangwu to ask Emilia to sign a contract with it again as soon as possible.

To this, Zhou Fangwu agreed.

Parker's strength is obvious to all, and there is no reason to reject this powerful force.

Without these obstacles, Emilia and Natsuki Subaru can concentrate on facing the trial.

Next, Zhou Fangwu withdrew from the sight of the two.

He has done his best. If he continues to help, there will be big problems.

It would be bad if everything was arranged so that Emilia couldn't face setbacks, and eventually became a puppet who was afraid of being disappointed and would only follow other people's ideas.

Just like Natsuki Subaru in the **** line, the more you help, the greater the risk of failure!

Therefore, downplaying yourself is the best choice.

"How about it, Cai Yue-jun, do you have the confidence to help Emilia face the next trial alone?"

"Isn't that natural! I have been helping Emilia Tan from the beginning to the end, and this time is no exception! Just wait and see!"

"Hehehe, then I will wait and see."

Seeing his firm expression, Zhou Fangwu chuckled and said, "That's right. If Emilia can successfully complete this trial, I will give you a reward."

"Reward? What reward?"

"It's a secret. However, I can tell you that this is a reward that makes you very excited."

"Very excited... This really motivates me! Then I can look forward to it."

"Ah, just look forward to it."

It was getting late at this time, tonight's trial was about to start, and the rest of the supporting roles were about to leave, including Zhou Fangwu.

"I'll give you another piece of advice before I leave, Caiyue-kun."

When the two were about to separate, Zhou Fangwu said to him again: "If you want to help Emilia, don't get involved too much, the important thing is to encourage and comfort, not to bear the pain for her. Just like I have been doing before The sentence that said, 'You are the one who completes the task, not Emilia, if you do this, Emilia will never grow'."

"...I know, I know I'm always doing more harm than good. But, this time I won't! Wu will just watch how I can help Emilia pass the level!"

With that said, he strode away from here.

Go find Emilia and prepare to complete the trial with her.

Looking at his back, Zhou Fangwu shouted loudly: "I'll leave it to you, Subaru Nayue, don't let me down..."

Natsuki Subaru didn't look back.

He just raised his right hand high, pressed against his hip, and made his signature movement.

This represents his determination!

"Wu, what are you doing here?"

Betty appeared in front of him.

This arrogant elf can't leave her for a while, and sticks to Zhou Fangwu all the time.

Long periods of loneliness made her want to be with those close to her even more.

Zhou Fangwu doesn't dislike this cute little lolita.

It's just that whether it's eating, sleeping, or even taking a bath sometimes.

— standing outside the bathroom waiting for her to come out.

It's not a shared bath, which makes people feel sorry.

"Beatrice, how was your chat with your old friend from 400 years ago?"

"Hmph. That idiot Roswa can do this to such an extent, how much he covets [Mom]."

"You say that, Roswaal is really going to be sad."

Zhou Fangwu did not hide from Betty that Roswaal occupied his offspring through soul covering and survived for 400 years.

When Betty found out, she was shocked and angry, but also saddened by Roswaal's obsession.

She clearly knows how painful it is to wait for 400 years.

Because she has experienced it personally, she has an understanding of Roswaal's paranoid approach.


She is now free from **** and has found her future.

Looking at the contractor she had chosen in front of her, she stretched out her small hand and was held back.

With a happy smile on his face.

"Oh, Beatrice looks happy, what happened?"

"No, nothing."

Betty shook her head, but said again: "That's right. There is no mana replenishment today, let's go to replenish the mana!"

【Magic Replenishment】

This [replenishing magic] is not that [replenishing magic].

It is said to replenish magic ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ but in fact it is storing magic power in Betty's body.

Because Betty can't absorb magic on her own.

In the past, she relied on the mansion's magic circle to absorb the overflowing magic power of others.

Just leaving the mansion, she has no source of magic power and can only rely on Zhou Fangwu.

How could Zhou Fangwu refuse Little Lolita's invitation to restore magic?

"Yes, willing to help."

Then, the two walked into the house.

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