Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 162: The vain witch, Pandora!

"Didn't expect that I traveled again and again (!

The tentacles behind the lazy bishop were in all directions, blocking all paths.

It seemed that there was no way to retreat, but Zhou Fangwu did not panic.

"Sword of Yang Yan!"

With just one horizontal slash, all the incoming tentacles were cut off, and the invisible tentacles were cut in pieces, scattered on the ground without showing their shape.

The protection with the characteristics of the sun is exactly the nemesis of evil elves with earth attributes like him.

"No, impossible! Impossible! Impossible! Impossible! Impossible! Impossible...My love! The witch's love, love! Love! Love!...How could it be cut off!"

Seeing his tentacles being cut off, the lazy bishop suddenly went mad, and his emotions became even more agitated.

Roaring frantically while scratching his brain, the number of tentacles behind him multiplied several times, rushing towards Zhou Fangwu from all directions with teeth and claws, leaving no dead ends!

However, nothing works.

Just swinging the sword again, the tentacles were cut off again.

There is no difference from just now.

Even though there were countless tentacles behind the lazy bishop, they didn't hurt Zhou Fangwu at all. From this point of view, the lazy bishop was just purely incompetent and furious.

In charge of the lazy bishop, Petichius Romanee-Conti.

Say strong is not strong, say weak is not weak.

Except for the most difficult consciousness transfer, the body is almost the same as a normal person, and there is almost no magic power.

It can be said that he is the weakest one among all the great sin archbishops.

But, why is such a weak lazy bishop, who has been wandering around and doing evil for hundreds of years, yet no one can punish him?

That would be due to his power—[The Invisible Hand].

This power, in short, is the invisible tentacles.

It's just that this tentacle is a bit too much.

The lazy archbishop can control a dozen tentacles.

Although he was not strong, but relying on a dozen invisible tentacles, all the people who faced him for the first time were defeated by him almost without any defense.

That is the so-called 'first sight kill'.


As long as he can see his [Invisible Hand], even Subaru Natsuki, a beginner who has only practiced for about a month, can easily dodge it!

"Looks like you've stopped here, Petichius Romanee-Conti... No, Seuss! If you want to hate me, hate me in hell!"

Even if he is Emilia's adoptive father, as the evil elf who killed Rem, Zhou Fangwu will not show mercy!

Die, sloth!

【Protection of the Sun】, Activate!

【Magical Protection】Activate!

[Blessing of the Juggernaut], activate!

All the protections were activated over and over again, trying to eliminate the evil archbishop in front of him in one fell swoop, preventing him from having a chance to escape.

The 16 kinds of protection came again, under the scorching sun, Zhou Fangwu's whole body was extremely bright, like a **** releasing brilliance!

He is standing proudly in the world with an invincible posture!

"Be honored, lazy! This is the same treatment as the white whale! You can be proud!"


【Extreme Breath·Sun Wind·Sword of Yang Yan·Hundred People One Sword】!

The aurora pillar breaking through the sky appeared again, but this time there was only one witness.

The huge beam of light slashed at the lazy bishop!

Only for a moment!

The beam of light streaked across the sky silkily, and also across the top of Lazy's head.

There was a loud bang!

Starting from Zhou Fangwu's position on the ground, a huge, bottomless crack appeared in front of him until the southernmost border of the Warcraft Forest.

This powerful blow split the Warcraft Forest into two halves!

"Hoo, hoo, hoo~"

Zhou Fangwu panted heavily.

Although he really wanted to strike again, the long sword in his hand was just an ordinary knight's sword, which had already been shattered by this blow.

Not to mention, this blow really consumed all of his mana, and he no longer has the ability to make up.

But in order to ensure the demise of the lazy bishop, he still forcibly squeezed a little bit of magic power and used the perception skill.

"Enemy perception!"

Because there is not enough magic power, the range of perception is greatly reduced this time, and it can only cover a space of tens of meters in radius.

After careful investigation, it was finally confirmed that the lazy bishop was dead.

—He didn't notice the breath of anyone but himself.

The laziness is dead, the third chapter has not arrived, and it is a proper role.

"Huh, it's over, it's refreshing."

He lays on his back in the stone forest without paying attention to his image, even if his white clothes are stained by the ground, he doesn't care.

The aggrieved feeling suppressed in his heart finally vented out under this blow that pierced the world.

This sense of comfort gave Zhou Fangwu the illusion of being invincible in the world.

Gone, Gone!

Don't forget that there is still Lai Aotian's own son in that world!

Reminding himself like this, he slowly got up from the ground.

"Next is the position of the villagers..."

"Hey-! Wu-! Wu-!"

Before he could finish speaking, he heard a call from above.

and many more! and many more! and many more!

wait for me!

Why are you here!

—Natsuki Subaru!

At this time, Caiyue Subaru was standing above the stone forest, shouting loudly to Zhou Fangwu below.

It's over!

At this time, Zhou Fangwu only had this idea in his mind.

Because Natsuki Subaru also has the qualifications of an elf warlock!

In case the lazy bishop used [Force Contract] and took the opportunity to transfer into Subaru's body, Zhou Fangwu could only kill Subaru Nayue!

But in this way, the world will roll back again!

Everything he did was in vain!

With a light jump, he jumped up from under the stone forest.

"Are you... Natsuki-kun?"

He asked Subaru Natsuki who was three meters away from him, and at the same time put his index finger and **** together, aiming at Subaru Natsuki's throat.

At this time, his fingertips were flashing with the light of thunder and lightning. If Natsuki Subaru said the name of that person, then he could only do it cruelly!

"What are you talking about, Takeshi!...It's me, Subaru Natsuki!"

Nayue Subaru put his hands on his knees and said out of breath, "Didn't you tell me to come here quickly? Why do you ask such a question? What happened?"

"Is...me? You said, I called you here?"

Zhou Fangwu was completely dizzy.

He was still fighting the lazy bishop just now, how could he call someone, and it was Subaru Natsuki who had the qualifications of an elf warlock?

Ah, ah?


Not right!

Don't I also have the qualifications of an elf warlock? !

Why did I suddenly forget the aptitude that I analyzed and imitated from Emilia? !

A cold feeling of being deeply calculated swept over him, and the more he thought about it, the more terrified he became, making him unable to think any longer.

"Wu, what's the matter with you, why didn't you speak suddenly?"

Seeing that Zhou Fangwu had been contemplating, Nayue Subaru asked a little strangely: "By the way, those guys below are members of the Witch Cult, right? Have you killed them all? So, what is the purpose of calling me?" "

"No, actually I didn't ask you to... come..."

While talking, Zhou Fangwu stopped talking.

The mouth that was still opening and closing mechanically did not make any sound, the expression on his face gradually collapsed, full of disbelief, and he lost his voice!

Seeing Subaru Natsuki like Zhou Fangwu was really curious.


That man who has always been confident is actually afraid?

"Wu, why do you..."

"Come here, Natsuki-kun!"

Before he could finish speaking, Zhou Fangwu forcefully pulled him over and stood in front of him.

"What, what's wrong?"

Natsuki Subaru was very confused. UU Reading www. uukanshu. com

But when he saw where he was standing just now, he realized that there was someone following him all along.

And it's floating in mid-air!

Seeing this little loli with snow-white long hair, Natsuki Subaru was even more confused.

who is it?

Looking at Zhou Fangwu with this question, until Zhou Fangwu said her name.

"Vintegrity witch, Pandora!"

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