Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 159: goodbye beatrice

"Didn't expect that I traveled again and again (!

Rem is dead.

She fell in the middle of the hall.

Her face was pale and cold, and blood flowed from under her delicate body, staining the black and white maid outfit into blood red.

Most conspicuous was a large hole in her abdomen, which was the fatal wound that led to her death.

Although Rem's expression was calm, the dead bodies lying around her and the shattered walls that were destroyed were all telling everyone how tragic the battle she had experienced before her death.

"Ah! Rem, Rem—! Ahhh!"

Holding Rem's already icy body, blood stained Ram's maid outfit.

Unable to accept her sister's death, she called out her name aloud.

The heart-piercing cry made Emilia and Natsuki Subaru look at the blue-haired maid lying in a pool of blood in disbelief.

"W-how come... Rem, Rem, she..."

Emilia covered her mouth with a sad expression on her face.

Nayuki Subaru has been speechless for a long time, he never thought that his colleagues who had a good relationship with him before are now lying in a pool of blood and leaving them forever.

Obviously there was a conversation before, and there was a farewell before leaving.

Why, why did this happen after only half a month? !

"Well, it really was last night."

Zhou Fangwu crouched in front of Rem, touching her pretty pale face at this moment, feeling the temperature of her body at this moment.

The skin that has no blood circulation has lost its elasticity, and it has not recovered for a long time after being pressed.

"Naiyue-kun, what time is it?"

"Eh? Say this now?!"

"Tell me quickly, what time is it!"

Under Zhou Fangwu's soft drink, Nayue Subaru took out his mobile phone to check the time, and then reluctantly told the time.

"6:04 in the morning."

"6 o'clock? It took about 8 hours to die... In conversion, it was around 10 o'clock last night."


That was the bad feeling last night.

No, there might be another one!

That great Yin-type elf with otaku attributes!


"Beatrice, yes, and Beatrice!"

Emilia heard Zhou Fangwu's whisper, and was worried about Betty's safety.

The mansion has been attacked, and her safety is also a concern.

Before waiting for a conversation, Zhou Fangwu hastily activated his skills.


His own magic power instantly enveloped the mansion, and all the spaces hidden in the dark were displayed in front of him.

"Where, where?!"

Zhou Fangwu was a little anxious.

The later he found out, the more confused his hanging heart became.

No, no, not here!


come out faster!

Come out quickly!

Zhou Fangwu became more and more panicked when he found no hidden library of forbidden books on the first and second floors.

Could it be that Betty couldn't cope with the attack of the Witch Cult, so she exiled herself to a different dimension as soon as she was cruel.

No! !

It wasn't until he scanned a hidden secret room that he noticed something strange.

That is a node of space distortion.

"Yes! This is it!"

Because the forbidden library and the secret room overlapped, the location was very remote, but he finally found it.

Perception walked through the door of the Forbidden Library roughly, and unceremoniously explored everything inside.

All of a sudden, I found the blond drill loli sitting on a gorgeous chair, holding a huge book, and looking helpless!

—It's Betty!

"Hahaha, great!"

Zhou Fangwu looked happy.

Finding that Betty was still alive, he lost his composure with joy.

However, his appearance was too different from the heavy-faced three people in front of him, and his abrupt laughter disturbed the atmosphere of grief, which made them all feel bad.


Emilia asked with a puzzled expression: "Why are you laughing, why are you still laughing in this situation?"

"Because Beatrice is safe and sound, I am happy."

"But, Rem, she..."

"I know. But we must be happy for the living, not mourn for the dead, Emilia."

However, Zhou Fangwu's precepts and deeds are not suitable for the present. It would be better to say this sentence, which completely angered Lahm.

"Really, does Wu think so, I really misjudged you!"

She roared with grief and anger: "Shouldn't Rem be mourned? Isn't Rem worthy of mourning? If Ram had to choose, Ram would rather Rem live!"

"You misunderstood, Ram!"

Coming in front of Ram again, looking at her red and swollen eyes from crying, she explained in a warm voice, "Although you may not believe it, Rem is not dead."


"So, don't cry, Ram. I really feel sorry for you when you look sad."


Ram stared blankly at Zhou Fangwu.

But Zhou Fangwu took Rem, who had been dead for a long time, from Ram's arms without waiting for them to ask.

After standing up, he said to everyone: "Let's go, let's go to Betty. I know you are still a little confused, but now is not the time to explain, and now we should be more worried about Beatrice's safety."

After speaking, he took the lead.

Go straight to the forbidden library where Betty is.

"Wait, wait, Wu! What do you mean by what you just said? Why do you say that Rem is not dead? Explain it to me!"

Natsuki Subaru yelled and followed, and Emilia also supported Ram to follow.


Zhou Fangwu kicked open the door of the secret room.

The inside of the gate is not a secret room, but a gorgeous forbidden library.

"Hey, Beatrice, long time no see, do you miss me?"

Zhou Fangwu greeted him with a smile, like an old friend he hasn't seen for a long time... It would be better if there was no corpse in his arms.

"What, it's you."

Betty looked away from the huge book, looking at everyone with disgusted expressions on their faces.

"Hey, hey, we haven't seen each other for such a long time, even if you don't give me a warm hug, it's okay to give me a caring greeting."

"Hmph, you are not someone from Betty, why should Betty care about you."

"I'm really sad when you say that, obviously I miss you so much."

"But unfortunately, Betty doesn't miss you."

Zhou Fangwu pretended to be sad and hypocritical, but was exposed by Betty's unceremonious blunt words, and at the same time, the expression of disgust on his face was even worse.

"You guys, can you drive away those noisy guys outside? Betty can't even study at ease. Because of the noise, Betty hasn't been able to sleep peacefully since last night."

"Can I interpret this sentence as the meaning of [The Witch Church's withdrawal is not because of your actions]?"

"Why Betty wants to shoot, it has nothing to do with Betty."


Rem in General Zhou Fang's arms was gently placed on the ground, and the clean carpet was stained with blood, but Betty, who was sitting on the chair, was still expressionless after seeing it.

This is not like her!

If it was usual, she would have already yelled at her.

"Hey, Beatrice, Rem is dead."

"So what. Everyone will die one day, even you."

"Beatrice, I have a question for you: why didn't Rem hide in the forbidden library."

"Betty repeat, it has nothing to do with Betty! What happens to you has nothing to do with Betty, and Betty will not have anything to do with you!"

Betty was emotional.

It seemed that she was disregarding the relationship, but in the eyes of everyone, things didn't seem to be what she said.

"If that's the case, why did you, Beatrice, erase my magic mark?"


Betty, who was still very excited, suddenly fell silent.

She stopped talking, just silently looking at the huge book in her hand.

In fact, when Zhou Fangwu felt that something bad was about to happen last night, he thought about activating this magic imprint and using the space to transfer back, but he found that he could not use the space transfer magic.

The reason is that there is no magic mark as a coordinate!

When he left the Earl's Mansion, he had left a magic imprint that could transfer space, which was used as a guarantee in case of unexpected accidents.

However, this imprint was erased by someone!

And to erase this imprint of Yin magic, only Betty, the Great Elf of Yin, can do it!

"It was because I was afraid that I would be in danger when I came back, so I forcibly erased the magic mark I left behind. Besides, it's not that Betty didn't let Rem hide in the forbidden library, but Rem refused to hide in, right?"

"That's not true! Erasing the magic imprint Betty is just a prank, the blue-haired maid is also Betty who wants to die, it has nothing to do with Betty!"

Betty denied again loudly.

Her awkward and arrogant appearance gave Zhou Fangwu a headache.

"Beatrice, you really are a tsundere loli who dislikes integrity...Is that so, since you don't admit it, then I'll ask the person involved, ask Rem."

As if he had a good idea.

He gently straightened Rem's somewhat messy clothes, and said things that made everyone feel absurd.

"A-Ask Rem, what should I do?"

"Of course it revived her."

"Resurrection...resurrection?! Wu is talking nonsense! Just now, I told Ram that Rem is not dead yet..."

When Caiyue Subaru heard Zhou Fangwu's words~www.wuxiamtl.com~, his eyes widened and his mouth opened wide. These words really surprised him.

Not only Subaru Natsuki, but also Emilia, Betty, and even Ram are full of disbelief.

Zhou Fangwu sighed lightly, and said, "Yes. Since you don't believe it, let me prove it."

After saying that, he used his skills on Rem in front of him.


A flash of white light burst out instantly, enveloping Rem in front of him.

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