"Didn't expect that I traveled again and again (!

It worked.

The white whale was hunted down.

Zhou Fangwu, who turned on the [Transparent World], can be sure that the white whale that was split in two is completely dead.

There is no heartbeat, and the magic no longer flows.

I didn't use [Clone Phantom], and I didn't use the terrifying [Fog of Disappearance], because of its carelessness, it brought destruction.

It's like an invincible demon king who thinks that the hero as his opponent is too weak, so he is carelessly defeated.

Do not.

Zhou Fangwu should not be called a "brave", but a "hero".


The group of people behind them were cheering, shouting the name of [Hero].

"White Whale, dead, dead?"

"It's dead..."

"Definitely dead!"


"What an incredible feat!"

"It's too exaggerated, that guy, that [Madman]!"

"...It is possible that [Madman] is stronger than Reinhardt."

"How is it possible! That [Madman] wouldn't..."

Originally, he was still shocked by Zhou Fangwu's successful crusade against the white whale, but he changed the subject and talked about who is stronger between the two of them.

"Hey, stop talking!"

Ricardo reprimanded them loudly.

"You guys have to respect the strong! The title [Madman] is a slur, isn't it? Is it really okay to say that in front of the strong?"


Wilhelm also echoed the gentlemanly, as if reminding him, he said: "We beat the white whale and saved the passing caravan, so we should call him [Hero] now!"


"Indeed, this feat is worthy of this title."

"It's [Hero]!"




For some reason, they changed their words together and shouted the name of [Hero].

Zhou Fangwu smiled lightly, and raised the Sun Wheel Saber in his hand.


Roaring loudly, they are proclaiming their victory!

Then, he got an even warmer response!



There was a crisp sound.

The sun wheel blade that was held up high cracked, shattered into pieces, and then turned into fine sand, which was scattered in mid-air with the wind.

Of course.

Even with the support of [Weapon Master's Blessing], the Sunlun Saber is ordinary iron after all, and it is already extraordinary to be able to slash the sky and destroy the earth.

It was because I was afraid that it would break in the middle of the [Empty-handed Protection], but I didn't expect it to last until the end.

Goodbye, [Mura Haojian] who didn't last a month.

I will miss you.


A sense of dizziness swept over, Zhou Fangwu staggered and almost fell, but was hugged by Ram.

In order to ensure the beheading of the white whale just now, he used all his magic power and strength, causing all the energy in his body to be exhausted.

He is still awake now, all because the power of the protection is still a little bit, otherwise he will definitely pass out.

"It's okay, Wu."

"It's all right. Thank you, Ram."

Hearing the concern hidden in the cold voice, Zhou Fangwu shook his head and leaned on Ram, thanking her in a low voice.

She didn't accept it, but said instead: "If Wu fell here, Lord Emilia would be ashamed, so Ram gave him a hand."

"Ah! My head hurts!"

"Where does it hurt? Are you okay! I'll go find Lady Emilia!"

Seeing Zhou Fangwu frowning, Lahm could no longer maintain his usual indifference, and a concerned and worried expression appeared on his face.

But at this moment, Zhou Fangwu was looking at her with a smile.

is lying to her.


Ram didn't say anything, but her expression became cold again, and the hand supporting Zhou Fangwu also retracted.

"Hey, wait, I was wrong, I was wrong."

Zhou Fangwu hurriedly apologized, "It's just that I worked so hard but Ram didn't praise me, so I just want to take some revenge."

"It's not Ram's job to praise Wu, but Lord Emilia should come here."

Ram said softly: "Ram is just a maid, how could she represent the master..."

"What if I just want to hear your praise?"

"Impossible is impossible, Ram won't say."

"Really, sorry."

A little bit lost, the lonely figure walked towards the meadow that was extremely cheerful at this time.

"...well done, Wu."

"Thank you for the compliment."

Hearing this sentence, Zhou Fangwu frowned.

Walking briskly, I met Emilia, the Dragon Witches, and their respective knights.

"Lord Emilia, Lord Felt, Lord Crusch, Lord Priscilla, and Lord Anastasia."

According to the standard of alliance and relationship, Zhou Fangwu greeted these dragon maidens.

Emilia stepped forward and asked with concern, "Wu, are you okay, are you injured?"

"Ah, I didn't..."

"Don't you know how to watch? How could he be injured if he can still stand here?"

Before Zhou Fangwu could answer, Anastasia choked on Zhou Fangwu.

"Ahem, Master Anastasia, pay attention to etiquette."

Anastasia's knight, Julius reminded his lord to maintain etiquette in front of other lords of the same rank.

At the same time, he also looked at Zhou Fangwu.

Before saying that he was defeated by Zhou Fangwu, it was really a modest word, but now, he is really not sure that he can defeat the man in front of him.

too strong!

"Hmph, sure enough, a little girl is a little girl."

Priscia scolded Felt together with those words.

But she didn't care at all, instead she said to Zhou Fangwu very satisfied: "I am very satisfied with the performance you presented for us! No, I am quite satisfied!"

"Yes, I also think the little brother is very powerful! Such a big white whale was split in half with one knife!"

Felut didn't have the self-consciousness of a royal family. Her rough and unrestrained appearance made Reinhardt shake her head and smile wryly.

She has been reprimanded many times, but Felt has no intention of changing.

It's still going its own way, which is a headache.

Reinhardt also praised, "Wu, your strength is very strong, just a little bit worse than mine."

"Where, I still have self-knowledge, and my strength is far worse than yours. You haven't even pulled out the dragon sword, how can I be stronger than you?"

"No, it almost came out of its sheath just now, but I forcibly suppressed it."



Hearing Reinhardt's admission, Zhou Fangwu's expression brightened. Does this mean that his strength has entered the first echelon?



What's there to be proud of? Isn't this a routine operation of the traversers? !

Then he breathed a sigh of relief, but suddenly found that Natsuki Subaru was not here.

it's wired.

Normally, Natsuki Subaru would definitely come and pester Emilia, but what happened this time?

"Emilia, where is Natsuki-kun?"

"Ah, he was exhausted from working too hard just now, and Felix is ​​treating him."

"That's right."

Zhou Fangwu nodded clearly, and said, "Master Emilia, let's go back."


Emilia nodded.

"We're back in triumph—!"


At this point, [Crackdown on Moby Dick] is complete!

"Master Anastasia, we should go."

As a knight, Julius must always pay attention to his lord.

When he saw Anastasia looking at Zhou Fangwu's back with desire that anyone could detect, he sounded a reminder.

"Julius, how about we form an alliance with that [silver-haired half-elf]?"

"Hmm... Excuse me for my slip of the tongue, doesn't Lady Anastasia hate Lady Emilia?"

"We are businessmen, and the most important thing is profit. Only profit can change our mind. So, do you understand?"

"Yes, this subordinate understands."

Julius thought for a while and said, "Then this subordinate thinks it's a good thing for you to be an alliance with Lord Emilia~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Hehe, it's the same as ours. You've grown up too, Julius S."

Anastasia chuckled, "This is a big deal! However, we are not sure whether this deal will make a profit or a loss."

"Even so, do you want to form an alliance?"

"Ah, I want to try!"

Anastasia licked her lips, as if planning something.

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