Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 154: In the past, there were twenty-seven kinds of magic boosts from the Bone King, but now

"Didn't expect that I traveled again and again (!

When they came to the big tree of Felugul, Zhou Fangwu and Crusch realized that they were the last ones to arrive.

After all, it is to rectify the army, and the marching speed is still a bit slow.

When Natsuki Subaru saw Emilia, he immediately left the team and went to find her.

Zhou Fangwu sat on the ground dragon and looked around.

At a glance, there are really many people gathered here.

Emilia and Natsuki Subaru.

Priscilla and Al.

Felut and Reinhardt, as well as three high-ranking members of the [Jugmaster] family.

And one more uninvited person.

— Anastasia.

This little purple-haired loli from Kara Raj looked at Zhou Fangwu upright.

Behind her was Julius, and there were many half-orcs in white clothes around her. They should be members of her guard group—the Iron Group.

Anastasia was the one who brought the most people besides Crusch.

Compared with other candidates for the throne, is she too insecure?

Turn over and jump off the ground dragon, and come to their side.

"Greetings from Jiushu, all Dragon Priestesses. Half a month has passed since the king's election ceremony began."

As the initiator of the convening, of course Zhou Fangwu had to greet first.

"I don't want to come at all. If I hadn't promised you, I wouldn't have come no matter what you said."

Priscilla was the first to speak, she was as arrogant as ever.

But Zhou Fangwu immediately retorted: "However, I remember I once told Priscilla-sama that if you find it difficult, you can refuse, right?"


Priscilla snorted coldly, as if she was being exposed, "It's all up to me to decide whether I will come or not, how can I listen to others?"

Although what she said was very domineering, it was purely lifting a stone to shoot herself in the foot.

Even Al behind her reminded: "Aren't you contradicting yourself, princess."

"Shut up, Al."

Priscilla stared at her phoenix eyes, and slapped Al hard.


A strong wind hit from behind!

Zhou Fangwu didn't turn around, but put his right hand behind his back to block it, and at the same time grabbed a tender calf.

—It's Felt.

"It's really a unique way of saying hello, Mr. Felut."

"Don't call me my lord!"

Felut said with a big smirk: "I've been busy these days, but I heard that my little brother pestered Reinhardt, which made him very distressed... It's a great job!"

She bared her canine teeth and laughed loudly.

It seems that Reinhardt is very happy to cause trouble.

Is this revenge?

Because Reinhardt imprisoned her before, so she wants to punish Reinhardt?

"Master Felt, if possible, I would like to refuse, is that okay?"

Reinhardt's hearty smile had long since turned into a wry smile, begging his lord to grant his humble request.

He did not refuse Zhou Fangwu's fencing invitation, which was largely related to Felut's request.

He could not refuse his master's request.

"No! I'm very happy to see you deflated! In the future, when my little brother comes to you, you must refuse!"

"...Yes, following my lord's orders."

Reinhardt responded in a low voice, and then looked at Zhou Fangwu with more complicated eyes.

Zhou Fangwu looked a little embarrassed, and immediately apologized: "Cough, I'm sorry, sorry, I have caused you trouble, Reinhardt. I will pay attention to it in the future, and I must pay attention to it, I promise."

Reinhardt's protection has almost been learned, and the rest of the protection can only be left to chance.

"Hey! Are you ignoring us on purpose?!"

At this time, an angry purple-haired little loli was questioning Zhou Fangwu in a Kansai accent.

"Oh, isn't this Master Anastasia, I don't know why you are here?"

Zhou Fangwu stared at her with his eyes wide open, as if surprised by her arrival.

"Pretending to be an exaggerated acting that anyone can see through at a glance, did you do it on purpose?"

Anastasia looked at Zhou Fangwu angrily, "Why, why did you invite all the candidates for the heir to the throne, but only let me go? Are you targeting me on purpose?"


Zhou Fangwu did not arrange for anyone to invite Anastasia from the beginning.

Not on purpose.

But Zhou Fangwu knew that Anastasia's intelligence network was very strong, and she would definitely detect the movements of other political opponents and touch them!

It can be said that she took advantage of her suspicion.

"Where is it, Master Anastasia, haven't you come here... relying on your powerful information, didn't you also come here?"

Spreading his hands, he expressed to appease her angry expression, "Since you will definitely come, it doesn't matter whether you invite or not."


Anastasia hadn't been bullied like this for a long time, and it reminded her of the past she didn't want to remember when she was at the bottom of Kara Raj.

She ordered to Julius behind her: "Teach me this guy, this is an order!"

"The knights must obey the order of the lord! But... Lady Anastasia, the other party is a [Madman] who can fight the [Sword Master], and I may lose. So, do you want a duel?"

What Julius said was purely deceiving Anastasia, even if it was Reinhardt, he would dare to challenge her.

However, he doesn't know what Zhou Fangwu is planning now.

Everyone was invited but only his own side was not invited. This made people wonder whether Zhou Fangwu was targeting his own side.

In this way, it is even more unacceptable to suddenly provoke.

The lord he served has lost his calm, and as a knight, he must always keep calm and remind his lord.


Anastasia clicked her tongue in displeasure.

Originally, Emilia's side was targeted by everyone, why did it suddenly become her?

For a moment, she felt a sense of crisis.

"By the way, Master Anastasia is so insecure that there are so many people following her."

Zhou Fangwu looked at the iron group that was rectifying at the side, and his tone was mocking.

Anastasia pointed to the army not far away, and said, "Patriarch Karsten who came with you brought more people than us!"

"Those soldiers are all here for revenge... No, it should be said that they are fighting for me."

"Press the formation?"

Anastasia's curious eyes were inquiring, but Zhou Fangwu didn't intend to explain.

Julius stood up, and he shouted softly: "Your Excellency, is it a bit too much!"

"Excessive? It's better than what your master did during the king's election ceremony."

Instead, Zhou Fangwu accused her of her previous attitude towards Emilia, "The king humiliated the subject and died, not only you, but also me!"

After speaking, he turned and left.

At this time, Anastasia realized that Zhou Fangwu was retaliating against her for the harsh words he had spoken to Emilia at the king's election ceremony.

"What's the matter with that guy, thanks to the fact that we were very optimistic about him back then..."

"It's okay, Lady Anastasia, just be yourself."

The two masters and servants talk to each other, but they have nothing to do with Zhou Fangwu.

At this time, he came to Emilia.

"Wu, you have gathered together so many candidates for the throne, the sages will punish us."

Emilia looked worried.


There are only five candidates for the heir to the throne. If all of them die here, who will inherit the throne in the end?

Therefore, unless there are special circumstances, the sage will not agree to the five dragon maidens appearing at the same place at the same time.

"Don't worry, Emilia. We only found three dragon maidens. That Anastasia was not found by us. She insisted on following her. It has nothing to do with us. If a sage finds fault, then Just use this reason to prevaricate and go back."

Zhou Fangwu had already thought of a countermeasure.

In other words, he did it on purpose.

"Then...Wu, what is your purpose for calling everyone together, can you explain?"

Emilia believed in Zhou Fangwu, and she didn't think about it under the panic urging.

Now that she has free time, she wants to know Zhou Fangwu's purpose.

"That's right. It's almost time... Natsuki-kun, what time is it?"

Hearing Zhou Fangwu's inquiry, Nayue Subaru took out the old-fashioned flip phone that he always carried with him, and checked the time displayed on it.

"Noon, 12:16."

"Is it after 12 o'clock... Well, it's almost time."

Clap clap!

"Okay, all Dragon Priestesses, please look here."

Zhou Fangwu walked forward and clapped his hands, attracting everyone's attention.

After everyone looked over, he said loudly: "I think all the priestesses know me, so I won't introduce myself. In order not to waste time, I will directly tell you the purpose of calling you here—to watch the ceremony!"

"Watching the ceremony?"

"You actually said you were watching the ceremony?"

"Watching the ceremony...?"

As soon as these words came out, the king candidates were very curious.

The only one whose face remained unchanged was Crusch who knew the purpose of Zhou Fangmu's trip from the very beginning.

"That's right, watch the ceremony!"

Zhou Fangwu said loudly: "This is the ceremony where the lord I serve—Emilia's ascension to the throne begins!"

【At this time, Zhou Fangwu really wanted to release an explosion magic, and then shouted: A salute for the birth of the king!

But this kind of occasion is obviously not suitable for playing tricks, and it doesn't match his personality.

Forget it. 】

"Interesting! You dare to be so arrogant in front of my concubine. It seems that you are ready to show us?"

"Of course! Priscilla-sama can come here, how can I not present you with the most magnificent performance?"

"You mean to say that the concubine can look forward to it?"


Thanks to Priscilla's help in laying the groundwork, the atmosphere gradually reached a climax.

Then, Zhou Fangwu said something that no one expected.

"—[Moby Dick]!

There is only one purpose for inviting all the Dragon Priestesses here!

That is to sit on the special seat and watch the whole process of our Emilia camp—let me hunt down the white whale alone!

What do you guys think of this show? "

As soon as the words fell, there was an uproar.




This is the evaluation of Zhou Fangwu by everyone present, including Crusch.

She thought it was the strong men from the Emilia camp who gathered to attack the white whale. Who would have thought that Zhou Fangwu would suddenly say that he would attack alone? !

Is this a joke? !

Do you think you are [the strongest swordsman in history] Reinhardt? !

Not only the Dragon Priestesses, but even their knights find it inconceivable.

"Fight the white whale alone...Brothers always do amazing things."

"Wu, why are you taking such a risk? I know that you are not strong enough, as I have often dueled with you."

"That guy, are you serious?"

"It's actually real meow, it's really surprising meow, I'm scared meow!"

Al, Reinhardt, Julius, and Felix all looked at the man above in surprise.

Especially Reinhardt, as a powerful monster that indirectly caused the death of his grandmother, he clearly understands how strong the white whale is.

—It is not a powerful enemy that Zhou Fangwu can challenge!

But seeing Zhou Fangwu's full confidence, he had no choice but to keep his mouth shut, and secretly decided that if Zhou Fangwu failed, he must be rescued at that time!


High risk always comes with high reward!

If Zhou Fangwu succeeds, all the knights who are candidates for the throne will be in the dark in front of him, including [Juvenile Master] Reinhardt, will be at a disadvantage!

Emilia can also use this to instantly become the most powerful candidate for the heir to the throne!

"Are you serious, you are alone or something, you are not joking."

"No doubt. I repeat, I'm not kidding!"

Zhou Fangwu said proudly: "All you witches just need to sit in the special seats and watch, you don't need the help of all the lords. Of course, if you think it's dangerous, then it's up to the lords to decide whether to stay or not! "

Zhou Fangwu is aggressive.

If these candidates for the heir to the throne left, who would he be?

What you want is their presence, to deter them well!

"Hmph, we won't leave, we want to see your miserable appearance when you were defeated by the white whale, and then swallowed by the white whale! Afterwards, our iron group will take over the task of defeating the white whale and spread our reputation! "

Anastasia always felt that Zhou Fangwu was telling her, so she shouted angrily that she would never run away.

"The performance you prepared for me, of course I have to see to the end. As for safety... I am the center of the world, how can I be hurt?"

Priscilla flicked the folding fan in question, looking very arrogant.

But Al behind her said very shamelessly: "But I'm afraid, princess."

Priscilla, however, ignored him at all.

"What are you talking about, little brother! I have the strongest knight behind me - Reinhardt, how could I feel dangerous. Right, Reinhardt."

"Yes! Putting Astrea's name on it, I will never let Master Felt get hurt."

The four dragon maidens successively issued their own declarations to stay, with extraordinary bearing.

"Well, let's get started."

Zhou Fangwu licked his lips a little nervously, and gave orders to Nayue Subaru.

"Mr. Caiyue, it's time for you to appear."


"Don't be afraid, I will let Ram follow you."

"I'm a man with 10 experiences, so how can I be afraid?"

Natsuki Subaru had bright colors in his eyes.

Zhou Fangwu told him when he came here that he needed his help.

Nayuki Subaru himself has the [Witch's Last Fragrance], Ram and Rem have told him earlier, and he also knows that this smell is very tempting to Warcraft.

So Nayue Subaru immediately understood that Zhou Fangwu wanted to use him as a bait to catch the white whale.

This is a big gamble!

The bet is his life!

Zhou Fangwu told him from the beginning that this matter was very dangerous, and if he was afraid, he could think of other ways.

but he refused

For Amelia, he is willing to risk his life!

Moreover, with Ram assisting him, he would not die so easily.

"Ram, from now on I will block your hearing. When you see the white whale appear, run back, okay."

"Ram understands."

"Well, please, Ram. — hearing barrier."

After preparing, Ram drove the ground dragon and jumped out with Nayue Subaru.

And Zhou Fangwu has to make the next preparations.

From the beginning of time travel, his strength has been growing like a big leap, and he has no idea how strong his current strength is.

can only say:

[When he goes crazy, he is afraid of himself! 】

"Parker, Emilia, please."

"Wu Yao gorgeously cut down the white whale!"

"I leave it to you, Wu."

"give it to me."

Immediately, use [Touch of Absorption] to absorb the magic power of Parker and Emilia, and use the magic power in the magic power crystal that you bought from Crusch as a war reserve, and absorb the magic power of Reinhardt by the way. Less magic power, until the body is saturated and can no longer hold it.

Fortunately, he added the remaining skill points to [Magic Power Overflow] and [Magic Power Maximum], otherwise he really couldn't accommodate such a huge magic power.

"Let's begin, our war!"

With a trace of nervousness, Zhou Fangwu used all the strength available to him.

【Protection of the Sun】, Activate!

【Magical Protection】Activate!

[Kazemi's Protection], activate!

[Blessing of the Juggernaut], activate!

[Wind Spirit's Protection], activate!

[Protection against demons], activate!

[Arrow's Protection], activate!

[Bright Protection], activate!

[Preemptive protection], activate!

[Heaven's Protection], activate!

[Protection of the scorching sun], activate!

[War God's Protection], activate!

[Protection from smog], UU Reading www. uukanshu. com launched!

[Bai Yun's Protection], activate!

[War God's Protection], activate!

[Empty hand protection], activate!

In the past, there were 27 kinds of augmentation magic of the Bone King, and now there are 16 kinds of protective magic for Zhou Fangwu!

Come on, white whale!

Watch me kill you with one move!

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