Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 152: Plan the white whale!

"Didn't expect that I traveled again and again (!

After Roswaal left, Zhou Fangwu asked about the alliance.

Emilia didn't hide it either, and immediately told the reason why the [Juvenile] family didn't agree to form an alliance.

"That is to say...they think that we have a bad reputation in the kingdom, we don't have any outstanding achievements, and our strength is so-so, so they don't think it is necessary to form an alliance with us, do they?"

"Yes, that's it."

Emilia nodded, with a distressed expression.

In the final analysis, the [Juvenile Saint] family did not see the benefits of forming an alliance with Emilia, so they have not let go.

In fact, it is normal for the [Juvenile Master] family to disagree with the alliance.

If they agreed to form an alliance, Zhou Fangwu would still suspect that they were plotting something.

"Fame, merit, and strength, all three are indispensable."

Touching his chin, he began to think.

These three things really don't account for any of the current Emilia, and because of the notoriety of [silver-haired half-elf], Emilia is naturally easy to attract black people.

Now she is easily misunderstood no matter what she does.

If this is the case, the only way is to make unexpected great achievements one after another, and reverse the disgusting impression of Emilia in the whole kingdom in one go.

Well, it's time to start planning.

[White Whale], also known as [White Whale of Fog]!

The overall image is similar to a whale that can swim in the sky.

But it has horns on its head, eyes that emit a terrifying red light, and a huge pink halo above its head. It is more than 50 meters long, and its body is covered with dense vents and white hairs.

There are also terrifying [Fog of Destruction] and [Clone] skills, rough skin and thick flesh, and [White Phosphorus (Hair)] can greatly weaken magic and physical attacks.

It is one of the three monsters created by the gluttonous witch.

As a super monster that has ravaged the entire continent for 400 years, the terrifying reputation of the white whale has spread to every corner of the world.

If it can be defeated, its reputation, achievements, and strength will all be recognized.

It can be said to kill three birds with one stone!


If the comparison is purely based on strength, the white whale can beat the existence of the gluttonous witch who created it! (The old thief admitted it himself)

With their current strength alone, is it possible to defeat it?

Yep, as you might imagine.

Zhou Fangwu didn't mean to rely on other people, he wanted to rely on himself and the strength of the Emilia camp to fight against the white whale!

If there is help from other people, it may be distorted to say that other people are contributing more. Emilia is just assisting, or more seriously, it is not impossible to say that she is paddling.

So from the very beginning, he decided to rely only on his own members!

However, there is a problem in front of you.

—Zhou Fangwu didn't know when the white whale appeared!

All he knew was that it was late at night, on a certain great plain, near the Tree of Sages.

I don't know anything else.

How to do?

Could it be that he just procrastinated like this, and then after Nayuki Subaru died after Roswaal launched an attack, he learned the time of the white whale's appearance through Nayuki Subaru's communication?

Do not!

Absolutely impossible!

He said that he wanted to [pass the level with one life and become super god], how could he give up so easily?

And if that's the case, wouldn't he lose all the protection he learned from Reinhardt these days?

He couldn't bear those blessings.


Intensive Care?

Zhou Fangwu suddenly had an idea, if Reinhardt's [Protection that wants to be protected] can learn that by stealth, wouldn't the white whale or something be simple?

"Wu, Wu?!"

Seeing Zhou Fangwu lost in thought, Emilia pushed him gently, "What's wrong with you, why didn't you talk all of a sudden?"

"Ah, sorry, I was thinking of something."

Zhou Fangwu squeezed his chin, thought for a while and said, "Emilia, you have been looking for Felut these days."

"That's right... Could it be that Wu is thinking about how to successfully form an alliance with Felut?"

Emilia quickly waved her hand and said, "No need, no need, just let me figure out a solution for this kind of thing, and Wu can feel at ease..."

"Emilia! I am your knight. It is normal for a knight to share the worries of his master!"

Zhou Fangwu snorted softly, "Whether it's me or Mr. Cai Yue, we are all your subjects. You have to know that you are no longer alone, you still have us, and you can rely on us more."

Emilia's mentality has not changed.

This kind of thinking that I don't want to trouble others and just want to rely on myself has not been corrected until now.

Parker also appeared from the crystal. He lay next to Emilia's ear and said softly, "Yes, Liya. Wu Ke is very reliable. Relying on him can lighten my burden."

Parker was trying his best to pull his figure away from Emilia.

Otherwise, Emilia, who has been relying on it, will never be able to grow.

Just in this way, its position in Emilia's heart will be slightly reduced, which makes it very sad.

But for the sake of Emilia, it is willing to do so.

"Parker... well, I see."

Emilia was silent for a while, raised her head and looked for help, and said, "I hope Wu Neng can help me, I want to form an alliance smoothly."

"Well, as your knight, I will help you achieve this wish!"

Zhou Fangwu nodded in satisfaction.

In the next few days, the two went to the residence of the [Jugmaster] family to communicate without interruption.

Although they didn't disappear behind closed doors, it can be seen from Emilia's forced smile that what she has done these days has been useless.

And Zhou Fangwu is not idle, he has been greedy for Reinhardt these days.

The purpose is to stealthily learn 【Protection that I want to protect】.



No matter how he designs it, it won't work!

Reinhardt is too versatile, no matter what difficult problems he can easily solve, there is no need to activate [Protection for Protection].

This road is broken!

Even if Zhou Fangwu secretly learned [Protection from the Heart], he would not be happy.

How to do?

Just give up?

Holding the adventurer card in hand, look through it carefully, hoping to find some useful skills.

Until, he saw this.

—【Protection of the Sun】!

[Protection of the Sun]: There will be various corrections during the day, and all situations will develop in a direction that is beneficial to you.

Got it!

This is it!

Secretly scolding myself for being brainless~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I have entered into a misunderstanding of thinking.

It is indeed night when the white whale appears near the Sage Tree, but that doesn't mean it won't act during the day!

As long as you figure out its course of action and lure it over during the day, isn't that all right? !

For a while, Zhou Fangwu had a comprehensive plan in mind.

Action, start!

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