Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 149: VS Wilhelm, VS Crusch!

"Didn't expect that I traveled again and again (!

Early the next morning, Zhou Fangwu and Emilia arrived at Crusch's mansion early.

Immediately invite Wilhelm to fencing.

[Sword Demon] did not refuse, and after obtaining Crusch's consent, the two began to exchange sword skills.

—It’s just a pure swordsmanship competition!


Facing the crazy (feng) and violent (yu) attacks, he can barely defend himself by waving the sun wheel knife in a hurry!

Zhou Fangwu underestimated the enemy!

This is a mistake he shouldn't have made!

When he thought that he could win easily after imitating the protection of Reinhardt's [Sword Master] and aroused his ability to use the sword, [Sword Demon] Wilhelm Van Astrea gave taught him a profound lesson!

too strong!

It wasn't Reinhardt's iron wall built with absolute invincible strength and speed, Wilhelm was like a vast ocean, with endless moves and skills, decades of experience in holding a sword was not what Zhou Fangwu had only held a sword for half a year A rookie can compare.

Even if there is a plug-in, it will not work!


Because of the cheating, Zhou Fangwu was beaten passively at the beginning, and now he is in a hurry.

I believe that in a short time, he will be able to fight back and forth with Wilhelm.

Thanks also to Wilhelm for the move.

Perhaps Wilhelm also discovered that Zhou Fangwu was growing rapidly, so he took the initiative to lower his strength to the same level.

When Zhou Fangwu becomes stronger, Wilhelm will increase a part of his strength, allowing Zhou Fangwu to grow in experience again.

"Okay, let's call it a day."

After Zhou Fangwu exited his attack range, Wilhelm drew his sword and stood up.

Said to the panting [Madman]: "Swordsmanship cannot be learned in a day, it takes more practice, more thinking and more experience."

"Isn't swordsmanship a one-shot...well, I get it."

Zhou Fangwu slowed down, and he also drew his sword and stood up.

And bowed to Wilhelm.

"Thank you for your guidance!"

"Where is there, the old man and Your Excellency are just discussing the essence of swordsmanship, so how can it be regarded as a guide?"

As a housekeeper, Wilhelm has always been modest and a gentleman, making people feel like a spring breeze.

This is the advantage of age.

He is very mature in dealing with the world, and he is like two extremes with Subaru Natsuki, forming a sharp contrast.

However, he said so, but Zhou Fangwu couldn't think so.

'This kindness will be repaid. '

I thought so.

"How about you two, take a break?"

At this time, Natsuki Subaru happened to have finished treatment, and when he saw the sweat on their faces, he knew that they had just fought.

Immediately call them to rest.

"Yes, Your Excellency Zhou Fangwu will go to rest first, and the old man still has work, so I will excuse you first."

"Master Will just leave if he has something to do, and you don't need to take care of me."

Zhou Fangwu signaled Wilhelm to leave at any time, thought for a while, and then said: "Master Will, if you don't mind, you can call me Wu."


"Well, you don't need to be so famous, just call me Wu."

"...Okay, Wu, then I will excuse you first."


Wilhelm resigned in a very gentlemanly manner, leaving Zhou Fangwu alone.

Afterwards, he walked to the shade tree where Subaru Natsuki was.

"Today's treatment is over?"

"Well, it's over."

"Today is much faster than yesterday."

"Yesterday, I spent most of my time checking on my physical condition, and Felix said that it should be done step by step. Today, there is no treatment, just checking the results of the treatment again."

"I see."

Zhou Fangwu nodded clearly.

But he asked suspiciously: "Then, why didn't you go to find Emilia, but came here instead?"

"Because Emilia Tan is very busy!"

Hearing Zhou Fangwu's question, Nayue Subaru yelled with dissatisfaction on his face: "Cursch wants to discuss the election of the king with Emilia Tan, so that guy Felix doesn't allow me to approach that room, I just had to run out and hang out."

"Discussing the selection of the king...Could it be that Crusch also wants to form an alliance with us?"

Zhou Fangwu asked himself softly.

Without his intervention, Crusch would have made an alliance with Emilia.

But that only happened after Natsuki Subaru died a few times.

However, if Crusch asked for an alliance, Zhou Fangwu would agree.

Because no matter who the current Emilia is allied with, it is beneficial to her.

If this is the case, then why not agree?

However, it is not.

Crusch didn't intend to form an alliance, she was simply discussing with Emilia about what the next test of the king's election would be.

I'm a little sorry.


Emilia and Crusch appeared together in front of the crowd.

"I hope that, as Your Excellency Emilia said, there will be no **** conflicts in our king selection ceremony. But... if we want to fight each other, I will not back down."

Crusch very firmly expressed his belief in becoming king.

"However, I still hope that we can elect the king peacefully."

Emilia was as innocent as ever.

It is estimated that this communication is a huge burden for Crusch.

The elf girl who is always whimsical and can't see the reality clearly, and the beauty in military uniform who is used to life and death and understands that success must be accompanied by killing, the two concepts are conflicting, and how can they communicate happily.

Crusch realized that she couldn't continue talking, so she immediately changed the subject.

When he saw Zhou Fangwu, he asked, "How do you feel after the competition between Qing and Wilhelm?"

"Very strong. Master Will's experience in swordsmanship is beyond my comparability...but it's just suppression in swordsmanship."

It's like quibbling.

The implication of Zhou Fangwu's words is that if it's not just swordsmanship, then he will definitely win.

"Yes, I also think Qing will win."

Zhou Fangwu was surprised by what Crusch said. Shouldn't she support her steward? How could she be sure of the opponent's knight?

However, she did not explain, but invited Zhou Fangwu, "Since Qing is sure of his sword skills, how about having a sword contest with me?"

"Sword duel?"

"That's right."

"Okay, I agree! I also want to see how strong [War Otome of the Duchy of Karsten] is."

Zhou Fangwu agreed without thinking.

Because he was very envious of Crusch's sword skills with a 40-meter long sword—【Hundred People One Taidao".

Afterwards, the two came to the training ground of the mansion.

Crusch's swordsmanship is very strong.

But she is much weaker than Reinhardt and Wilhelm, and Zhou Fangwu can still beat her.

This allowed Zhou Fangwu to regain his confidence in the protection of [Sword Master].

After fighting for a while, Crusch realized that he couldn't help Zhou Fangwu, so he decided to use his proud sword skills!

"Qing's strength is indeed formidable, but whether Qing can take this move... Please be careful!"


Deliberately leaving time for Zhou Fangwu to prepare, Crusch put away the long sword, and then threw it out instantly.

"Hundred people, one sword!"

The wind-attribute magic power wrapped around the long sword turned into a sharp crescent-shaped sword energy, which rushed towards Zhou Fangwu at an extremely fast speed.

But Zhou Fangwu did not panic in the slightest, but formed his own magic power into a powerful field, and at the same time used the strongest defensive sword skills.

"Water Breathing, Type Eleven, Calm Sea."

When the domain unfolded, the sword energy rushing towards Zhou Fangwu became extremely slow and gradually disappeared into the domain.

Although it seemed that Zhou Fangwu didn't move, in fact he slashed dozens of knives in an instant!

The crescent-shaped sword energy was chopped off abruptly with the sun wheel knife with water attribute magic power.

However, because of this, he learned sword skills!

Learn [Hundred People One Sword]!

Zhou Fangwu is sure that this skill must appear on the adventurer card.

"Sure enough, Qing is very powerful. He is indeed a man who can fight against Reinhardt."

"You are overrated. Thanks to Crusch-sama's mercy, I can..."

"Okay. I tried my best, but I was defeated by you, that's all."


Crusch wasn't the kind of person who couldn't afford to lose.

Even if she loses, she will not be discouraged. Instead, she cheers up again, finds her own shortcomings and makes up for them.

Be reasonable.

Among the five candidates~www.wuxiamtl.com~, only she is relatively reliable.

Everyone else is much worse.

Just like what Natsuki Subaru said, if he hadn't met Emilia, then he would have chosen to join Crusch's camp.

"Then, it's getting late, and Lady Emilia and I will leave first."

"Well, I'll let Wilhelm send you off."

"Thank you."

After saying that, they left Crusch's mansion.

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