"Didn't expect that I traveled again and again (!

Zhou Fangwu, who secretly learned about protection, was very happy.

But when he got back to the hotel, he couldn't be happier.

It's all because Roswaal, the clown who likes to watch the scene, told Ram about the two making a scene in the capital as soon as he came back.

Knowing what the two of them did in the capital, Ram's already indifferent expression became much colder again.

Grab the two and give them a lecture.

"Wu, Barus. You two, as Lord Emilia's knights and stewards, have caused such a lot of trouble to Lord Emilia. You must reflect on yourself."

With her words of 'reflection carefully', the preaching that lasted for an hour finally came to an end.

Afterwards, Ram went to prepare dinner.

Zhou Fangwu and Nayue Subaru were liberated, and they both breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"Huh~ It's scary, it's scary."

"Yes, like a ghost, it makes people shiver subconsciously."


Zhou Fangwu looked at him strangely.

Nayue Subaru explained while popularizing science: "Don't Wu think it's scary when Senior Ram's face is cold? Moreover, I always feel that I can see the spirit of Prajna behind her."

"Really... so you don't know yet."

"what do you know?"

"No, nothing."

I thought that Natsuki Subaru knew that Ram's race was a ghost race, but he didn't expect that he didn't know it until now.

But I didn't tell him what I thought, anyway, it didn't matter whether he knew it or not.

"By the way, Natsuki-kun. How did you feel when you saw the duel between me and Reinhardt today?"

Zhou Fangwu never forgot that one of the reasons for the duel with Reinhardt was to make the low self-esteem boy in front of him regain his confidence.

Ask him what's on his mind right away.


Nayue Subaru said carelessly: "It's fortunate that Wu is not like my father, who is so powerful and untouchable that he can't catch up. At least... after knowing that Wu is not invincible, I have the motivation to chase again."

"Really... But I will keep getting stronger, and I won't stop and wait for Caiyue-kun. You have to work hard to catch up."

Zhou Fangwu patted him on the shoulder, "Emilia's knight is not so easy to be, I look forward to the day you take this position from me."

"Oh—! Just wait, one day, I will definitely **** Emilia Tan's knight position from you!"

Nayuki Subaru roared with passion and determination in his eyes.

"By the way... seeing Reinhardt's [absolutely powerful] strength, shouldn't you be more desperate?"

"Hey, don't say it! I just forgot!"


Seeing Nayue Subaru dancing and flustered, Zhou Fangwu laughed loudly as if his scheme had succeeded.

"However, Wu Neng mustered up the courage to challenge that strong and terrifying Reinhardt, which is something I can't do."

"Caiyue-kun, you don't have to..."

"This is a fact."

Caiyue Subaru heard that Zhou Fangwu still wanted to comfort him, but he interrupted bluntly. With a firm face, without any retreat or escape, he chose to face up to his own weakness.

very good!

This trip to the capital was a success!

Being able to face up to his weakness and vow to change, Subaru Natsuki has grown!

"But... Reinhardt is really strong, too strong!"

"Yeah, that man is too strong, not a human being, but a complete monster!"

"It's a bug."

"It's a bug."

The two who had seen the strength of [The strongest on the ground] lowered their heads and spoke in frustration.

"What are you talking about?"

Emilia came to the two of them slowly, and asked with great concern: "You two were seriously injured today, why do you feel uncomfortable?"

"It's okay, I've recovered."

"Emilia Tan is too worried, but I'm recovering very well."

Both said they were fine.

Emilia patted her chest reassuringly, and said softly, "Well, that's good."

"By the way, Emilia."

"What's the matter, Wu, what's the matter?"

"Today I chatted with Felix about a special ability I have."

Immediately, he repeated what he said to Felix in the capital.

"That is to say, Wuhui has a rare ability, and hopes to teach it to Felix, so as to make a deal with Miss Karsten...Is that so?"

"That's it."

"Well... then what does Wu want to trade?"

When Emilia asked like this, she put her status too low.

This is not acceptable.

She is the five dragon maidens, not Zhou Fangwu.

Frowning slightly, he said to her: "It's up to you to judge...Of course, I think the previously agreed reward for treating Nayue-kun can be changed to this. But if Emilia has other requirements, it can also be changed."

"Hey, that won't work! Subaru was injured because of me, so how can..."


He called her name softly and shook his head again.

"...Okay, I see. Wu, thank you for your dedication, I will never forget it."


At this time, Emilia had the qualities to be a leader.

Accepting the kindness of the courtiers, and then giving compensation or rewards from other places is what a qualified monarch should do.

"Then, let's go to discuss tomorrow. Just in time, Cai Yue-jun's treatment can't be delayed any longer."

Zhou Fangwu made a decision and got the approval of others.

"Well, like Wu said, Subaru's injury cannot be delayed any longer."

"Emilia Tan cares about me so much..."

Natsuki Subaru obviously wanted to say something nasty, but Ram didn't give him this chance, but told the three that dinner was ready.

the next day.

Karlsten House.

This was Crusch's residence in the royal capital, and it occupied a large area, and there were quite a few servants in the mansion.

At this time, Zhou Fangwu was observing the process of Felix treating Subaru Natsuki.

This was one of the additional conditions they had agreed upon.

Emilia is discussing with Crusch about Zhou Fangwu teaching Felix's skills.


If Felix has learned it, then the reward will be exchanged for skill teaching; if Felix cannot learn it, the original reward will continue.

It's just that Zhou Fangwu's skills are very valuable. If the skills are taught successfully, wouldn't they be at a disadvantage?

So Emilia wants to seek some additional benefits through negotiation.

And Crusch, of course, didn't want to come up with other additional conditions as a lottery, so he flatly rejected this proposal.

Of course ~ www.wuxiamtl.com ~ these are all negotiable.

The two are negotiating.

It's just that Zhou Fangwu knew from the very beginning that Emilia would be defeated.

Because what Crusch is best at is negotiating and negotiating, it's not something a naive 'little girl' like Emilia can convince.

Even so, the purpose of asking her to negotiate in person is to let her gain some experience and grow a little bit from it.

As long as she can gain some experience and grow, it is a success for Emilia.

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