"Didn't expect that I traveled again and again (!

The training ground where Zhou Fangwu is located is circular and surrounded by walls, the terrain is flat and unobstructed, without any obstructions.

There are stands around, and the movements of the two of them can be clearly seen from above.

This means that he can't rely on the terrain to take (tou) clever (xi) and take the lead.

However, his original purpose was not to win, but he simply wanted to have a duel and secretly learn about protection.

Besides, he couldn't beat Reinhardt at all.

If you want to defeat the [strongest] Reinhardt, you have to wait a little longer, at least after learning his protection secretly, it will be possible.

"Reinhardt, let's not use wooden swords."

Looking at Reinhardt in front of him picking out the wooden long sword on the shelf, Zhou Fangwu spread his hands and motioned him to look at the crowd around him.

Said: "This is very disappointing, very disappointing...Look at those guys, they are all looking forward to it."

The knights sitting in the auditorium above were full of anticipation.

If the two decided the winner with just a few random swings of the wooden sword, it would really make them have great regrets.

"But... this guy is a bit headstrong, I can't make it work."

Reinhardt patted the dragon sword on his waist with an embarrassed expression on his face.

As the saber of [Sword Master], Dragon Sword will only draw out its sheath when it feels that the enemy is strong enough, otherwise it will be ignored at all.


Although Zhou Fangwu is relatively strong, he is still not qualified enough to draw the dragon sword out of its sheath, and he still has self-knowledge in this regard.

However, there are other ways.

"You are really a dead-brainer, wouldn't it be enough to use the kingdom's standard long sword?"

"But... is it really good? It's easy to get hurt."

"That's the end of it. Besides, I know healing magic, and I'm not afraid of getting hurt at all."

"Oh, there is another way."

Echoing the words, Reinhardt chose an iron knight's long sword.

And Zhou Fangwu took the Sun Wheel Knife out of the scabbard, and silently turned on the [Stripe·Water] state.

The solemn and solemn water-blue pattern emerged, and the magic power on his body began to surge, bringing a little bit of pressure to the [Sword Master] in front.

There was a trace of curiosity and surprise in Reinhardt's eyes, but there was no panic.

He is very confident.

- Confidence in one's own strength.

"Both sides, are you ready, salute!"

"Yes! Please give me more advice!" X2


As soon as the referee knight's voice fell, Zhou Fangwu launched a fast break!

The eyes of the onlookers blinked, and they saw [Madman] appearing in front of Reinhardt, raising the sun wheel knife in his hand and stabbing him in the throat.



"So fast!"

The surrounding knights exclaimed in low voices.

The speed is so fast that their eyes can't keep up!

They had to be amazed by Zhou Fangwu's powerful strength!

And this is exactly one of Zhou Fangwu's plans.

If other knights don't come to find fault, except for someone like Nayue Subaru who can teach Zhou Fangwu and appease their grievances, only Zhou Fangwu has strong strength, so they dare not come to find fault.

The two used the second method in a tacit understanding.

Zhou Fangwu didn't use [Thunderbolt Flash], it was just a stab with pure physical strength.

The purpose of this attack is to test, it is not worth forcibly changing the breathing method to make one's breath disorder.


Facing the surprise attack, Reinhardt didn't even hide, and just stood there in a daze.

It makes people wonder if he didn't react.

But, how is it possible!

He is [Sword Master]!

Such recklessness is all because of his own protection - [the first protection], because the first attack will definitely not hit, so he didn't bother to resist it.

A sword stabs out!

The scene where blood would be spilled on the training ground in the next second did not appear.

Zhou Fangwu's Rilun Knife was almost about to stab Reinhardt's throat, but an inexplicable force hit his knife.

With a strong thrust, he forced the sun wheel knife that he stabbed straight to deflect, and missed Reinhardt's neck with a small gap of one finger.

It didn't stab the throat just aimed at!

It's not over yet!

Can not give up!

Because it is a quick attack to close the distance and then quickly change the move, the sun wheel knife in the hand changes from a long drive straight into a horizontal slash. !

The sun wheel knife was entwined with aqua-blue magic power, surged with dangerous magic power and slashed across, straight to Reinhardt's neck!


With a confident smile on his face, Reinhardt easily resisted this move just by raising the knight sword in his hand, and at the same time counteracted the magic power on his sun wheel knife.

So strong!

Zhou Fangwu could even feel that the knight sword in his hand was entwined with magic power, and it was the same magic power as he used!

In such a short time?

At the same time as incredible, it also makes people sigh the desperate strength of Reinhardt!

The moves are old, and the follow-up is weak.

Swinging again will only make the slashing weak and weak, not to mention that it has no effect, but it will make him fall into a passive position.

I had no choice but to jump back and get out.

[End of the first attack]


"As expected of Reinhardt!"

"The heir to the title of [Sword Master] is so powerful!"

"But... that [Madman] is not weak, at least he is much stronger than us."


"Although I don't want to admit it, what you said is the truth."

The onlookers marveled in low voices, approving the strength of the two on the training ground, but they still didn't approve of [Madman]'s rude behavior in the hall of the royal capital just now!

Zhou Fangwu licked the corner of his mouth.

So strong!

As expected of [Sword Master]!

[The strongest sword master of all ages] and [the strongest on the ground] are no joke!

He stopped his surprise attack lightly.

Although I didn't use all my strength, I was stopped so easily, I'm very sad, okay!


Sometimes people are like this, knowing that they can't win, but they have to do everything they can to fight.

Everyone has this kind of gambler mentality, and Zhou Fangwu is no exception.

He knew that Reinhardt had many protections, but he had a fatal weakness.

That is [As long as the second attack is strong enough, he can be defeated]!

Of course, there is only this one chance!

Want to try...?

There is no doubt about it!

"The next hit, fight everything!"

Zhou Fangwu made up his mind.

[Blessing of Magic] Squeeze all the magic power of oneself, [Blessing of the Sun] Seek correction of cause and effect!

A huge amount of magic power burst out from the body, turning into a magic beam of light that soared into the sky, the sun wheel knife in his hand vibrated violently, and the magic power wrapped around it was about to break it into pieces.

The earth trembled and the air froze!

The sun's rays shone directly down, making Zhou Fangwu shine brightly!

A strong sense of oppression enveloped this small training ground, causing the hearts of the crowd to beat violently!

This time.

Even those knights had to pay attention to Zhou Fangwu in the starting field.

Very strong!

Stronger than most of the Knights!

In their view, Zhou Fangwu's arrogance should be his own strength.


This kind of arrogance will be beaten to pieces by Reinhardt today!

Want to ask why?

Needless to say, that is the most powerful [Juvenile Saint] in the Kingdom!

They are very much looking forward to the next development.

Reinhardt politely waited for Zhou Fangwu to finish charging.

But in the eyes of others, it is because of his absolute confidence in his own strength and his indifference to the enemy that he will let him use all his strength.

However, I accept your kindness!

Take it all from me!

[Water Breath · Twelve Types · Time Rain Golden Time】!

[Water Breath · Ten Shapes · Life Flow]!

This is Zhou Fangwu's strongest combination of skills in terms of swordsmanship.

The strongest sword skill in the field + the strongest combo sword skill!

The magic power is entwined on the Sun Wheel Knife, and because of Juli's grip, the blade of the Sun Wheel Knife has a touch of red that is not obvious!

The [Water Domain] transformed by huge magic power shrouded Reinhardt's body, and he slashed down one after another, but all of them were easily stopped.

Ease and ease.

Reinhardt revealed this information throughout his body.

He was obviously in a field that would slow people down, but he wasn't affected in the slightest!

Existence beyond the specification is a BUG!

It's not over yet!

Forcibly change the breathing method!

【Thunder Breath】!

【Brindle · Thunder】!

The water blue pattern on the face switched to golden yellow in a second!


Extremely fast!

It's like stepping through time and space!

The sun wheel knife in Zhou Fangwu's hand did not collide with Reinhardt's knight sword, but staggered with him, and there was a gap for a moment.

It's now!

[Thunder's Breath·One Shape·Thunderbolt Flash]!

A slash went straight to Reinhardt's neck!


There was a crisp crash, a little spark.

A standard knight long sword stands there!


Although Zhou Fangwu had been prepared for a long time, he was still a little disappointed in his heart.

With my current strength, let alone defeating Reinhardt, it is impossible to even get him injured!

Having lost the only chance to defeat him, Zhou Fangwu no longer continued to attack.

Back away.

Reinhardt looked at him with some doubts, not understanding why the stormy attack just now stopped in an instant.

"Hey, Reinhardt, why are you swinging your sword?"


"I didn't feel anything from your sword. Although I may be arrogant and arrogant, I think you are just swinging your sword. Relying on your own powerful strength, you are like a puppet without a soul. "


"Reinhardt, use your [Jugmaster] strength, let me experience your strength."


Reinhardt didn't answer~www.wuxiamtl.com~he just raised the knight sword in his hand, the soaring magic power turned into a shining beam of light, and the coercion shrouding the training ground was heavier than Zhou Fangwu's just now.

The crushing of pure strength makes people unable to resist.

Wrapped with a large number of knights' long swords, Zhou Fangwu couldn't stand it with just a flat slash.

With eyes full of white light, he fell down in satisfaction.

With a triumphant smile on his face.

[Juvenile Master]'s protection Get, da☆ze~

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