Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 144: low self-esteem look up

"Didn't expect that I traveled again and again (!

[Cannot be generalized between people]

This is the iron law that Natsuki Subaru has discovered since junior high school.

Some people are born with talents.

They are natural leaders with the ability to be convincing.

Strength, affinity, and adaptability are all unparalleled and powerful, beyond common sense.

Just like his father Natsuki Kenichi, no matter how great the difficulty is, he can easily overcome it, and no matter how desperate the crisis is, he can overcome it.

Just like Zhou Fangwu, with just a few words, he broke the evil thoughts of the people around him, and with just a few words, he won the most powerful ally.


In the hall of the royal capital, the domineering and tough man standing on the stage,

Shining strong, dazzling light!

Natsuki Subaru knew that he would never be able to become that kind of person.

All his inferiority complex originated from his father.

Because his father was so outstanding, the expectations of the people around him made him breathless.

So he chose to escape.

Also because of this weak choice, his behavior is getting closer and closer to the behavior of a clown that makes people laugh out loud, and gradually loses the meaning of survival.


Natsuki Subaru meets the heroine who lights up his life—the silver-haired half-elf Emilia!

Want to help her!

Even if only a little bit!

It was the first time that Natsuki Subaru had the urge to help someone even if he risked everything!

to this end

With a cheeky face, he shamelessly declared that he was also Emilia's knight, just to help her and bring the distance between the two closer.

It's nothing.

Just help her silently, just like when doing the task of [Get Villager's Approval].



Why does such a small selfishness have to be hindered by someone!

The purple-haired **** in front of him seemed to be an elegant noble knight, but he targeted himself everywhere.

It's fine to be in close contact with Emilia, even my own little selfishness of wanting self-satisfaction!

—[Best Knight] Julius Eucleius!

You fake bastard!

Definitely going to hit you!

The king selection ceremony officially began.

Everyone left the venue, leaving only the five candidates for the heir to the throne waiting for relevant matters in the hall.

Zhou Fangwu and Reinhardt walked together and left the Wangxuan hall together.

The two leaned closer to talk.

"Hey, Reinhardt, did you intend to make Felt agree to form an alliance with Emilia?"

"Hahaha, what are you talking about? I didn't match you up on purpose, Wu."

Seeing his bright and clean smile, Zhou Fangwu also smiled softly.

"Is it because you are afraid that the sage will find fault with the ministers afterwards and make things difficult for Emilia and me, so you agree to form an alliance?"

"No, Wu, you just simply misunderstood, I just followed Master Felt's intention."


Should it be called Reinhardt?

The return came too fast!

Although it is beneficial to form an alliance with Emilia, it is more beneficial for them not to form an alliance at this time.

After all, blatantly forming an alliance with the [silver-haired half-elf] will lower their evaluation.

Not to mention, as long as they disagree, Emilia will definitely be out instantly!

Zhou Fangwu successfully lured Felut to agree to form an alliance, but this was also a dangerous negotiation that was completed without Reinhardt's warning or rejection.

Zhou Fangwu never thinks that he is a master of eloquence, who can fool everyone into believing what he says.

At least, Reinhardt, who has been acting as a bystander, is definitely staying awake.

However, in order to repay Zhou Fangwu, Reinhardt tacitly agreed to form an alliance.

"Anyway, thank you, Reinhardt."

"Although I don't know why Wu thanked me, I will accept your thanks."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

"What's the matter, why are you smiling so happily meow, tell me too."

Felix hugged Reinhardt coquettishly, rubbing his shoulder like a cat.

Seeing Felix's coquettish behavior, Zhou Fangwu subconsciously took three steps back, wanting to stay away.

However, a person was hit.

Leave quickly again.

Turn around and look.

It's Al.

"Yo, brother."

Al raised his arm to say hello, and then patted Zhou Fangwu on the shoulder.

"You really stole the limelight just now. I'm so envious. To tell you the truth, I wanted to do that a long time ago, but my young lady always pushes the limelight, so I don't have anything to do with it."

They leaned over and didn't care about the fact that the two had already formed an alliance.

It's very confusing.

"Ah, you said that..."

Felix nodded his chin, as if remembering.

"Master Crusch attaches great importance to your alliance, but she doesn't think she will lose, so it doesn't matter. Besides, I came here to inquire about information, nya."

After speaking, he leaned in front of Zhou Fangwu.

Looking up at her cute little face, blinking her moist and lively pupils, she asked softly, "Hey, Wu~ can't you tell me about the alliance with Lord Emilia and Lord Felut?"


Zhou Fangwu couldn't help but shuddered, and then backed away in fear from the big man in women's clothing in front of him.

Can't afford it, can't afford it.

Scared, scared.


As if he had succeeded, Felix laughed like a little devil.

"Well, my eldest lady also said the same thing."

Al also said:

"Obviously I said it, it's an alliance between [Sword Master] and [Madman], but the eldest lady said 'it's just the strongest on the surface plus a lunatic talking nonsense, it's nothing to worry about' or something, easily It was dismissed. Really, I really don't know if she knows what's going on now."


and many more!

【Madman】What does it mean?

Make it clear to me!

As if aware of Zhou Fangwu's doubts, Al explained.

"Ah, you don't know yet, [Madman] is a nickname just given to you by those nobles and knights."


Zhou Fangwu was speechless.

"By the way, where is Julius, where did he go?"

Phyllis turned his head to look for his friend Reinhardt, but he didn't see the conspicuous short purple hair and elegant back.

"Huh? Isn't he with you?"

Reinhardt also asked strangely: "He walked behind, I thought you came out together."

"No, I didn't see him either."

Felix shook his head, indicating that he didn't know.

"Al, have you seen Subaru Natsuki?"

"Sorry, I didn't see him either."

Hearing Zhou Fangwu asking himself, Al shook his head and said he didn't know.


From the other end of the corridor away from them, there was a burst of noise and confusion.

The four looked at each other.

They always feel related to the two people who disappeared.

Go quickly.

Sure enough, it was the two of them, and there was a dispute!

As if the discussion was fruitless, Julius found that relying on the power of words could not make the paranoid clown in front of him understand.

He invited: "Let me teach you what reality is! Come with me, the destination is the training ground, dare you?"

"Okay, I accept it!"

Natsuki Subaru accepted the invitation to fencing from the man he hated very much with a displeased face.

Then he fell.

He was beaten flat and flat on the ground.

The forehead was split open and blood was flowing, the left eye was red and the cheek was swollen, and the exposed skin was also full of bruises.

He was beaten badly. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Breathing techniques and sword skills have no effect, and people who want to sneak attack and play dirty tricks are easily blocked.

Natsuki Subaru, who was lying on the ground, was filled with anger, and wanted to get up and rush up to fight him again!

But his body has reached its limit, and he can't do anything if he wants to stand up.

"Is this the end..."

With endless unwillingness, he closed his eyes.

Passed out.

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