"Didn't expect that I traveled again and again (!

"Before the parliament begins, let me ask, is there anyone who doesn't know about the king's election ceremony?"

Marcos, the head of the Knights, asked as usual.

"Me, me, me!"

As if to take care of Zhou Fangwu and Natsuki Subaru, Al pretended not to know and raised his hand loudly.

"It seems that some people don't know. If this is the case, I..."

"Wait for me!"

Without giving Marcos a chance to explain, the little Kansai-accented loli interrupted.

"Our time is precious, and we don't have time to laugh and laugh with you. Besides, the whole country knows about this matter, so why would some people not know about it?"

Anastasia Hexin stared at Priscilla dissatisfied.

The servant should pay the bill for his rudeness.

But how could Priscilla be the kind of doormat who was allowed to be squeezed by others, and she immediately retorted.

"The knight of the concubine represents the meaning of the concubine. Let him speak up. If you have any opinions, just say it, even if the concubine will not listen."


Her defiant attitude also angered Anastasia.

But she still didn't get angry, but asked the question that other king candidates wanted to know.

"Compared to repeating what we already know, we still want to know the reason for summoning us."

"It makes sense, I'm also pressed for time."

Crusch's dignified voice resounded in the empty royal hall.

"That... I think it's better to listen to it."

"I'm sorry, we didn't ask for your opinion, could you please silence me?"

Emilia tried to calm down the atmosphere of tit-for-tat, but was met with extremely rude cynicism from Anastasia.


Facing the malice, the silver-haired half-elf girl had a slightly painful expression.

How could Natsuki Subaru remain calm at this time, he shouted loudly on the spot:

"Damn, what's your attitude?"

"Wow! I don't know about Wang Xuan, can you please explain in detail?"

Al immediately stopped Subaru Natsuki's recklessness, and blocked all mistakes at the same time.

After a month of growth, Natsuki Subaru realized what would happen if he was impulsive and reckless just now, so he thanked Al immediately.

If it wasn't for Al being a man, he would probably be infatuated with Al.

Zhou Fangwu saw all this, but did not take any action.

Let Natsuki Subaru continue to make trouble for no reason.

Then, Marcos, the head of the Knights, repeated what they had been repeating.

— King election ceremony.

"...The above is an explanation of the current situation. Anastasia-sama, please forgive me for being so rude just now."

After speaking, he apologized to the little loli with Kansai accent.

"He's not some kind of devil, but [Princess] is over there, are you satisfied?"

"Hmph. Al, are you hearing clearly in your overwhelmed brain?"

"Understood, I understand. Thank you, Lord Marcos, for your explanation, and the lady with the accent of Kara Raji is also the same."

Anastasia provoked Priscilla fiercely, but she deftly diverted her away.

All faults, all accepted by Al.

By the way...

Is this [a world where only one person is injured]?

Hikigu Hachiman calls the experts directly!

"Anyway, if you have anything else to say, can you hurry up? We have other important things to do. We are very busy and don't have time to chat with you."

Anastasia did not vent her anger, so she transferred her anger to the Council of Wise Men.

"I'm sorry for wasting your time, Lord Anastasia. However, this parliament is very important to you and all the candidates for the throne here."

Although he controls the real power of the kingdom, McClutford still keeps his position very low.

He whispered: "How should I put it... Today will also be a day engraved in the history of the kingdom."

As soon as these words were uttered, the faces of the four candidates present all froze.

Suddenly, an inexplicable sense of oppression enveloped the entire royal hall.

"In other words, something big has happened, old bone?"

Priscilla was not frightened, but held her head high and raised her chest to ask the first question.

But she didn't get an answer.

At this time, Marcos, the head of the Knights, stepped up to the front desk and called a person's name loudly.

"—Knight, Reinhardt Van Astrea!"


"Go forward! Report!"


Reinhardt bowed to the four adults in front of him, and then spoke slowly.

"The Dragon Priestess, the king's candidate—the last fifth person, has been found!"


The commotion spread in the hall of the royal capital.

Especially on the side of the Knights, even more sages will be noisy with the ministers.

"Silence! Silence!"

Marcos, the head of the Knights, forcibly put the chaotic and noisy scene in order.

Seeing that it was almost done, Reinhardt said loudly:

"Please, the fifth Miko-sama, enter!"

The guard who received the order saluted everyone in the hall, and then respectfully opened the door behind him.

—Behind the door stood a girl shining with gorgeous light.

Like a polished ruby, it blooms with its own brilliance.

Dazzling, she walked in with small steps.

Shaking a light yellow luxurious dress, stepping on high heels and walking gracefully on the carpet.

The golden hair is meticulously arranged, reflecting the dazzling light under the slant of the sun; the red pupils reveal strength, but also reveal a touch of elf and eccentricity; the mischievous tiger teeth nibbling the red lips make people love it .

This distinctive girl is an old acquaintance of Zhou Fangwu, Natsuki Subaru, and Emilia.

— Felt!

Who would have thought that the ugly duckling struggling to survive in the slums in the past would turn into a noble white swan.

This huge contrast caused Natsuki Subaru to grow his mouth.

"The person who is respected as a king himself—named, Felut."

She introduces herself.

Then, stepping on the steps of a noble lady, she slowly walked in front of Reinhardt.

Then gave him a kick, but was stopped.

"Master Felt, what are you doing?"

"What 'doing', I want to ask you what you want to do!"

The noble girl showed her irritable nature and scolded her knight loudly, "This clothes, and these people, it doesn't matter if it's this or that, I'm almost at the limit of my patience!"

"Is it because the dress doesn't suit your taste? But in my opinion, it suits you very well."

"I'm not talking about clothes... No, it's not just clothes! Isn't Lord Knight ashamed of imprisoning a girl?"

"If it is for the prosperity of the kingdom, this is what I should do."

A few short sentences allowed Zhou Fangwu to sort out the outline of the matter.

It should be that Felt went to find Reinhardt after the slums made a deliberate call before, and then [protected] her for Felt's safety after being confirmed.

Perhaps this kind of protection, in Felt's view, imprisoned her.

Glaring at Reinhardt dissatisfied, the slum girl looked at the people standing in the royal hall.

When she saw Zhou Fangwu, there was a bright light in her eyes.

All of a sudden, she knocked away the knight blocking her, and walked over in small strides.

"Yo, isn't this little brother, why are you here?"

She greeted with a smile.

Then, taking advantage of his inattention, he raised his leg and kicked again, aiming at Zhou Fangwu's face.

"Uh... Are you dissatisfied with me, Felut?"

How could Felut just sneak attack, stopped her casually, and then saw a pattern along her short legs.

—It's the little brown bear.

No wonder he likes to mess around, he was still a child.

Still, good taste.

"I always feel like my little brother is thinking of bad things."

"Illusion, illusion."

Felut bared his canine teeth and looked at Zhou Fangwu fiercely.

"If there is a ranking of who you are dissatisfied with, my brother's ranking is above Reinhardt."

"That really makes me sad."

Instead of being grateful to Zhou Fangwu for giving her the opportunity to leave the slum, the slum girl even hated him for it.

It's just that the method of revenge is very naive, and in the eyes of outsiders, this is flirting.

"I remember telling you when I left that you must be prepared when you go to find Reinhardt. I don't seem to have lied to you, but it really hurts me that you treated me like this."

"But you didn't tell me there would be such a big trouble, little brother!"

Felt puffed his mouth and retorted loudly in dissatisfaction.

It was only then that Reinhardt realized that when Felut came to look for her, she was told that someone had asked her to come, and this person was Zhou Fangwu!

Immediately, I felt grateful to Zhou Fangwu in my heart.

"Okay! If you want to flirt, go out, there are many people waiting here."

Seeing the closeness of the two, someone in the ministerial group said loudly in dissatisfaction.


Felt clicked his tongue in displeasure, and then asked the knight beside him, "So, what do you want me to do?"

"Please behave like a lady first, and then, please hold this."

Reinhardt placed a badge in the girl's palm.

That badge is exactly the same as Emilia's lost badge!

The badge that was placed in the girl's hand burst into dazzling light!

This phenomenon made everyone present except the other four girls bow down to salute her.

This is a tribute to someone who is more noble than himself.

"I see. Is this the reason for being engraved in history?"

Priscilla looked at Felt carefully.

"What, you big-chested monster, looking at me like this, are you trying to find fault?"

Like a female cat being provoked, Felut immediately returned his words.

"Irreverent little girl, you raise your head too high."

The insulted Priscilla just said this lightly.

It's really rare.

It's not like her usual style.

"Excuse me! Excuse me!"

Hearing the reputation, he saw that it was the minister just now.

Marcos, the head of the knight order, asked aloud: "What's the matter, Your Excellency Rikelut."

"Are you underestimating the qualifications of the heir to the throne?"

The minister with glasses and a gorgeous beard said: "[Wang], as the king of a country, must be conscious."

"what do you mean?"

"Even if the clothes are gorgeous, the essence will still be revealed. Poor attitude, bad taste, bad education, can such a person be our king?"

His words made it clear at first glance that he was targeting Felt, and was targeting Felt's abrupt behavior just now.

This is a huge blow to Felut, especially there are a group of ministers who recognize Rikarut, and it is extremely difficult for Felut to become king.

"That's right, we don't recognize such a person!"

"That's right, no approval!"

The ministers spoke in unison and condemned Felut.


The sage spoke to the person in question, Mike Rotford, and the hall of the royal capital returned to a quiet state again.

Now that he holds real power, he is equivalent to a king to a certain extent.

"Hey, although Master Felt's behavior is indeed a bit rude, I can understand His Excellency Rikarut's opinion. However, it is better to learn about Master Felt's experience first."

"That's it, Reinhardt, please tell me about Master Felt's experience?"


At the request of Marcos, the head of the Knights, Reinhardt told the story of Felut's life experience as a waif and the past of stealing stolen goods.

"It's over."

Natsuki Subaru broke out in a cold sweat.

Following Reinhardt's explanation, Rikelut had a surprised and surprised smile on his face.

"Hmph, a vagrant from the slums! When it comes to electing the future king of the Kingdom of Lugnica, you actually chose a vagrant?! Reinhardt, where did you put the throne? !"

Standing for reason, he loudly reprimanded Reinhardt.

"Isn't it a little too harsh, Your Excellency Rikelut, treating a girl so harshly is not what a gentleman should do."

"What a joke! Roswaal, the future of the kingdom is in the hands of the few of them! Even a child cannot easily forgive such a scandal!"

"Isn't it okay? In fact, you have to be rich in personality to become an interesting king, isn't it? Thinking about it this way, I might want to see it."

Although Roswaal tried his best to restore Felt's reputation.

But for the performance just now, Felut has already lost the approval of the ministers.

Incidentally, Emilia was also affected.

Because all the problems also appeared on Emilia.

Sure enough, Rikelut started to attack.

"It's you, Roswaal! Needless to say, the Astrea family who recommended the vagrant, you who recommended the half-demon as king..."

"Stop here! Your Excellency Rikelut, please correct what you said just now."

Rikelut, who was talking above, suddenly turned pale from the cold tone of Roswaal.

"Even so, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com I don't think I'm wrong..."

Although he still wanted to be brave, the anger of [the chief magister of the royal family] was not something he could bear, and he was defeated immediately.

Roswaal, forcibly shut him up with strength.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with Your Excellency Rikelut. Then, let's continue with the king selection ceremony."

The sage talked to the person in question, Mike Rotford, to reconcile the relationship between the two, and signaled to Marcos, the head of the Knights, to continue the ceremony that was just interrupted.

"Then, all candidates for the throne, please step forward!"

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