Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 15: New World "Demon Slayer: Blade"

"Aqua, please."

"give it to me!"

Then, Akua released the enhanced blessing magic to Zhou Fangwu, "【Blessing! Attribute improvement】【Blessing! Luck improvement!】【Blessing! Art improvement!】"

"What's the use of [Art Enhancement]?"

Sato Kazuma heard that Akua released Zhou Fangwu's blessings for improving her art, and said that she must have a problem with her mind.

But Akua looked at Sato Kazuma with disdain, and said as a matter of course: "Idiot Kazuma, Takeshi is going to another world, of course I have to give him all the blessing magic I can add!"

It made sense, but Sato Kazuma couldn't refute it.

"Speaking of why! Why do you only show the true posture of a goddess when you are facing Senior Zhou Fang! But when you are with me, you are like an idiot goddess!"

Sato Kazuma yelled dissatisfied again.

"Hmph!" Akuya just snorted coldly, and didn't answer his words.

"Okay, listen to me."

Zhou Fangwu clapped his hands, and said to the two of them: "Next, follow the tasks I gave you before, with Akuya as the core, complete the [Purification of the Graveyard] task, and then you can accept other tasks."

Zhou Fangwu made a lot of arrangements for the team, "Be careful, don't accept tasks that are more difficult than yourself!"

"Understood!" X2

In terms of accepting tasks, Sato Kazuma still has self-knowledge, so he is not worried.

It's just that Aqua is too daring, he's a little scared.

"Then, I'm off!"

"Bon voyage! Be careful!" X2

Zhou Fangwu closed his eyes and communicated with the anchor point in his mind.

Immediately, a pulling feeling wrapped around his body, and the next second, he suddenly disappeared in front of Akuya and Sato Kazuma.

"M-disappeared?!" Sato Kazuma said dumbfounded.

"Why all the fuss, isn't it normal for Wu to disappear? After all, he is traveling through the world!"

"That's right! Go to sleep, then."

Sato Kazuma knocked his head, then lay down on the straw mat to sleep, and Aqua also lay down.

"This is... the forest?"

When Zhou Fangwu opened his eyes again, he found that he was on a path that had just entered the mountain forest.

The time is evening, same as Suqing.

Surrounded by towering trees, the mottled shadows that blocked the moonlight reflected on his body, a little cold and silent.

It's gloomy and feels very bad.

Especially the screams from time to time, coming from the mountains and forests, made Zhou Fangwu even more uncomfortable.

But he wasn't too scared, instead he checked his skills carefully.

"So that's how it is. You can return at any time after crossing, and you will return to the place before returning after crossing again... Is this the convenience of establishing a channel?"

Traveling through the world can leave at any time, which undoubtedly gave Zhou Fangwu enough confidence.

What are you afraid of? If you encounter danger, you will escape back to the world of Suqing.

There was no future trouble, instead, he straightened his chest and went straight to the depths of the mountain forest. He heard screams just now, and he also smelled the vague smell of blood against the wind.

Deep in the forest, there must be something!

Zhou Fangwu began to run quickly, and went straight down the mountain path to the depths.

"Hey, who is that...?"

Just as he was halfway running, Zhou Fangwu saw a figure curled up under a tree, weeping softly with his head bowed, and he was still saying something in his mouth, "Abandon me alone", "Disrespectful" What.

But he did confirm one thing, that figure was a man, and he spoke Japanese!

It appears to be the regular world.

Zhou Fangwu stepped forward and said, "Young man, what are you doing here?"

"Wow! Don't come here, don't come here!!" The boy yelled in shock, and then burst into tears.


Zhou Fangwu was also taken aback by him suddenly.

"Hey, boy! Calm down, I'm human!" Hurry up to appease the boy, don't let him go insane again.

"Huh, man?"

The boy calmed down and looked at Zhou Fangwu, "It's true, it's a human! And it's wearing strange clothes."

The boy was wearing a conspicuous yellow plaid cloak, with a black suit inside, and a long white sword with a scabbard pinned to his waist.

The golden pot head, the big weak eyes, and the corners of the eyes still have tear stains, giving people a feeling of being bullied.

"You are... my wife Shanyi?!"

This outfit and appearance are too recognizable!

"you know me?"

My wife Shanyi pointed to herself suspiciously, "Who are you, why don't I know you?"

"Ah, it's normal that you don't know me. I know you from Naruto Sangshima Cigoro. You are his disciple, aren't you?"

Zhou Fangwu patted his head with a smile.

"From grandpa? I see." My wife Shanyi nodded, choosing to believe what Zhou Fangwu said.

Of course, Zhou Fangwu is actually lying to my wife Shanyi. He doesn’t know Kuwashima Jigoro at all. He only knows my wife Shanyi because he has seen anime with him as one of the protagonists in his previous life.

——"Demon Slayer Blade"!

The blade of sand sculpture in the early stage, the blade of ghost slayer in the middle stage, the blade of pillar annihilation in the later stage, and the blade of group annihilation in the ending.

In Zhou Fangwu's previous life, the anime was very popular. Even if most nerds haven't watched it, they must know its existence.

It is a phenomenal masterpiece!

It's just that he didn't expect him to travel to the world of "Ghost Slayer: Blade".

Although the water of Ghost Slayer Blade is not deep, the ceiling of strength is still very high, such as the peerless savage Ji Guoyuanyi who can cut 1500 knives in a second, or the jo-level who can only be killed by the sun... No, it’s a nest There is no misfortune in the horizontal ghost dance Tsuji.

There are also the love and killing between various evil ghosts with miserable life experiences and people, and so on.

But then Zhou Fangwu's look at my wife Shanyi gradually became hotter.

This eager gaze made my wife Shanyi back away in fear, for fear that Zhou Fangwu would do something outrageous to him.

But don't get me wrong, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Zhou Fangwu is not gay.

It's just that he remembered that my wife Shanyi knew how to breathe thunder.

Zhou Fangwu made up his mind to analyze and imitate the Thunder Breathing Method!

Even if there is only a flash of thunderbolt!

Never heard of it?

[Concentrate on one point and reach the peak]


"Ah, my name is Zhou Fangwu." Zhou Fangwu introduced himself to my wife Shanyi with kindness on his face.

"Senior Zhou Fang, are you also a swordsman of the Demon Slayer Squad?"

My wife Shanyi saw the long sword on Zhou Fangwu's waist, and subconsciously thought that Zhou Fangwu, like him, was a swordsman of the Ghost Slayer Squad.

But he was wrong, Zhou Fangwu is not a member of the Ghost Killing Squad.

"No, I'm not a swordsman of the Demon Slayer Squad."

"Really." My wife Shanyi discovered that although Zhou Fangwu was carrying a long sword, his clothes were not the uniform of the Ghost Slayer Squad.

"Senior Zhou Fang, you are really strangely dressed."

My wife Shanyi mumbled involuntarily, and immediately realized it and apologized quickly, "I'm sorry, Senior Zhou Fang, I didn't mean to slander you."

"Hahaha, don't be nervous, I don't care!"

Zhou Fangwu forgave him generously, "But you are right, this dress is really strange."

Different world fantasy style and modern daily style, these two styles can be the same to hell.

Oh no, they're going to **** soon.

"By the way, Shanyi, where is this place?" Zhou Fangwu was very curious about where this place is, and how he met my wife Shanyi.

"This is Natian Spider Mountain."

"That field...Spider Mountain?!"

PS: Everyone, I don’t need to talk about recommending tickets, collecting, investing, etc.~

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