Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 132: Aqua: I am really the goddess of water!

With the huge bounty, Axel's economy has been boosted a lot, and even the business of the succubus ladies has become better.

Although they don't charge money.

But Mencius's phrase "full warm thinking cough (yin) cough (yu is suitable for this group of rich and idle adventurers.

No matter which world is the same.

With money and consumption, the economy will promote the development of people's livelihood.

At this time, the adventurers in Axel Novice Village are somewhat swollen.

But Zhou Fangwu did not directly pour cold water at this time, but formed his own guard team, according to the laws of the kingdom and with the assistance of Sena, he firmly arrested some adventurers who refused to obey the discipline and indulged in crimes.

This method works very well.

After being frightened by the intentional news several times, the adventurers became honest again.

And now.

Zhou Fangwu was forced to move out of his mansion and live in Axel's hotel.

The reason is that after he became a lord, his basic necessities of life had to match his status.

Otherwise, in the eyes of other people, it will look very shabby and desolate, and it is easy to be looked down upon.

[Noble Glory] in another world is quite troublesome.

Most importantly, it tarnishes the [heroic] team's reputation.

"Foreman, let's design it like this."

"Is this really good? There is not much difference except that it is one floor higher. With so many bounties, don't you want to rebuild it into a luxurious large mansion? Based on the previous friendship, I can give you It's cheaper."

The foreman in front of him was exactly the one Zhou Fangwu had worked under him at first.

The foreman has a sense of responsibility and never allows workers to cut corners. He also cares about the workers. He often asks for their relatives and helps the poor. He is a good foreman.

That's why I came to him.

"That's good. If you show off too much, it will make people jealous."

Shaking his head, he rejected the foreman's offer.

Although he didn't think he would only be a viscount in the future, but he was a viscount now, so he would follow the standard of a viscount, and we'll talk about the rest later.

In fact, as he said.

The huge bounty received is enough to build a luxurious large mansion, if there is a comparison, it is only a little smaller than Roswaal's.

Of course, it is empty shelves without the expensive antiques that are placed in the mansion.

You know, the bounty for intercepting the Mobile Fortress Destroyer is a full 500 million Eris!

Such a large bounty, after excluding those Eris distributed to adventurers, there are more than 300 million in the hands of the [Hero] team.

It was even more bounty than the headless horseman who was one of the eight cadres of the Demon King Army!

Including the previous surplus, the team's savings have exceeded 500 million!

The [Hero] team no longer worries about money, and all members have reached the class level of wealth and freedom.

But there is also a downside!

The huge savings made Akuya and Huihui completely reduced to a dead house nestled at home.

Huihui is okay, she has the physical needs of [Burst every day], so she goes out once a day.

But Akuya just lay lazily in the hotel all day long and didn't move, even Zhou Fangwu or Sato Kazuma went to accompany Huihui.


How can a goddess be so lazy!

I have to force her to do the mission!

Thinking this way, Zhou Fangwu returned to the hotel where he was temporarily staying, and found that Akuya was really lazily nestling on the sofa, playing the previous chess-like game with Huihui.

"Oh, Wu, you're back!"

Seeing Zhou Fangwu coming back, Akuya dropped the chess piece in her hand, and rushed straight towards her, completely ignoring Huihui who loudly said that she was cheating.

People can't help but wonder if she did it on purpose.

"Wu, welcome back."

"Well, I'm back."

Say hello to Aqua and Megumin.

"Wu, how is the construction of the mansion going?"

Akuya hurriedly asked: "Will a big mansion be built?"

Hui Hui also said, "Yes, I'm also looking forward to it."

But unfortunately, Zhou Fangwu's next sentence shattered their illusions.

"No, it's the same size as the previous one, but there's an extra floor above it, and a few more rooms."

"Hey, why is this!"


The two women looked dissatisfied with his decision, but said nothing more.

Zhou Fangwu shook his head and laughed. After looking around, he found that Sato Kazuma was not in the hotel, so he asked him where he went curiously.

"Dirty Kazuma went to someone else's team again."

Akuya said bitterly.

Well, I must have gone to hook up with Chris (Eris) again.

From what Akuya called Sato Kazuma, Zhou Fangwu immediately understood.

If it’s [Scum and Truth], it’s joining Taylor’s team, if it’s [Dirty and True], it’s going to find Chris, and if it’s [Ghost and Truth], it’s going out to hang out.

But what puzzled him was, didn't Kazun Sato agree to explore the dungeon with Taylor yesterday? Why did he go to Chris again?

Could it be that Taylor hasn't come back yet?

Forget it, anyway, with Chris here, there is no need to worry about Sato Kazuma's safety, let him go.

Think about it too.

Now that all the adventurers have money, only Chris can do missions. After all, she is a goddess and doesn't need money.

"Hey, Aqua, Sato-kun has already gone to work, you..."

Although he didn't finish the following words, Zhou Fangwu's meaning was self-evident.

"Hey! Don't! Let me rest for another day, the last day!"

"And then tomorrow says it's the 'last day'?"

Hearing this sentence, Akuya suddenly lost her temper. She hugged Zhou Fangwu's arm and shook it vigorously, begging the man in front of her to let her be lazy for a day, but before she finished speaking, this little trick was immediately exposed .

"Akua, if you've always been like this, when will we defeat the Demon King and when will you return to the heavens? Even Sato Kazuma is working hard, how can you be so lazy?"

Seeing that Akuya was so unwilling to make progress, Zhou Fangwu didn't care if Huihui was still there, and directly reprimanded her.

"But... I really think that living with Wu in the lower realms is also very good! I don't want to go back to the heavens!"

Akuya blinked her pure water-blue eyes, looked straight at Zhou Fangwu, and spoke her truth.

"I'm just a mortal, and I won't be with you for long."


Aqua was silent without words.

"Hey, wait! I can't pretend that I didn't hear what I just said!"

Huihui jumped off the sofa when she heard the conversation between the two.

"I've been very strange since before. Whether it's Wu's name or Aqua's self-proclaimed name, Akua is always said to be the goddess of water. What's going on?"

Sure enough, she still felt something was wrong.

Akuya was shocked immediately, shaking her head and looking at Zhou Fangwu, she remembered the thing that warned her not to reveal her identity before.

However, Zhou Fangwu nodded slightly to her.

This is a signal to agree to reveal her identity to her companions!


"Hmph, listen up, Megumin! I am the goddess believed by the Axis Cult, the goddess of water—Aqua!"

Aqua introduced herself triumphantly, hoping to receive admiring gazes from Megumi.

But in fact, Huihui didn't show any expression change.

She blinked her eyes and nodded clearly, as if [the second child has found a comrade], and said: "I see, is this the setting?"

"Eh? Setting something...?"

"However, it is rumored that the Axis Cult is a group of unreasonable and horribly stubborn weirdos. It is better not to set yourself up as the goddess they believe in."

"Why are you talking about my lovely believers! Why are you and Wiz both prejudiced! They are not like that!"

Akuya yelled, trying to restore the reputation of her believers. UU reading www.uukanshu. com


Forgive Zhou Fangwu for his unkind smile.

It's so funny!

That's right, Akuya's character that has always been out of touch doesn't look like a goddess, it's normal for Megumi not to believe it.


Akuya looked at Zhou Fangwu tearfully, seeking comfort.

However, Zhou Fangwu didn't intend to clear up this misunderstanding, so let Huihui continue to misunderstand.

I have to say, sometimes this cognitive bias is really interesting.

"Well, Megumin, it's just like what you said. Aqua always thought that after defeating the Demon King, she would become a goddess. Of course, she has been working hard for this, right?"

After explaining to Megumin, he looked at Aqua again.

Zhou Fangwu's eyes indicated that she had no choice but to nod and say yes.

Afterwards, under Huihui's precise make-up, the three of them went to the adventurer to accept the task.

The task was completed smoothly.

By the way, Aqua is the main force.

In order to prove that she is the goddess of water, she has worked hard.

Although in the end Huihui didn't believe it.

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