"Didn't expect that I traveled again and again (!

Because of Darkness's departure, the team members had an excuse to spend their days lazily, so they either idled around the Novice Village all day long, or lay down in the mansion in a sloppy mess.

This is not allowed!

[Hero] How can the team's reputation be ruined by them!

"Hey, you guys, is it really okay to be so idle all day long?"


Hearing Zhou Fangwu's reprimand, Akuya let out a long sigh, "Dakness only rested for 3 or 4 days after leaving, Wu wants us to do the mission, I don't want it!"

Akuya was always extremely sensitive in such places, and she understood what Zhou Fangwu meant after she said a word.

Then, she gracefully picked up a grape from the fruit plate and stuffed it into her small cherry mouth.

Very enjoyable.

This guy, has he forgotten that he is going back to heaven?

Could it be that it is enough to live in the lower realm?

"Hey, Aqua."


"The ultimate goal of our team is to defeat the Demon King."

"That's right."

Aqua closed his eyes slightly, as if he was savoring the sweetness of the grapes.

Then she said leisurely: "However, I feel that living with Wu in the lower realm is better than working day after day in the heaven... At least, I don't have to deal with work every day, and I have to work conscientiously under the eyes of the gods. Ahhh!"

After speaking, she stuffed another grape into her mouth.

So angry!

Seeing her like this, Zhou Fangwu immediately burned with anger, and stepped forward to pinch her tender face.

"Say it again if you have the guts!"

"Huh? Huh—? Sorry, I was wrong, I apologize, I apologize!"

Akuya's face was pinched, she couldn't speak clearly but she was still sincerely apologizing, even though she didn't know what was wrong with her.

Obviously she thinks it is better to live with Wu, but she doesn't understand why Wu is angry.

"Wu, I don't think Akua is wrong, we really should have a good rest."

Huihui played with the chess pieces in her hands, and said while thinking: "Besides, Darkness is not in the team and there is no one to protect me, so I won't go on the mission."

Since Darkness left, no one would play chess with her, so she had to play two roles and play with herself.

But her gameplay and rules are very strange, the king was removed from the board and then brought back, which caused her to play a game of chess that did not end for a day.

Why bother yourself?

"Hui Hui, did you forget about me?"

Zhou Fangwu felt that he should remind her, "Although I am a master of swordsmanship, but at the same time I also work as the deputy tank of the team, so I can protect you."

"Uh...that's how it is!"

Huihui seemed to have just realized this, and the chess piece in her hand fell on the board.

But Zhou Fangwu looked like she did it on purpose.

Because she played tricks on herself, this game can't go on.

"That... I'm sorry, Senior Zhou Fang, I'm going to explore the dungeon with other teams today."

With a slightly embarrassed expression, Sato Kazuma spoke words that shocked everyone.


When Akuya heard this, she immediately became unhappy.

She shouted at Sato Kazuma angrily: "Idiot Kazuma, what's going on with you, why are you doing missions with other teams!"

"That's right, did the scum and Hezhen abandon us and join another team? I really misjudged you!"

Huihui was also denouncing him.

But when he heard the two women's questioning, Sato Kazuma's embarrassed expression disappeared instead.

With a gloomy face, he roared more angrily than Aqua:

"It's not the two of you! You are lazy every day, either at home or wandering in the village, asking you to do tasks but always using excuses, and now you are blaming me again?!"

"Ah, ah?"

"Yes, is that so?"

After being blamed by Kazuma Sato, Akua and Megumi began to recall the past of these 3 or 4 days.

I found out that it was really what Sato Kazuma said.

They come to do missions with them every day, but the two who just want to be lazy reject them instantly, so Sato Kazuma temporarily joins another team.

"No, it's not right!"

Akuya suddenly felt something was wrong, "How could Kazuma be so active in doing tasks, it must be a lie!"


Aqua's suspicion was not without reason.

After all, before Megumin proposed to take a break for a period of time, Sato Kazuma echoed loudly, saying that he would take a good rest and stop doing tasks.

But why turned around and joined another team?

"Hey! You idiot goddess, believe it or not, I'll beat you up!"

Seeing that he was so distrusted, Kazuma Sato raised his fists in annoyance as if he was going to wrestle with Aqua.

Mingming came to them and asked if they had time to do a task, but the two girls, who were only thinking about playing leisurely, refused on the spot without even thinking about it, and in the end they pushed the fault on themselves.

"Alright, Aqua, I believe Sato-kun will explain, right?"

"Well, it's not a secret that can't be said."

Sato Kazuma didn't hide anything, and told the reason.

"Actually, a new dungeon suddenly appeared near Novice Village. Since Taylor's team had no thieves, I temporarily joined it."

"So that's how it is... Sorry, I blamed you wrongly."

Aqua clapped his hands to show that he understood.

"That's it, then, it's almost time, I should go."

Kazuma Sato greeted everyone.

Then left the mansion.

"Then, even Sato-kun has worked so hard, do you two continue to be lazy? If that's the case, you won't be able to defeat the Demon King."

Zhou Fangwu seemed to be stimulating them.

Even Kazuma Sato went to do tasks to increase experience and experience, and you just lie at home so lazily, is it really okay?

"Yes, yes."

Akuya was extremely tangled.

She didn't want to do the task, but she didn't want to be compared with Sato and Zhen, so she fell into a dilemma for a while.

On the contrary, Huihui, who was stimulated by the word "devil king", said loudly:

"Hmph, I'm the strongest mage of the Crimson Demon Clan! Now that I've rested enough, let's go to the task! Besides, I haven't finished my daily first explosion today, let alone be lazy here!"

Seeing her positive look, Zhou Fangwu slapped his hands, "Oh! This is the momentum, Huihui. You will definitely become the strongest magister of the Crimson Demons!"

He asked the troubled Aqua again, "So, what about you?"

"I, I... I'm going too!"

Akuya also made a choice from the entanglement, because she didn't want to lose to Kazuma Sato. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

"Ah, very good."

Nodding in satisfaction, the enthusiasm of the two was finally mobilized.

"Well, let's do it now..."

"Zhou Fangwu! Is Zhou Fangwu there?"

Just as the three of them wanted to do the task, someone outside the mansion shouted Zhou Fangwu's name loudly.

"who is it?"

The three looked at each other with doubts in their eyes.

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