Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 128: plant davenport

"Didn't expect that I traveled again and again (!

When a person is famous, all kinds of troubles will follow, and no one can escape.

Zhou Fangwu had already prepared for this point.

However, he didn't expect that there would be so many troubles!

"I'm sorry! Excuse me, are you the leader of the [Hero] team, Mr. Zhou Fangwu?"

"Well, it's me."

He was walking on the street, when he heard the voice of inquiry from behind, he turned and looked over.

Appearing in front of him was a young man about 15 or 6 years old. He had a head of grey-black broken hair, and his big dark and bright eyes carried a strong fighting spirit against the man in front of him.

Zhou Fangwu has seen his eyes many times in the past few days, and they are extremely familiar.

Here comes another...

Just as Zhou Fangwu murmured silently in his heart, the boy in front of him really asked for fencing as he thought.

"I'm meeting you for the first time. I'm Plant Davenport. Like you, I'm also a master of swordsmanship!"

The boy introduced himself, then straightened his body and bent at 90 degrees, and said loudly: "Please, please use your true strength and have a fair and just contest with me!"

Although the young man's attitude was very respectful, Zhou Fangwu was really not interested.

This is already the 138th challenger.

In the seven days since the interception of the [Mobile Natural Disaster] Mobile Fortress Destroyer, Zhou Fangwu has fought 138 challengers in a 1V1 real-man battle.

All of them are adventurers who come from other towns.

It's not that Zhou Fangwu doesn't understand their thoughts, they all want to prove themselves, stepping on celebrities to become famous.

The fastest way for adventurers to become famous is to defeat adventurers who are stronger than themselves.

This is a truth that everyone understands.


He, Zhou Fangwu, is not a cat or a dog who can come to challenge him, okay?

At least, let me weigh and weigh my own strength, a little bit of self-knowledge, bastard!

Forget about other powerful and famous adventurers, how dare a group of novice adventurers dare to challenge the strong ones!

In the past few days, besides veteran adventurers, many newcomers have also come.

"Uh... well, Plant...you can call me that."

"Yes! Please do call me that, all my friends do."

"So, Plante, you are a rookie who just became an adventurer, right?"

"As expected of being the leader of the [Hero] team, you can tell at a glance!"

"No, how should I put it..."

Should it be said that this group of newcomers did not have a clear self-awareness, or that they did not have awe for the strong, and it was really reckless to dare to challenge the famous strong after becoming adventurers.

Who gave them the courage?

It's not the hero selected by Aqua or Eris, why is he so brave, how can he be so brave!

However, Plant in front of him was the most polite of the newcomers who came to challenge him.

Zhou Fangwu thought carefully about how to say it euphemistically so as not to hurt the beautiful yearning of the newcomer in front of him for the future adventurous life.

However, after thinking for a long time, I didn't come up with a good solution.

That being the case, I can only fight with him, use my own powerful strength to wake up the ignorant him, and let him see the cruelty of the adult world.

"Ahem, Plant, I accept your challenge."

"That's great?!"

Hearing that Zhou Fangwu agreed to his request, Plant was very excited, as if he was about to become famous.

"Then, without further ado, let's start now."


The two stood facing each other on the street and opened their posture.

In the past few days, Zhou Fangwu often "street fights" with others, and the pedestrians on the street have long seen it. He was not afraid, instead, he stood on the sidelines and watched the duel between the two.

There were people cheering for the two of them, and the streets were bustling for a while.

Seeing this, Plant didn't show a timid expression, and it could be seen that he had a big heart.

He licked his lips, then drew out his knight sword, aiming at the chest of the enemy in front of him in a standard basic move.


Zhou Fangwu suddenly became interested.

As the saying goes, [Anyone who is an expert will only see if he makes a move]!

The boy in front of him obviously has received a good preschool education, and the adventurer who taught him is also a [Master of Swordsmanship]!

In other words, Plant is either a family inheritance or a nobleman's son.

However, Zhou Fangwu was not sure which one it was.

Just try it out.

"Are you ready, here I come."

"Yes, I'm ready!"

Oh, it turned out to be a son of a nobleman.

In order to take care of him, I specially reminded him, but because of this, it was exposed that Plant was a son of a nobleman.

Because Zhou Fangwu played a trick.

how to say…

If it is a family inheritance, then some of his ancestors must have been adventurers.

And the adventurers are a group of old silver coins, and they don't know how to say politely to the enemy at the beginning.

This is one thing all adventurers know and abide by.

If he said this, then he was trying to distract you, trying to cover up his previous small actions.

On the other hand, the noble children.

Their ancestors were generally not adventurers, and they might have been adventurers for a while when they were young, but not for long anyway.

And nobles must pay attention to aristocratic etiquette, no matter what time it is, they must be graceful and upright.

So there is usually an opening statement before the duel.

This [only known to Zhou Fangwu], most of them are like this!

Of course, there are always a few weirdos in this world who don't abide by noble etiquette and demeanor, such as the perverted knight Darkness in the team.

Similarly, there are also adventurers who can give an opening remark, such as Yujian Xiangye, the second-year disease swordsman.


Zhou Fangwu knew the truth in his heart, and chuckled lightly.

Using [Thunder's Breath·One Shape·Thunderbolt Flash], he was stunned to the ground with just one move.

The knife at his waist did not come out of its sheath, but a hand knife slashed on his neck.

Simply neat!

A novice adventurer dared to challenge a famous strong man, it was really floating.

That's not too bad.

Those adventurers with ulterior motives came to the door, Zhou Fangwu was not used to illness, he was basically beaten into a paralyzed body, and he needed to lie in a hospital bed for about 3 or 4 months.

However, he was really bored with the continuous number of people who came to challenge him.

Because he doesn't have the time and experience to deal with those rookies!

It's time to think of a way.

Otherwise, neither he nor Akuya would have a peaceful life in the future.

Carrying the fainted Plante on his shoulders, he strode towards the Adventurer's Guild and met with the team members to discuss the matter.

When I came to the Adventurer's Guild, I found that all members had arrived.

"Wu, this is..."

"Who is this boy?"



The members of the team were very curious, and the teenagers who were resisting Zhou Fangwu asked out loudly, and Darkness looked thoughtful even more.

"Ah, this..."

After explaining to everyone, Zhou Fangwu raised the question of how he wanted to get out of this trouble, and then began to think.

Coincidentally, the comatose Plant woke up~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Yes, you are the one with the best quality among the people who came this time! ...Well, although you are the only one who came to challenge this time. "


Plant was still a little dizzy, and it took him a while to wake up.

When he saw Zhou Fangwu, his words made all the members of the [Heroes] team stunned on the spot.

"Please accept me as an apprentice, Master!"

"Huh—?!" X5

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