Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 125: Double magic chant --【Explosion...

"Didn't expect that I traveled again and again (!

There is a good saying:

[Only wrong names, no wrong nicknames! 】

The Mobile Fortress Destroyer did not disgrace its prestigious name of [Mobile Calamity].

Even though it was still a long way from Novice Village, the ground was already trembling slightly, as if it was also fearing the huge monster that would step on it.

As the Mobile Fortress Destroyer got closer, the tremors of the ground became stronger and stronger, and the vibrations of the air became stronger and stronger.

Before seeing the figure of the Mobile Fortress Destroyer, the air became extremely oppressive.

The adventurers were all sweating on their foreheads, very nervous about the upcoming battle.

This is about the future of the entire Novice Village, and no one can guarantee that they can easily win and survive.

"Adventurers and villagers! The Mobile Fortress Destroyer is about to appear in front of you. Residents of the town, please follow Mr. Yujian Xiangye immediately and stay away from Xinshou Village! Finally, the task of protecting Xinshou Village I leave it to all adventurers!"

The guild's broadcast spread throughout Novice Village.

Let the villagers leave first, and at the same time let the adventurers prepare for battle.

Although the tone of the broadcast was calm, everyone's hearts were very disturbed.


"It's okay, I'm here."

Even with the gauntlet wrapped the reason is less obvious.

But her fear was fully exposed, and Zhou Fangwu, who was very familiar with her, knew what she was afraid of.

Softly comforting, with a strong confidence that infected her, she was no longer afraid.

Just such a short sentence made Darkness have the same confidence as Zhou Fangwu.

She doesn't believe in herself, she just believes in the man standing beside her.

The tightly held hand seemed to be giving her great encouragement, and her fear gradually calmed down.


With the loud rumbling noise, Mobile Fortress Destroyer's gigantic eight legs crossed layers of mountains, and a majestic figure appeared in front of the two of them.

【Mobile Fortress Destroyer】

Different from this unscrupulous name, the huge mobile fortress whose size is equivalent to a small castle does not take the traps and magic circles set by those adventurers seriously at all, and tramples on the ground, making loud noises...

"Okay, so big! Can this really be stopped by humans..."

"No, I can't..."

"Hey, this is too much!"

"Is there no problem? You can't win this game at all!"

It's no wonder that the adventurers were timid before fighting, but the huge body of the Destroyer carried an incomparably powerful deterrent force, using its terrifying and huge eight legs to crush their hearts that wanted to resist.

"What nonsense are you talking about! We have no way out, we have to fight to the death! Take courage, you are adventurers! Adventurers don't shrink back when encountering such small difficulties A group of people! You big fools!"

At a critical juncture, Sato Kazuma stood up.

The pure white cloak behind him was blown up and fluttered in the air, it was the wind of war blown by the Destroyer.

Changing from the usual obscene appearance of ghosts, beasts and scum, Zhou Fangwu has some shadows on him, and his inspiring performance is also remarkable.

"Yes, that's right!"

"Only fighting!"

"Ah! We must not lose!"


"To be called an idiot... That's right, we can't lose to Kazuma!"

Bill, Taylor, Daxter, Keith, Lynn...these people who are close to the [Hero] team were very ashamed after seeing the worst Kazuma Sato stand up, secretly encouraged themselves, and encouraged themselves again. The courage to resist.

"Then, everyone, let's go! But don't back down!"


"Golem Creation!" xN

Led by Kazuma Sato, a group of creators used the soil on the ground to create a large number of magic golems.

However, the activity time of the golems they created was very short, dissipating in less than 1 or 2 minutes.

However, the sudden reduction in the manifestation time was in exchange for stronger strength and a larger size, so they waited for the Mobile Fortress Destroyer to get so close before starting to make it.

However, it was of no use.

All the golems were destroyed by the eight legs of the mobile fortress destroyer and the magic barrier on it before they touched the eight legs of the destroyer.


Zhou Fangwu, who was observing closely, couldn't help clicking his tongue.

No way, tricks are useless, it's better to serve the main course directly.

Close the door and let Aqua go!

"Driving Flame!"

Unleashes a blast of bright magic that rises into the sky, then explodes in mid-air in a very conspicuous manner.

After Akuya saw it, she began to surge her divine power, and the haori with the identity of the watch goddess began to emerge behind her, then raised the magic wand in her hand to gather the divine power, and released a powerful curse at the huge [moving natural disaster] not far away magic.


I saw a very complicated magic circle appearing around Akuya, and a large pure white light ball appeared in her hand, the pure white brilliance reflected with her.

At this moment, she is a real goddess!

Then put down the hand that was dragging the ball of light, pointed it at the destroyer with the wand, and pushed it forward fiercely!


The sphere of light turned into a powerful beam of light, and instantly hit the Destroyer's magic barrier, like shattered glass, shattered into pieces.

[Crack the magic barrier of the Mobile Fortress Destroyer]

mission completed!


Although he knew this would be the result, Zhou Fangwu couldn't help but feel happy.

In front of the Mobile Fortress Destroyer, the two of them were as insignificant as ants, and anyone would be timid.

The same goes for Zhou Fangwu.

"Next, it's Megumin and Wiz..."

Just as he was chanting so softly, Megumi and Wiz stood on the city wall, and their loud chant followed.

"Blacker than black, darker than darkness, let me place my true red golden light here! When the time of awakening comes, the depraved principles of the absurd church will appear as five-star distortions!"

[! 】x2

After the chanting, two powerful explosion magics turned into dazzling beams of light and descended from the sky.

The explosion magic that absorbed 5 magic crystals is so powerful, the two burst magic hit the four legs on both sides of the Mobile Fortress Destroyer, completely destroying the eight legs, leaving no one left, directly killing the Mobile Fortress Destroyer. The bombing stopped.

The mobile fortress that suddenly lost its eight legs fell to the ground with different loud noises. After the bottom hit the plain, it began to slide according to the law of inertia.

The huge mobile fortress smashed all the roadblocks into pieces, and headed straight for Zhou Fangwu and Darkness. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"Be careful, Darkness."

Zhou Fangwu took a step forward and stood in front of her.

However, after gliding for a certain distance, it happened to stop in front of the two of them.

Afterwards, some small and damaged eight-legged fragments that fell from the sky were all stopped by Zhou Fangwu.

Doing so may seem a little redundant to others, but Darkness feels very happy in her heart.

That's fine.

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