Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 122: pre-war preparation

"Didn't expect that I traveled again and again (!

That being the case, Zhou Fangwu began to give instructions.

"Satou-kun, go to Wiz for help now, and let her help us use explosion magic to destroy the Mobile Fortress Destroyer. At the same time, buy all the magic crystals in Wiz's magic item shop, buy as many as you can, As a backup!"

What Zhou Fangwu thought was very simple.

Since Megumi said that 1 or 2 shots of explosion magic cannot break through the magic barrier of Mobile Fortress Destroyer, then use 10, 20, or 30 shots!

Of course, this is only a last resort.

With the existence of Aqua, the High Priest and part-time Goddess of Water, a [Curse Breaking] skill can still easily destroy the magic barrier.

But just in case, it is better to be prepared in advance. If Aqua accidentally dropped the chain, he wouldn't even have a place to cry.


Urging Sato Kazuma to act quickly.


Sato Kazuma responded, turned around and ran out.

"The rest of you should go to the guild first, and you have to discuss it with the people in the guild."

"Oh!" X3

Afterwards, the team went to the Adventurer's Guild.

When I came to the trade union, I found that many familiar faces gathered here.

Bill, Taylor, Daxter, Keith, Lynn... and so on, none of the veteran adventurers ran away.

No, it should be said that most of the people he met gathered here.

It's just that, for some reason, there are many more male adventurers than he imagined.

Moreover, the sense of oppression on them is very strong, and it can be seen at a glance that they are all strong!

Did he think too much about this weird feeling?

"Oh, isn't this [Hero], you guys are finally here!"

Thanks to the conspicuous suits, Zhou Fangwu and others became the objects of pursuit as soon as they appeared in the Adventurer's Guild.

"You are the ones, didn't you pee your pants when you were scared?"

The bold and unaffected jokes made fun of the adventurers who gathered around.

Zhou Fangwu wanted to establish an image, so of course he couldn't show nervousness and fear in front of them.

On the contrary, they looked a little uneasy, and they all breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Zhou Fangwu.

However, there was one very conspicuous figure in the crowd standing there. Not only did he not surround him, on the contrary he was also surrounded by many people.

——It’s Yujian Kyouya.

Is that guy here too?

That's right, he is also one of the powerful combat forces, and he can feel at ease with him.

As the powerful [Kingdom No. 3], there should be a large group of followers around him.

If Zhou Fangwu hadn't appeared, maybe Yujian Xiangye would be the one everyone expected.

Moreover, he seemed to have spotted the Hero Squad, but his gaze was fixed on Aqua who was idle and flustered beside him.

On the other hand, Akuya has been playing with the glass water glass in her hand, drawing exquisite pictures with the water in it, without even looking at him.

This guy is indeed the goddess of banquets, and he has a talent far beyond ordinary people in this strange aspect.

The guild was still extremely noisy.

Everyone was talking about how to repel or destroy the Mobile Fortress Destroyer.

After the guild staff cleared part of the open space, everyone stopped their noisy discussions.

"Everyone here! Thank you very much for responding to today's emergency broadcast!"

The staff thanked loudly, and arranged tasks for the adventurers who gathered.

Said: "Next, we will hold an urgent mission to crusade against the Destroyer of the Mobile Fortress. This mission is not divided into grades and occupations. I hope everyone can participate. When the guild decides that the mission cannot continue, the entire town will be abandoned and everyone will flee together. .Everyone is the last line of defense to protect this town. Then please take care of everything!"

Each team sat down one by one according to the instructions of the guild staff, but the [hero] team was the one sitting in the center.

Although the Adventurer's Guild is very large, there are about a few hundred people gathered here, and the adventurers filled the entire guild in a huge crowd, making the surrounding area impenetrable.

"How many people are there?"

"It's okay, Huihui, don't be afraid."

Megumin, who was a little shy, curled up in Darkness's arms, and Darkness also comforted her fearful emotions.

At this moment, the guild staff asked loudly: "So, let me explain the current situation! Uh... First, does anyone need me to start by explaining what Mobile Fortress Destroyer is?"

As soon as the words fell, five adventurers including Sato Kazuma raised their hands.

The guild staff looked at Kazuma Sato in surprise.

He probably didn't expect that there were still people in the [Hero] team who didn't know.

This made the self-confessed cheeky and really shy bow his head, ashamed of his ignorance for smearing the squad.

However, the guild staff made a point of explaining it.

"The so-called Mobile Fortress Destroyer..."

He used the shortest words to explain to those who don't know how terrible the upcoming mobile natural disaster is.

This mobile natural disaster is so well-known that almost all adventurers look like they have known it for a long time. When they heard the explanation from the guild staff, they nodded frequently to show that he was right.

Then there are adventurers who supplement the explanations he missed.

"It is particularly worth mentioning, that huge body and the speed of travel! If you are stepped on by those eight feet with amazing speed..."

"And it sets up a powerful magic barrier at any time! With that, magic attacks are meaningless..."

Speaking of this, the faces of the adventurers in the guild instantly became gloomy.

Magic is useless, which means that only physical attacks can be used.

However, once it gets close to that huge body, it will be crushed.

"Besides, because its whole body is made of magical metal golems, bows and arrows will be bounced off, and ballistas are useless... What kind of physical attack is needed to crush it."

As if asking and asking themselves, the adventurers who were chattering just now became silent in an instant.

Feel depressed!

"Latest news! Now, the Mobile Fortress Destroyer is heading northwest of this town, attacking in a straight line here...Everyone, what should we do?!"

The guild staff received the news from the scouts and passed it on to all the adventurers present, asking them what to do.

"How about making a trap?" an adventurer suggested.

"No! There is no suitable terrain near Xinshou Village, and the time is too late!"

"Then, ask Noyes about the Sorcerous Kingdom, since they created it..."

"No! That magical country has already been destroyed!...Destroyed by the Mobile Fortress Destroyer."

The words of the guild staff shattered their hopes, and made up for it severely.

The ideas I expressed were wild and unconstrained, but the staff rejected all passes on the spot.

"So, any other comments?"


The guild staff also gave up hope and urged calmly.

But, no one can give a definite answer.

GG~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Just when everyone was desperate, and even some timid adventurers sneaked out to escape Novice Village, a very confident and steady voice sounded in this silent adventurers guild .

"Our [hero] team has accepted this commission!"


Everyone present was surprised to see the young man sitting in the center, wearing a pure white knight uniform and wearing a cape with the word "武".

— is the leader of the Hero Squad!

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