Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 13: 5 people first sign

The day after Darkness joined the team, everyone gathered at the Adventurer's Guild.

"Let's go take the commission."

Zhou Fangwu suggested.

Sato Kazuma also echoed: "Well, the recruitment of team members is over, it's time to start the adventure."

"Hey, are we no longer recruiting companions?" Aqua asked blankly.

Sato and Ma spread their hands, "There are too many problem children in the team, what if there is another one?"

"Hey, who is the problem child!"

"that is!"


Akuya and the other three girls did not admit that they had problems.

"We're all team members, so stop arguing." Zhou Fangwu clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention, "This is the first time our team has cooperated, and the purpose is to run the team and not find difficult jobs, is that okay?"

"Yes!" X4

Zhou Fangwu went straight to the entrustment column, and then took an entrustment form and reported it to the front desk of the trade union, "Our team will accept this task."

"[Purify the polluted lake] is it?"


"Okay, please allow me to report." The counter lady simply filled out a form.

Zhou Fangwu returned to the team and handed the order to everyone for inspection.

"Clean up the polluted lake?"

Sato Kazuma looked at the order in his hand, and looked at Zhou Fangwu in confusion and confusion, "Does our team have the ability to purify water sources?"


Did Sato Kazuma forget something?

Sure enough, Aqua hit his head vigorously, "I, it's me! I'm the goddess of water!"


"The goddess is..."

The title of 【Goddess】 caught the attention of Megumin and Darkness.

"Ah, this is just Aqua's delusion."

Sato Kazuma pretended to be careless and perfunctory, and successfully deceived the two of them.

"That's right..."

"Poor Aqua, did you have such a dream?"

Akuya was furious, but because of what Zhou Fangwu said before, she couldn't reveal the identity of the goddess, so she had no choice but not to refute Kazuma Sato.

"Well, that's it."

Zhou Fangwu took over the conversation, "Akuya has the ability to purify water sources, so I will accept this commission."

"Hmph, leave it to me!" Akuya patted his chest.

"Then, let me make a simple arrangement."

Zhou Fangwu pointed at the people and arranged their responsibilities in turn, "Akuya can concentrate on purifying the water source; while Darkness and I attract monsters in the lake; Huihui stays by Akuya's side and releases the explosion magic whenever necessary Shocking the monsters; Sato-kun wandering around to provide support at any time. Is that okay?"

"Understood!" X4

This lineup was temporarily arranged by Zhou Fangwu based on MOBA games.

And the most popular MOBA game in the previous life - LOL, is a 5V5 tactical competitive game.

Darkness is a pure meat top laner, Megumin is a nuclear bomb mage, Akuya is a nanny support, Sato Kazuma is a roaming jungler, and Zhou Fangwu is a close-to-all-round physical core.

The configuration is quite perfect!

Five people set out to fight, and not a single blade of grass grows!

it is good!

Set off!

Akuya, Megumin, and Darkness were happily bouncing up and down in front of them, completely devoid of the vigilance and caution that adventurers should have, and relaxed as if they were out for an outing.

Zhou Fangwu and Sato Kazuma walked at the back, always guarding both sides of the forest to prevent accidents.

"Senior Zhou Fang, why did you take this task?"

Sato Kazuma spoke to Zhou Fangwu, "If you want to run the team, there are other tasks, right?"

"Yes, if it's another task, it should be more able to run into the tacit understanding of the team."

Zhou Fangwu didn't deny it either.

Now that the Headless Horseman hasn't come to Novice Village, and the Adventurer's Guild's commissions haven't decreased, if you really want to get the team together, you should choose other missions.

Zhou Fangwu thought for a while, "There are three reasons."

"First of all, I really want to run into the tacit understanding of the team; secondly, the reward of this task is relatively high, suitable for a team of five; finally, I want to see where the limit of the team is."


Sato Kazuma understood the first two reasons, but he was a little confused about the last reason.

"Sato-kun, you won't forget our final mission, right?"

Zhou Fangwu's appropriate reminder made him react, "To defeat the devil... yes, we are here to defeat the devil!"

"Correct solution! In order to defeat the devil, our team needs to transform as soon as possible and become a special attack team dedicated to fighting against the devil."

"I understand!"

Sato Kazuma nodded knowingly, "Senior Zhou Fang is really reliable!...Although sometimes it's just a stretch."

"Hey, beat you!"

"Sorry, I was wrong!"

Sato Kazuma immediately apologized, Zhou Fangwu also laughed and shook his head.

After several hours of rushing, everyone finally came to the polluted lake staggeringly.

"Aqua, purify the lake."

Zhou Fangwu signaled Akuya to purify the lake, and then directed the rest of the people, "Others follow what they said before and start to act!"

"Understood!" X4

Afterwards, Akua squatted by the lake, put his hands into the lake and began to purify.

She is the goddess of water, as long as her body touches the water source, the sewage will be purified naturally.

But this ability is a double-edged sword. Since she is a goddess, wine, tea, juice, etc. will also be purified into pure water by her, so no matter what you drink, it is tasteless fresh water.

"Akua, how long does it take to purify the lake?"

"Well... for this size, it will take more than half a day."

"very long!"

Sato Kazuma was very dissatisfied with this speed, "It's still [that] because of you, it's too slow."

"Which [that] is!" Akuya also replied dissatisfied: "This speed is already very fast! If you are not satisfied, come here!"

[You do what you want] This trick successfully made Sato Kazuma stop taunting Aqua.

As time passed, the sun rose and the temperature rose.

2 hours later...

Zhou Fangwu's [Enemy Sensing] was activated, and he reminded everyone, "Attention everyone, there are crocodiles infesting!"

Pulling out his Taidao, he said to Darkness beside him:

"Darkness, now you and I need to restrain the crocodiles, and after pulling the crocodiles into groups..."



"I said, no need! I can do it by myself, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com This is my responsibility as a crusader!" Darkness said without hesitation.

As handsome as it is, it would be even better if she didn't have a perverted flush on her face.

"I'm on!"

"Hey, Darkness!"

Darkness rushed forward immediately, disrupting Zhou Fangwu's deployment, causing the team's formation to be pulled apart.

"No way, I'm going too!"

Zhou Fangwu gritted his teeth and attracted some of the crocodiles to run in the opposite direction of Darkness to relieve her of the burden.



Sato Kazuma had been waiting for a long time, and took out his longbow to aim at the crocodiles running behind Zhou Fangwu.

"Sniper! Sniper! Sniper! Sniper! Sniper!"

He is no longer the novice who holds a bow and arrow but can't use it. After learning the skill of [sniper], he can be called a sharpshooter!


Firing N arrows continuously, Kazuma Sato finally eliminated all the crocodiles behind Zhou Fangwu.

All that's left is the crocodile in Darkness...


When Sato Kazuma turned his head to look at Darkness, he found that she was besieged and bitten by a group of crocodiles, and she screamed from time to time.

But after he listened carefully for a while, he looked disgusted, "I was actually immersed in it... Sure enough, not only the performance, but even the nature is hopeless."

Darkness, immersed in the attack of being bitten by a crocodile...

"I really don't want to save..."

Although he said so, Sato Kazuma still set up his bow and arrows, and eliminated the crocodiles besieging around Darkness one by one.

In this way, after 8 hours, the commission was completed.

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