Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 117: Kiel's Dungeon

"Didn't expect that I traveled again and again (!

Explore dungeons.

It is an extremely dangerous adventure task.

There are endless traps, if you are not careful, people will stay there forever, never getting out again.

Of course, high risk comes with high reward.

There are many treasures in the dungeon, and there are many adventurers who are lucky enough to get some rare treasures and get rich overnight.

As a result, under the temptation of this kind of sudden wealth, most adventurers went on to explore the dungeon one after another, hoping that good luck would come to them.

However, not everyone is lucky.

This has resulted in the high death rate of adventurers exploring the dungeon.

And adventurers don't want to give up this opportunity to get rich, so every team that wants to explore the dungeon will be equipped with adventurers who are thieves in order to ensure their safety.

Veteran thieves like Chris are even more sought after.

However, a second-in-command like Sato Kazuma can still come in handy.

After all, [Trap Sensing] and [Trap Disarming] needed to explore the dungeon, these two necessary skills have already been learned.

However, these two skills are not very friendly to Zhou Fangwu.

After analyzing the two skills [Trap Sensing] and [Trap Disarming], he found that they were both related to flexibility and luck.

He is confident in his flexibility, but luck is worth it, even if Zhou Fangwu is a time traveler, there is really nothing he can do.

His lucky value is the average.

However, excluding the lucky value, he is confident in his flexibility and is not weak.

In fact, it can only rely on flexibility.

Get out of town.

It only took about half a day for the team to arrive at the foot of the mountain not far away.

Follow the path up.

Not long after, an old but sturdy cabin appeared in everyone's sight.


These three big characters are written on the signboard above.

"Senior Zhou Fang, that is the dungeon."

Following the direction of Sato and Makoto's fingers, Zhou Fangwu saw a dark cave entrance on the mountain wall not far from the cabin.

"Is that the entrance to the dungeon?"

A little surprised.

In Zhou Fangwu's perception, he always thought that the entrances to dungeons were all underground or at the foot of the mountain.

But I didn't expect the entrance of this dungeon to be on the mountain wall?

"Yes, that is the entrance to the dungeon."

Sato Kazuma explained to everyone in the team.

"The name of that dungeon is [Kiel's Dungeon]. A long time ago, an archmage named Kiel fell in love with a noble daughter. They..."

Hearing his words, Zhou Fangwu remembered the lich purified by Akuya in the original book, the lich archmage named Kiel.

"No way... Is this the super high lucky value?"

Zhou Fangwu sighed a little.

To be on the safe side, he asked Sato Kazuma to find a simple dungeon.

Because it is just to accumulate experience and familiarize yourself with the process, and it is not for money, so simplicity and safety should be the main focus.

Sato Kazuma also patted his chest and said that the dungeon they were going to had already been explored by other adventurers, and there was no danger or treasure found at all, so they could go there with confidence.

Zhou Fangwu trusted him.

However, is it actually the dungeon of the Lich Archmage with a lot of treasures?

This is the super high lucky value?

Really want!

Come to the entrance of the dungeon.

"Okay, then Sato Kazuma and I will go in and explore. Akua, Darkness, Megumin, the three of you are waiting for us in the shelter. If we haven't returned after a day, go to the town Go find Bill and ask him to organize adventurers to rescue us, okay?"

Arrange the tasks of the next three women.

Let them know that they still have things to do, and don't let themselves go and ignore everything.

"Are you really going?"

Akuya was still a little worried, "Why don't we go explore the dungeon after Chris comes back, I'm really worried, why don't I follow along."

"Hey, Aqua! Don't worry about me! Don't underestimate people, you idiot!"

Sato Kazuma immediately wanted to understand that Akuya was worried about him. Although he didn't say it clearly, the meaning was that he was afraid that he would not be able to play a role and cause trouble for the team leader.

As if to prove that he is useful and can lead Zhou Fangwu, he said to everyone:

"Kies taught me an archer skill called [Clairvoyance], which can see the shape of objects in a completely dark environment with no light. That is to say, even if there is no light, I can still take Senior Zhou Fang Safely walk through the traps and bypass the interception of monsters. Not to mention, I have taught Senior Zhou Fang this skill a long time ago."

"Well, that's it."

Zhou Fangwu pinched her tender cheeks with a funny face, and said: "Akuya, it's okay. Today is just a tentative exploration, the purpose is to detect terrain traps and experiment skills, so I will be back soon, don't worry .”

This is not only to comfort her, but also really afraid that she will follow secretly.

If she left, Darkness and Megumin would definitely follow her.

At that time, in case of any accident, Zhou Fangwu really couldn't protect them.

"Okay, let's go, Sato-kun."


Stop dawdling, and greet Sato Kazuma to go to the dungeon together.

Enter the dungeon.

Zhou Fangwu and Sato Kazuma activated the skills of [Latent] and [Clairvoyance] together, and rushed to the depths of the dungeon.

However, the two did not travel much distance before being exposed.

Zhou Fangwu's thinking was a bit simple.

In the periphery, most of the monsters can be bypassed by [lurking] and [clairvoyance], but it can't work in the depths.

These two skills are useless!

Perhaps the two of them were alive, and to these undead who stayed in the dark and cold dungeon for a long time, they seemed to be extraordinarily dazzling existences.

These undead were like zombies in movies, they all rushed over after smelling the smell of living people, blocking the roads of the dungeon densely.

However, Zhou Fangwu was not panicked at all.

He had already learned the High Priest's [Purification] skill, and this group of low-level undead was not enough to look at in front of his huge amount of magic power!

After countless undead were purified, Zhou Fangwu wiped the sweat from his forehead, panting slightly.

"Senior Zhou Fang, are we here today?"

Sato Kazuma had been acting as a pendant when Zhou Fangwu was purifying the undead. When he saw that the team leader was tired, he thought of leaving first and coming back when he was fully prepared next time.

"No, let's continue."

Zhou Fangwu knew that there was still a Lich Archmage waiting in the depths.

So he didn't want to give up this opportunity.

I have always wanted to learn Lich skills with Wiz~www.wuxiamtl.com~ but Akuya will not allow him to go, no matter how much we can discuss it.

no way.

Zhou Fangwu, who doted on her, had no choice but to give up.

And this time, how could he let go of such a good opportunity?

Otherwise, when he knew that this dungeon was [Kiel's Dungeon], how could he not bring Akuya of the Tianke undead race?


It's not easy for a man who wants to 'steal'!

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