"My answer?"

Zhou Fangwu twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Sorry, I still refuse."

Zhou Fangwu still refused.

Roswaal thought that Zhou Fangwu would agree with Emilia's recent efforts if he saw her, and consciously acted as her knight.

But in fact, Zhou Fangwu would not agree so simply, nor would he allow Roswaal to manipulate and manipulate recklessly.

"Until Emilia has not completed the test, I will not become her knight."

Zhou Fangwu said very seriously: "This is the condition and my bottom line."

"Why, Wu! Is it because the task has not been completed?!"

Nayuki Subaru got angry on the spot, and he shouted full of confusion: "Emilia will soon be recognized by the villagers, and she will definitely pass the test! What difference does it make if she becomes her knight sooner or later?" ?!"

"Mr. Caiyue! It is [you] who will soon gain the approval of the villagers, not Emilia! She just accepted your achievements and accepted your kindness! What did she do in it? What role?"

Zhou Fangwu said with emphasis that Emilia did not make any contribution to the task of "gaining the approval of the villagers".

All of this is caused by Natsuki Subaru, and Emilia just caters to his good intentions and enjoys the benefits.

"Emilia must learn to grow up, not a waste who only depends on others!"

As Zhou Fangwu said these words, the air in the meeting room instantly became frozen.

Roswaal smiled and didn't care, Ram and Rem also acted as transparent people, only Emilia bowed her head in reflection silently.

Of course, there is also Natsuki Subaru's puzzled, angry and disappointed eyes.


Parker wanted to comfort her, but Zhou Fangwu mentioned it to it before.

Said, if it can't participate in helping Emilia's growth process, then try to downplay its own figure as much as possible, and don't always highlight unnecessary roles at critical moments.

The critical moment that Zhou Fangwu mentioned is now.


Emilia apologized in a low voice.

"No, you didn't apologize to me, and you don't need to apologize to me."

Zhou Fangwu didn't accept her apology, but said bluntly: "If you insist on saying sorry, it's to Mr. Cai Yue who has been helping you hard, and to yourself who doesn't know how to make progress."

These sharp and difficult words enhanced Natsuki Subaru's sense of existence.

I have done so much for her, but in the end she didn't even have the courage to face it.

Even last time, it was Zhou Fangwu who pointed out her inner thoughts, and she made a little progress.

Similarly, this sentence is also reprimanding Nayue Subaru for helping Emilia too much, but it did not allow her to grow.

This is what is called too much.

However, these are also under Zhou Fangwu's control.

Emilia needs to be whipped, she needs to be reprimanded in order to improve.

And this task was handed over to Zhou Fangwu.

As for the task that she still needs to be comforted and encouraged by others, that is the matter of Natsuki Subaru.

"Emilia Tan..."

Nayue Subaru knew that Zhou Fangwu allowed Emilia to be recognized by the villagers so that she could grow better.

He just can't bear to be troubled by the person he likes, he wants to help Emilia!

But when Zhou Fangwu explained the reasons for his refusal, he realized that because of his too much involvement, Emilia had even more trouble.

Everything he does is pointless!

This made him want to comfort Emilia, but he couldn't say anything.

The air in the meeting room became more and more oppressive.

"You guys, what are you doing?"

The pleasant child's voice suddenly sounded in the silent conference room, attracting everyone's attention.

"Ah, it's Beatrice—ah."

Roswaal greeted her in a strange way, "It's - really strange -, why - came out of the forbidden library?"

"Hmph, Betty didn't come to look for you."

Betty snorted arrogantly.

Although Zhou Fangwu forced her to communicate with them at dinner time these days, Betty's attitude has not changed at all, she still looks like a cute tsundere princess.

"Beatrice, what's wrong?"

Everyone was silent, Zhou Fangwu acted as the speaker, and asked: "It's not time for dinner yet, coming out of the forbidden library is not like your style."

"It's not you! Betty has been waiting for you in the forbidden library for a long time, why don't you come over!"

This time of day is the time when he and Betty get along happily in the Forbidden Library and teach Betty the knowledge of the different world.

It's just that there was an accident today, Zhou Fangwu did not appear in the forbidden library.

Betty couldn't wait any longer, so she came out to look for it.

However, this seemingly reasonable explanation was actually Betty's discovery that Zhou Fangwu's image in the eyes of everyone in the mansion was not good at this time, so she came out in time to save the scene and wanted to take him away from here.

"Sorry, I forgot."

Zhou Fangwu also knew what Betty was thinking, and it happened that it was time for him to leave the stage, so he accepted Betty's kindness.

"Let's go, Betty."

Walked out of the conference room with Betty, looked back at Emilia, and said, "You have to learn to grow, not someone will come to help you at any time.

[The important thing is not the result, but the harvest in the process, whether it can make me grow. 】”

Although he said a lot of exaggerated words, Zhou Fangwu believed that she would be able to understand the meaning.

and Betty to the Forbidden Library.

Zhou Fangwu took out a book, and when he was about to teach her posture, he heard her say:

"Is this really good?"


"That little half-elf girl, Roswaal and the others take it very seriously."

Betty said worriedly: "Aren't you afraid of offending those people in the mansion when you say those words?"

"It doesn't matter."

Zhou Fangwu smiled and said, "They didn't recognize me because I could be Emilia's knight, but they wanted me to be Emilia's knight because they recognized me."


Betty murmured softly, and then said arrogantly: "Well, this is your own business, and it has nothing to do with Betty."

She looked so arrogant, as if she wanted to help Zhou Fangwu with good intentions but was rejected, and she looked unhappy.

Just in time, Zhou Fangwu also took the opportunity to ask her a question.

"Beatrice too, are you close to me because of who I am, or do you choose to be close to me for a reason?"


Hearing Zhou Fangwu's question, Betty fell silent immediately, and at the same time, her little hand holding the book turned white.

She can't say it!

After waiting for a long time, Betty still didn't say the reason.

"Really... I see."

Only then did Zhou Fangwu understand.

The reason why Betty didn't reject him and even got close to him was not because he gained Betty's approval and walked into her heart.

It's because Betty subconsciously regards him as [that person] mentioned in the contract, so she gets so close to him~www.wuxiamtl.com~Although they are close, this is not Betty's subjective consciousness, but The contract is controlling her.

This is not what Zhou Fangwu wants!

"Sorry, Betty, I'm not the one you're waiting for."

Zhou Fangwu sighed in disappointment.

Closing the book and standing up, he said to her, "I don't think it's suitable for me to come here for a while."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Betty was left alone sitting on a large chair, staring blankly at the blank pages in her hands.

The petite body and the empty forbidden library form a distinct and strong sense of loneliness.

"My lord..."

Betty whispered softly.

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