A powerful and dazzling [Sword of Light] forced the large magic dog back, and then Zhou Fangwu descended from the sky very gracefully.

This is handsome like a savior, but only one man saw it in the end.

This made him a little depressed.

However, this was also within his expectations.

He didn't look back, but asked aloud while guarding against the large magic dog: "Mr. Caiyue, are you okay?"

"Ah, how should I put it, at least I'm still alive."

Natsuki Subaru wanted to stand up with difficulty.

But the moment he saw Zhou Fangwu appearing, his body relaxed and fell to the ground, unable to stand up no matter what.

"The internal organs were moved to a nest, breathing became difficult, and the brain became dizzy and unconscious due to lack of oxygen. If it wasn't for Wu's rescue, I might have died."

While talking about his physical condition, he laughed at himself and said, "I'm sorry, I'm the one who is holding back again."

"Hehe, yes."

General Zhou Fang kicked back the large magic dog that attacked, "But thanks to Caiyue-kun's desperate resistance, we can protect Rem and Emilia who are in a coma, and persist until I come to rescue, right?"


"Remember this feeling of powerlessness, and recognize your own weakness! Then, grow up, Nayue-kun!"

"Ah! I swear, I must become stronger!"

After Nayue Subaru yelled, he said to Zhou Fangwu: "But, this time I'll leave it to you, Wu!"

"Well, leave it to me!"

Zhou Fangwu had already adjusted his breathing method, and the magic power began to surge rapidly and immediately turned on the state of [Stripe (Thunder)].

"Thunder's breath·One type·Thunderbolt flash!"

Zhou Fangwu turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed out in no time. The bright lightning flashed across Nayue Subaru's sight. When he blinked again, the head of the large magic dog had left its body, and blood sprayed from its neck.

Big magic dog, die!

"So strong, really so strong..."

Without comparison, there is no harm.

Caiyue Subaru muttered to himself in a daze after seeing Zhou Fangwu knocking off the monster in such an easy and freehand manner. At the same time, he felt a strong sense of soreness deep in his heart.

He knew that this feeling was called jealousy.

They are all time travelers, why are you so outstanding?


Zhou Fangwu let out a breath and turned off the stripe mode.

Don't look at it as just one blow, but Zhou Fangwu used all his strength.

Although it means killing a chicken with a sledgehammer, it is also necessary to arouse Natsuki Subaru's desire for great strength, and make him work hard for this goal.

Using the thunder-attribute breathing method also feels that Natsuki Subaru is more suitable.

Go to Natsuki Subaru and use the [Healing] skill on him to heal his injuries.

Asked: "How is it, do you want to learn?"

He replied without hesitation: "Yes!"

"Then, after going back, it will be hell-level training, can you bear it?"

"I will definitely stick to it!"

"Okay, very energetic!"

Seeing the firm look in his eyes, Zhou Fangwu nodded in satisfaction.

"I already know your beliefs, but let's put aside the teaching of sword skills first, let's take Rem and Emilia out first."

"By the way, Rem, Emilia!"

Hearing Zhou Fangwu's words, Nayue Subaru struggled to get up, and staggered to the side of the two women.

After finding that the black mist on their bodies had dissipated, the heart that had been hanging in the air was relieved at this moment.

The curse has been lifted, and Rem and Emilia are safe and sound.

This is inevitable.

Zhou Fangwu was afraid of accidents, so he specifically asked Meili to engrave only one monster seal on the two girls. When the big magic dog died, the curse would naturally dissipate.

Later, Zhou Fangwu treated the two women again.


Although Rem and Emilia fell into a coma, they were only a little out of strength due to the spell.

Not long after, the two women opened their eyes again.

Emilia shook her drowsy head lightly, frowned slightly and said, "What's wrong with me, where is this place, what happened... Hey, why is Wu here?"

She quickly went through what happened today in her mind, and after she realized it, she saw Zhou Fangwu treating them.

Rem didn't speak, but silently regained her strength. Although her expression was still cold, at least she did not refuse Zhou Fangwu's treatment.

"Oh, are you awake?"

After Zhou Fangwu finished his treatment, he asked again, "Do you still remember what happened before?"

"Hmm... roughly. I remember that a little girl disappeared before. Rem, Subaru and I came to look for it. After we found the little girl, Subaru took her away quickly..."

After Emilia recalled it, she hurriedly asked Natsuki Subaru, "By the way! Subaru, where is that little girl?"

Nayue Subaru grinned and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I have already brought her out of the forest!"

"Well, then I'm relieved."

Emilia patted her chest with a relieved look on her face.

"Okay, since everyone is done, let's leave quickly."

Zhou Fangwu was preparing the [space transfer] magic during their conversation, and said to them: "The monster forest at night is too dangerous, and none of you are able to move. For safety's sake, I have prepared to transfer the magic. gone."

"Well, thank you, Wu."

"Really reliable!"


The words of the three were different, but they all had relaxed expressions on their faces.

"Let's go, then."

While speaking, Zhou Fangwu's magic circle had been constructed, and the coordinate point of the shift was in the courtyard of the Earl's mansion.

The group of people was surrounded by dark purple light and shot up into the sky, before disappearing into the forest of monsters in the blink of an eye.

When they reappeared, everyone had already arrived at the Earl's Mansion.

The magic circle dissipated, and the first thing that came into view was Ram who had entered the battle state.

Magic is condensed in her hands, ready to face the enemy.


Emilia looked at her and asked curiously, "Why do you look so serious?"

"Rem, Lady Emilia...?"

Just now, Ram received a call for help from the villagers and was ready to go to the rescue.

When I just passed through the courtyard, I saw a ray of light descending from the sky. She thought it was an enemy attack, so she stopped and prepared to attack.

But the light dissipated, and what was revealed inside was not the enemy, but the person she was about to go out to find.

"Rem, Emilia-sama, are you alright!"

Seeing that his sister was injured, Ram ran over anxiously, but couldn't see Subaru Natsuki who was lying limp on the ground beside him.

"Hey, Senior Ram, I'm injured too!"

Natsuki Subaru wanted Ram's care and care. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

However, instead of getting Ram's care and care, he received blame and scolding instead.

"Barus actually injured Lord Emilia and Rem. You are really disqualified as a housekeeper. How about dying a hundred times?"


Natsuki Subaru remained silent, unable to say even a word of apology.

Ram continued to speak harshly: "If you don't speak, you are already dead. Do you want me to set up a tombstone for you?"


"Set up two tombstones for Barus."


"Don't worry, although your unpaid salary is not enough to cover the cost of two tombstones, but Ram has decided that you will only be charged half of the cost for the second tombstone, please thank Ram for his kindness."

what is this?

Half price for the second monument?

It may be that Ram's poisonous tongue was too much, causing Natsuki Subaru's dissatisfaction. He shouted: "Hey! Can't you comfort me?"

"Hmph, seeing how energetic you are, there should be no need for consolation."

Ram knew that Subaru Natsuki wanted someone to reprimand him, so that he could feel better.

So she played the role consciously.

Although he has been venomous, this kind of tenderness has brought Natsuki Subaru out of self-blame.

It's just that this doesn't represent their master, whether Roswaal also forgave Rem and Natsuki Subaru.

Sure enough, Roswaal, who appeared just before dawn, was about to punish the two for their dereliction of duty on the spot.

But Emilia also pleaded in time, saying that all this was caused by her willfulness, so Rem and Natsuki Subaru were exempted from punishment.

This time, not only Natsuki Subaru has grown, but Emilia has also grown up.

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