Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 965: 965: Meet with acquaintances (1)

"Brother Mo Yu, I can't learn things from your ancestors, I..."

Ning Huanxin subconsciously rejected Mo Yu, who knew that at this moment, Mo Yu smiled faintly from the side: "Junior sister, now I am the only one in our family. Mo Xiao and I... There may be no descendants in the future, I can't Let the thousand-year heritage of our family be ruined in my hands, and this little magic is easy to learn, and it might be helpful to you."

With that, Mo Yu suddenly took out a folded stack of white paper from his pocket and handed it to Ning Huanxin's hand.

"I copied it by hand overnight last night, and there are notes and experience on it. Junior sister, you only need to meditate and use spiritual energy to sense, and you can naturally sense the above spells."

This handwritten cheat was naturally made by Mo Yu, and it seemed to others to be nothing more than blank paper.

"Thank you brother."

Ning Huanxin and Mo Yu thanked each other.

"Brother, you and Mo Xiao should continue to live in Gu's house. I will go down the mountain to meet a few friends in the city. In the evening, Ah Xing and I will live in Jiang's house. Everyone can take care of each other in Yuhai Mountain. "



Ning Huanxin actually made an appointment with Yue Xinyi and Xu Liwei today, so she drove down the mountain after saying goodbye to Mo Yu.

The place where she invited people to eat was still Boss Shen’s private restaurant, but Ning Huanxin was a regular customer here, but it was the first time that Yue Xinyi and Xu Liwei came here, a little curious.

"Such a remote and exquisite little private restaurant, I haven't been to Yanjing for so many years. You are very good at Huanxin!"

Yue Xinyi sighed after eating the special dishes of Mr. Shen.

"Actually, it was introduced to me by a friend."

Ning Huanxin smiled, and then carefully took out a small box from his backpack. Naturally, the small box contained the safety charm of Xu Liwei.

"Awei, I'll give you this back, thank you for your kindness."

"Not so polite."

Xu Liwei smiled and took back his safety charm, but Xu Liwei's face changed slightly when the safety charm was in his hand.

"Haixin, my peace talisman... seems to be different from the original?"

He had worn this peace charm for many years, and he had a sense of it. Now, Xu Liwei clearly felt it, and Ning Huanxin gave his own brand peace charm that its aura seemed to be stronger than before.

"You have a peaceful talisman for a long time, and your spiritual power is a little lacking, so I asked someone to help you bless it again."

Ning Huanxin whispered lightly, since Yue Xinyi and Xu Liwei regard themselves as friends, and even the peace talisman is willing to give them to themselves, Ning Huanxin always wants to express that this peace talisman has been reinfused with some spiritual power by her, so that Xu Liwei will wear it again It will be valid for ten or eight years.

"Heart, thank you!"

Xu Liwei and Yue Xinyi were very happy and excited.

The three of them ate this meal very happily, but after the meal, Ning Huanxin did not leave, she would continue to wait for others here.

"Miss Ning, have tea."

At this time, the lady boss brought a cup of tea to Ning Huanxin and asked with a smile, "Is Miss Ning waiting for her boyfriend?"


Ning Huanxin nodded, and looked at Mrs. Shen: "Miss Boss, Zhang Yuanjian hasn't been here to help these days?"

"No, I heard Yuan Jian say that his master would take him to a competition. He went back to train with the seniors!"


Ning Huan was taken aback. Could Zhang Yuanjian also participate in the Xuanmen Newcomer Competition?

It seems that I will meet acquaintances in this competition? Don’t know if they will recognize themselves then?

[Eighth more] Thank you everyone for your reward and support, okay?

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