Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 952: 952: The Obsession of the Lonely Soul (3)


After a long silence, that lonely soul suddenly waved at Liang Ruobing.


Liang Ruobing took a few steps forward and smiled at the lonely soul in front of her. She could only see a black shadow, but the shadow made her feel very kind and loving.

That's what her father looks like in her heart.

"After Dad is gone, Ruobing, can you protect yourself? There are good people and many bad people in this world. Dad is afraid..."

"I can protect myself."

Liang Ruobing nodded vigorously: "Dad, I won't sneak out to play at night anymore. Uncle Six was also arrested. Mom said that we will be left behind. I have to listen carefully to my mother and not make my mother angry anymore. I will be obedient, dad, you can still see me in heaven."

"Well, good."

Lonely nodded. Although he was just a shadow, Ning Huanxin still felt his tenderness.

"Miss Ning, can I ask you?"

He suddenly whispered to Ning Huanxin: "I know that you are in the Profound Sect. I heard that your Profound Sect has immense powers. I don't know if you can find someone to help Ruo Bing have a look and see if she can be cured. Disease?"


Ning Huan froze for a moment, then hesitated and nodded: "Recently, there have been a lot of capable people and strangers in Yanjing. I can ask my friend to help me find it, but...I can't guarantee that she will be cured. ."

"Okay, I believe you."

Lonely nodded.

He had no worries, and Liang Ruobing was his last worries. If he could entrust Liang Ruobing to a trustworthy person, he would really have no worries.

And these days, he also observed Ning Huanxin, she was indeed a person with justice in her heart.

Moreover, she could obviously kill herself with her ability, but she gave herself another choice.

"Ruobing, Dad is gone."

Lonely sighed, this was his final farewell to this world.

At this time, a space-time vortex suddenly appeared behind him, and his soul was gradually absorbed by the vortex. Ning Huanxin saw that the dark shadow gradually became clear and gradually turned into a man's appearance.

The man was gentle and elegant, dressed in a long robe, and smiled faintly at them.

Looking at his costume, he really has been dead for a long, long time.

"Dad, goodbye!"

Liang Ruobing burst into tears, but smiled at the man while crying.

"Okay don't cry! Don't cry! Brother will protect you!"

Jiang Sanshao on the side could not help but comfort Liang Ruobing, the third youngest was most afraid of women's tears.

"I will help you protect her. Don't worry!"

At this moment, Jiang Liran actually yelled at the man.

After a while, everything in the mountains and forests returned to silence.

The lonely soul was no longer bound, and naturally left the sun.

He is a kind and loving soul. Even if he kills, he will kill the person who should be killed. Ning Huanxin believes that he will have a good start after the reincarnation.

As for...

Ning Huanxin suddenly turned around and glanced at Jiang Liran, who was gently comforting Liang Ruobing.

"San Young Master, how do you want to take care of Ruo Bing?"

"I took their mother and daughter to Yanjing, and sent female bodyguards, babysitters, and drivers to protect them."

Jiang Liran's righteous words: "There is absolutely no one who can hurt her like this, and I can ask the master to help her treat her illness!"

"I didn't expect you to be so soft-hearted in your bones?"

Ning Huanxin was a little surprised, and sure enough, no one could look at the surface.

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