Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 942: 942: I don't know anything

"Miss Ning, we can't afford to pay the money."

Liang Laoliu, who had been sitting on the chair, suddenly struggled to get up and knelt in front of Ning Huanxin with a plop.

"Please, don't break us down, the villagers will die!"

The villagers in Hongcun wanted very little, really very little.

Otherwise, the Tianyuan Group had only given 100,000 compensations, and they would not accept it so calmly.

From five million to one hundred thousand, what a gap!

The villagers in Hongcun are very simple and real. They feel that the hot springs are exhausted, so why are they embarrassed to charge more money?

With one hundred thousand yuan, they are really satisfied. In the future, the village will develop and the business in the resort will improve. Young people in the village can return to work in the resort, and the whole village will get better and better.

This is their dream. Although the resort seems to have been opened indefinitely due to a murder case, they are still immersed in this dream and do not want to wake up.

"ok, I get it."

Ning Huanxin sighed, raised his eyes and looked at Liang Laoliu deeply, whispering softly, "I will verify it. If this matter is true... I won't tell anyone."

If Li Guozheng left the money back, if it was really used to make contributions to the villagers in Hongcun, it would be considered a good deed.


After coming out of the room, Ning Huanxin was dazzled by the sunlight outside the door.

The sun today is really brilliant.

"Miss Ning, are you finished?"

Seeing Ning Huanxin's figure, Chi Hui immediately stepped forward and looked at her with a smile.


Ning Huanxin nodded: "I'm afraid he has something to hide, so I asked it again using our department's interrogation method. There is no problem. Captain Chi, I can leave it to you."

Ning Huan's righteous words on his face are worthy of being an actor, and his acting is naturally superb.

"OK, all right!"

Hearing Ning Huanxin’s words, Chi Hui nodded. He naturally believed Ning Huanxin’s words very much, because after returning yesterday, Chi Hui had already asked his boss and his old classmates. After much inquiries, he found out. What kind of organization is the three outstanding cases?

It is said that there is a place comparable to the ability group, the people inside are all from the Profound Gate, turning hands into clouds and covering hands into rain!

This Ms. Ning is a star on the surface, but she did not expect that she was actually an outsider!

It really is hidden in the city!


I identified the scene and found the bones of all the victims. With the murderer's confession and signatures, Chi Hui naturally completed the task smoothly and left Hongcun with Liang Laoliu.

Watching the police car go away again, the villagers gradually dispersed. In the end, only Du Jiutian stood beside Ning Huanxin, looking at her with a complicated expression.

"Miss Ning, don't you...know it?"


Ning Huanxin lifted his eyes, smiled at Du Jiutian, and whispered faintly: "Village Chief, what are you talking about? What do I know?"

"Although my old Du is just a small village chief, I still deal with high-ranking officials and nobles for the things in the village. I can see that Miss Ning, you are a smart person. We used to..."

"I am not interested in the history of your village."

Ning Huanxin suddenly interrupted Du Jiutian's words.

She squinted her eyes and looked at the way out of the village: "Village chief, everything in the resort will be fine. The third young master of the Jiang family is very rich. All major families in Yanjing will give the Jiang family face. In the future... It is getting better and better. The children of the villagers can find jobs nearby, have good schools to go to, and everything...will be fine."

[It’s over at 6 am. Little Lolita has a cold. I’m going to take care of it. I didn’t check for typos today. I have time to check again tomorrow. 】

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