Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 930: 930: go to reincarnation

Lao Liu has been telling himself for several years that he didn't intend to kill Li Guozheng's family, he didn't mean it.

It was Li Guozheng who acted maliciously against him. He was self-defense. Yes, he was self-defense and murder. He was not a demon who killed people indiscriminately.

And now...

Ning Huanxin's words caused the sixth child to fall into **** in an instant.

Although the sixth child didn't want to admit it, he knew in his heart that what Ning Huanxin said was true.

Li Guozheng was so sneaky that day, he was actually afraid that his identity as a fugitive would be revealed by himself.

Now he understands it, but everything is too late.

"The police will be here in a while. You can choose to knock me down, or kill me and escape."

Ning Huanxin spoke slowly again at this time.

At this time, the sixth child raised his eyes and glanced at Ning Huanxin, but didn't say anything. He turned his head and looked at the preserved egg's bed with regret.

"Preserved egg, sorry, sorry!"

"No matter how much you say sorry, he won't survive!"

Ning Huanxin checked her watch. After she called the police, the police had to set off from Yixian. It will take some time to get here.

Ning Huan hesitated for a while, she suddenly stepped forward and stunned Lao Liu with a knife.

After that, Ning Huanxin turned around and looked at the preserved egg tenderly.

"Preserved egg, do you remember it?"


At this time, the preserved egg stopped crying, he quietly looked at Ning Huanxin, and then suddenly walked to the room to the side.

"I remember it, Sister Fairy, I really didn't say anything! It would be fine if I didn't go out to play that day."

The preserved egg is still very self-blame.

"If I didn't go to the mountains to play, so... Mom and Dad would not die, I miss them, I miss Dad, I miss Mom."

Hearing the words of the preserved egg, Ning Huan looked at him tenderly.

"No, it’s not your fault, don’t you believe your sister? My sister is a fairy! You heard it just now because of that person, he made a mistake, and he was afraid that others would know, so he used a bigger mistake to conceal the previous Wrong, it’s not your fault at all! Don’t blame yourself, do you know? Your father, your mother, they have gone to another world, they reincarnate in another world, waiting to meet you again. "

"another world?"

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, the preserved egg's eyes lit up: "I want mom and dad, sister, why can't I go to another world?"

"Because you think too much, listen to your sister, don't think about anything, well, forget these unpleasantness, forget all your worries, stop thinking about that thing, you will see mom and dad soon!"

Preserved Egg has always blamed himself and regretted too much. Not only can he not leave this place, but he even deliberately forgot his memories before and after his death, so that he can deceive himself, father and mother, and still alive.

But now, after hearing Ning Huanxin's words, the preserved egg nodded, and he slowly calmed down.

It's not my fault, I'm going to find mom and dad!

Mom and Dad are still waiting for me in another world!

The preserved egg kept thinking about what Ning Huanxin said to herself.

He believed her, the fairy sister would not lie!

Slowly, white light appeared on the preserved egg, and a vague spatiotemporal vortex suddenly appeared in front of him.

Ning Huan's eyes lit up, she knew what it was!

This is the space-time passage between the underworld and the sun!

All the ghosts who are concerned that cannot enter the cycle of the underworld for the first time, after their concern and obsession dissipate, they can open this passage, enter the underworld from this passage, and enter the cycle of reincarnation.

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