Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 919: 919: Homicide in Hongcun (3)

The preserved egg nodded immediately after hearing Ning Huanxin's words, turned around and walked to his small room.

His room is neatly arranged, not like an ordinary rural child's room.

Ning Huanxin looked around. In addition to the small bed, there were also desks, bookshelves, and a small wooden wardrobe in the room. There was not much space to look around in this room, and there was no place to hide the corpse.

She frowned. At this time, Ning Huanxin suddenly saw a photo on the desk, a family portrait, and the child in that family portrait was a preserved egg.

"Preserved eggs, is this taken by your family?"

Ning Huanxin walked to the desk and picked up the photo frame. The background of the photo turned out to be a large playground in Yanjing.

"Well, this was taken when Mom and Dad took me to play."

The preserved egg nodded, looking nostalgic.

"In the past, my mother used to take me to the playground and bought me a lot of toys and a lot of delicious food, but...Since we moved here, my mother hasn't bought me anything and won't let me go out."

For these things, preserved eggs remember very clearly.

Ning Huanxin nodded when she heard the words. She took out her mobile phone and took the picture: "Precious egg, do you know what your parents are called? After the sister goes out, you can send a missing person notice to them!"

"I know! My father's name is Li Guozheng and my mother's name is Cai Xuelin."

The preserved egg has always remembered the names of his parents, and never forgot.

"Well, sister got it."

Ning Huanxin nodded, and immediately sent photos of the two names and the family of preserved eggs to Wang Qichao with his mobile phone, and asked him to check the background information of the family for himself.

Originally, Ning Huanxin thought that he would have to wait a long time. Who knows, in just a few minutes, Wang Qichao took the initiative to call himself.

"Preserved egg, you play by yourself first, my sister will answer the phone."

The light rain outside the window has stopped.

Ning Huanxin walked outside the door and slowly answered the phone.

"Huaxin, why do you have pictures of Li Guozheng's family?"

Wang Qichao's voice was a little excited, but also a little surprised.

"I got the photo by accident, Uncle Wang, this man... is there any problem?"

"He is a senior executive of a state-owned enterprise in Yanjing. He is suspected of running out of public funds and absconding with funds. He is a Class A cyber escape.

Wang Qichao's speech was very fast: "We have been looking for him, but there has been no news for a few years, Huanxin, have you seen him?"

"He... probably died long ago."

Ning Huanxin sighed, "I'm in his house now, but their whole family should have been killed a few years ago."


Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Wang Qichao was startled: "Did the murderer catch it?"

"No, I'm investigating this matter now, Uncle Wang, do you know how much money Li Guozheng took away? Did he bring a batch of cash away?"

Ning Huan remembered that the preserved egg had said that the devil took the villagers to their homes to look through things, would they...

They took the money from Li Guozheng?

Or is it because Li Guozheng’s identity was exposed and someone tried to kill his family for money?

"He should have taken away more than one million in cash back then, but I don't know the others."

Wang Qichao answered Ning Huanxin softly. After all, it was a case a few years ago, and their criminal police team would not intervene in this kind of case.

"Well, I see, thank you Uncle Wang."

"You're welcome, be careful, and call me whenever you need to."

Hearing Ning Huanxin said that she was investigating the case, Wang Qichao was still very worried. After all, in the case Ning Huanxin wanted to investigate, all the suspects were non-human and it was very dangerous.

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