"Now, Ruobing, eat this. There is mineral water here. Just take one. This is to be eaten on an empty stomach. After taking the medicine, let's go to breakfast soon."

Jiang Liran gently handed the cold medicine to Liang Ruobing and coaxed her to take the medicine.

Turning his head, he stared at Ning Huanxin coldly: "Hey, are you sure you want to eat too?"

Ning Huanxin:...

Ning Huanxin curled his lips.

Then he drew Jiang Liran to him, dragged him into the bedroom.


The door to the bedroom was closed forcefully, and Liang Ruobing was startled, and the cold medicine in his hand fell to the ground.

In the bedroom.

Jiang Liran looked at Ning Huanxin and squinted his eyes: "Hey, you don't want to slam me? I'm really not interested in you."

"You want to be beautiful."

Ning Huanxin rolled his eyes: "I know that Tianyuan Group is going to send someone to you today. You don't want the billions you spent to be lost? You want to unlock the secrets of this resort and recover the costs and make a fortune. What do you think of your cooperation with me?"


Jiang Liran was stunned for a moment. He would never dream that he would have the opportunity to cooperate with Ning Huanxin.

However, the secret of this villa...

Jiang Liran hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded, raising his eyes to see Ning Huanxin in front of him and speaking indifferently: "Okay, cooperation is cooperation, but you don't expect to command me, we are equal and cooperative."

As he said, he stretched out his right hand with an arrogant look: "Happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!"

Ning Huan's eyes flashed, and then slowly stretched out his hand, and shook Jiang Liran gently.

"Okay, I'm done with everything I want to say, let's get out!"

Ning Huanxin said, then opened the door and walked out.

Jiang Liran pulled his ears to the side. How could this woman speak so loudly? He was not deaf.

When the two came out, Liang Ruobing was already sitting on the sofa in the hall with the bottle of mineral water in his hand, and the cold medicine was placed aside.

"Ruobing, have you finished taking the medicine?"

Ning Huan asked caringly.


Liang Ruobing nodded.

"I'll go back and change my clothes first."

Ning Huanxin checked his watch, changed his clothes, cleaned up, and went downstairs for breakfast.

"Walk slowly and not send it."

Jiang Liran waved his hand behind him. He also ran back in the morning and had to change his clothes.

"Well, see you in the restaurant downstairs."

With that said, Ning Huanxin turned and walked out of the door.

After leaving Jiang Liran's room, Ning Huanxin sighed lightly. When she walked to the elevator, she couldn't help turning her head and glanced at the door of the suite, her eyes flickering...

When Ning Huanxin finished changing his clothes and washing up and came to the restaurant on the third floor, Jiang Liran had already arrived. He was sitting with Liang Ruobing. He didn't know what jokes he was telling, and made the little girl laugh.

At this time, a lot of people came to the restaurant. The staff on night shift last night all ate here this morning.

Because Jiang Liran instructed not to open the small stove alone, everyone had breakfast together, so now the employees are all sitting at the other dining tables aside.

The breakfast in the hotel is very simple, congee and side dishes, as well as eggs and crepes.

Ning Huanxin sat directly opposite Jiang Liran and Liang Ruobing. Jiang Liran just glanced at her, and then continued to talk lowly with Liang Ruobing.

Ning Huanxin didn't mind. After eating breakfast in a hurry, she returned to her room. Before leaving, she didn't forget to tell Jiang Liran that she would notify herself when Ji Yuyang arrived.

Back in his bedroom, Ning Huanxin did nothing, just sat on the bed quietly, practicing quietly.

Now, the preserved eggs don't remember anything, and the people in the village are unwilling to tell themselves anything.

Therefore, Ning Huanxin can only wait.

Waiting for Ji Yuyang to come, waiting for someone to slowly reveal his flaws.

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