Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 905: 905: Shadow Reappearance

The wandering souls just subconsciously gathered in the dark place, and kept wandering and wandering during the period.

Ning Huanxin practised psychic art. In this magic secret book, the types of ghosts and their characteristics were introduced. Although it was only the simplest and one-sided introduction, Ning Huanxin also benefited a lot.

She felt that she was slowly entering another world.

That world is completely different from the world of life that I knew before.

Ning Huanxin just stood under the tree for a few minutes, and found nothing special, so she left.

These wandering souls were obviously not what they were looking for.

Does the so-called lonely soul mean the preserved egg?

He is alone and alone.


After Ning Huanxin left, a cloud of black air gradually emerged from the soil under the old locust tree, and finally gradually condensed into a person's figure...

The resort village at night is very quiet, as quiet as a tomb.

Ning Huanxin ran up quickly from the bottom of the mountain, still breathing smoothly, her face as usual, when she walked to the gate of the resort villa, she subconsciously looked up at the sky.

There is no moon tonight, and the stars are light.

It seems that it will rain again tomorrow.

Ning Huanxin doesn't like rainy days, but...

It's going to rain and my mother is going to get married. There are so many things in this world that we don't like, but we don't necessarily have the ability to prevent them from happening.

When Ning Huanxin returned to the hotel, the whole hotel was also quietly. She took the elevator directly back to the 20th floor. When she reached her room, Ning Huanxin went to wash up. Fortunately, she brought all the daily necessities.

When Ning Huanxin came out of the bathroom, she saw that her mobile phone received a new text message, which was sent by Jiang Lixing.

Jiang Lixing: Have you rested? How is the schedule today?

Seeing this information, Ning Huanxin couldn't help but smiled, picked up the phone and called Jiang Lixing.

The phone rang for a long time before Jiang Lixing's voice came.


His voice is very deep, and there is a slight noise on the phone, it seems that the signal is not good?

Ning Huanxin didn't care much.

"Ahang, are you finished?"

At this moment, she was sitting on the bedside with the phone and asked in a low voice.

"Well, just finished, how about you? Did you go out with Yue Xinyi and others today?"

Before going out, Ning Huanxin had told Jiang Lixing what his trip was. That's why Jiang Lixing asked curiously.

Hearing Jiang Lixing’s question, Ning Huanxin smiled and whispered: "This is really lively, do you know who I met here? I met Jiang Liran!"

After Ning Huanxin got here in the morning, a series of things happened to Jiang Lixing.

"Jiang Liran actually bought this holiday villa?"

Jiang Lixing was also a little surprised when he heard Ning Huanxin's words.

"Yes, Sanshao Jiang is a stupid man with a lot of money, right?"

Ning Huan whispered in a low voice.


Unexpectedly, Jiang Lixing suddenly denied her words: "Jiang Liran is actually not very good at investing. He had failed in investment many times before and was cheated by others. So grandpa was very suspicious of his business talents, and just asked him to manage some families. The industry did not give him too much money for commercial investment. He actually dared to spend one billion at a time this time. It is definitely not a hothead. People are stupid with a lot of money!

Even the eldest master of the Jiang family, it is not easy to take out one billion at a time, so Jiang Liran is like gambling.

What if this resort resort really has any feng shui problems and it can't be opened? Wouldn't he have to pay a lot of money?

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