Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 902: 902: The village chief's invitation (1)

Before she could say anything, Liu Yun turned around and left quickly.

It runs really fast.

Ning Huanxin felt that she might be really unwelcome, and she was about to turn around and stroll around the village again.

Suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"Miss Ning, why are you here?"

This voice is...

Ning Huan turned his head and saw the village chief Du Jiutian standing not far away with complicated eyes.

"The village chief, do you know me?"

Ning Huanxin remembers that he didn't introduce his identity and name to him, right?

Hearing Ning Huanxin's rhetorical question, Du Jiutian smiled faintly: "I just went to the Holiday Villa, so I know that Miss Ning is a distinguished guest. At noon, I didn't know the identity of you and Young Master Jiang. How offended! Miss Ning Have you eaten dinner yet? Why don't you go to the humble house and eat some country dishes?

Du Jiutian was very good at talking.

Hearing what he said, Ning Huanxin was also very curious.

Liu Yun seemed to be afraid that Ning Huan would ask herself something, but Du Jiutian, contrary to her, was incredibly enthusiastic and offered to invite her.

"Okay, I'm just a little hungry. There must be a lot of delicious food in the village chief's house, right?"

Ning Huan asked Du Jiutian.

"Haha, nothing, but I still have vegetables and poultry in my own house, so I will call my old lady and ask her to add vegetables!"

While talking, the village chief took out the phone, raised his other finger and pointed in a direction while making a call, and signaled Ning Huanxin to follow him in that direction.

Ning Huanxin nodded and walked forward slowly.

Du Jiutian finished the call very quickly and looked at Ning Huanxin with a smile on his face: "Miss Ning, is this your first time in our village? What do you think?"

"The village is good, the scenery is good, and the air is good."

With that said, Ning Huanxin suddenly turned his head and glanced at Du Jiutian, and continued to whisper: "It's just that the population in the village is a little less. I have been here for a day and haven't seen many young people. Why are they not there?"

"Hey, young people nowadays, who wants to stay in the countryside? Everyone has hardened wings and wants to go to the big city. The village sold the mountain two years ago. Didn't every household divide some money? Those young people When I have money, I go to big cities to buy buildings and cars. Those who are more filial will pick them up from their parents, or save some money. Those who are not filial will simply disappear long ago."

While talking, Du Jiutian shook his head and sighed, with a look of hatred for iron and steel.

Hearing Du Jiutian's words, Ning Huan raised his brows: "So it's like this?"

The village chief was really clever, before Ning Huanxin found a chance to ask about the compensation, he blocked Ning Huanxin's words in advance.

However, it does not matter.

Ning Huanxin took out her mobile phone as she walked, and then pretended to whisper indifferently: "It's a pity that the young people in your village don't like such a good environment. You see, I took some photos in the afternoon. The scenery in the village is really beautiful, yes."

At this time, Ning Huanxin suddenly pointed to a photo on the phone: "The village chief, this house seems to be different from other houses. I have been walking around the village for a long time. Every house in the village has a color style. But although this one is also white, it looks different from the others."

The house Ning Huanxin was pointing to was naturally the home of preserved eggs.

Seeing the photos on Ning Huanxin's phone, Du Jiutian's face changed slightly.

[Six changes in the morning are over, there are recommendations this weekend, so the remaining two changes will be updated at 12 noon. 】

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